Sunday, August 18, 2013

Parable 149 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Parable 149 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   A very wise man one day was asked to address a group of students.  The principal of the school wanted this man to share some practical advice to prepare the students for their future.  The wise man had been praying for a period of time about what he would share.  He finally settled on his subject.  The night of the address he told them that jobs, possessions, homes and education were important but not that important.  He then related that family, friendship and relationships were still not the important things.  He then read them, Prov 1:7, where is states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  He then explained that wisdom is life skills   and it is the ability to use knowledge and information wisely.  He close with the thought that if they wanted to be successful they had to seek the Lord first and then all things would be added to them.  To refuse he related would lead to a hollow life no matter how much success they may attain.

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