Wednesday, September 28, 2022

You have a home in heaven

Proverbs of Steel for Sept 28, 2022


Quotes for Sept 28, 2022


Sept 28 - Death – Psalm 116:15

 Sept 28 -   Death – Psalm 116:15


     The subject of today’s devotion can be either sad or happy.  When someone thinks about death it brings many emotions to mind.  For some it brings fear and dread.  To others it reminds them of their mortality and the uncertainty of life.  To the child of God it is just a passing from one reality to another.  The Christian looks forward to death with anticipation for they know it is a promotion.  The psalmist says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.    The Lord is the author of death of life.  Birth is the beginning of life and death is the end.  Man has a beginning but no end. 

     The Lord anticipates and looks forward to eternal relationship with His people.  Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave.  That is why Paul stated in 1 Cor 15, that death has lost it sting and victory.  When a Christian passes into eternity it is not a defeat but victory.  We will ever be with the Lord.  Paul stated that to live is Christ but to die is gain.  Nothing is this life is as wonderful as what waits for the child of God in eternity.  The Lord has more than once allowed me to see into eternity what awaits for all of us to know the Lord is beyond description.  So neve fear death but look forward to the greatest promotion yet.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

You are part of the family of God

Prayer time for needs

Prayer time for our country

Prayer for Communities

Prayer time for families

Prayer for the individual.

AM 930 the light for September 26, 2022

Proverbs of Steel for Sept 27, 2022


Quotes for Sept 27, 2022


Sept 27 – How can I repay – Psalm 116:12-13

 Sept 27 – How can I repay – Psalm 116:12-13


      The psalmist asks himself as question.  What can I do to repay the Lord for His goodness?  He can we even pay back the Lord for all His goodness.  There is nothing we can do but thank and praise the Lord.  There is nothing we can give, or do to repay the Lord.  How can we repay someone who has evetyhign and is everything?  That is a pondering question.

     The psalmist then makes a decision.  He will fulfill his vows that he has made to the Lord in the presence of witnesses.  He decides to be a man of integrity and truth.  He decided what Jesus said.  He would let his yes be yes and his no, be no.  He would be a man who could be trusted to do whatever he said he would do.  God had been good to him and he in turn would be good to others.  Righteous and love breed righteousness and love.  The law of the harvest is that whatever you sow you reap.  So today in your world so love, compassion, kindness, gentleness and joy and you will touch many and be like the Lord.

Monday, September 26, 2022

You are not alone

Proverbs of Steel for Sept 26, 2022


Quotes for Sept 26, 2022


Sept 26 - Be at Rest – Psalm 116:7

 Sept 26 - Be at Rest – Psalm 116:7

This is such a great verse. This phrase, “Be at rest oh my soul,” is something we need to speak from time to time to our inner man. When anxiety, fear, doubt and stress enters. Be at rest oh my soul. When my will, intellect and emotions are running away with the crisis of the moment be at rest. When your time, talents and resources have fail to bring about the end of a problem be at rest. When you are at the end of your rope and do not know what to do, be at rest.

The psalmist then reminds his soul and ours that the Lord has and will be good to us. If you took time to look at your life and did what the song writer said. The song writer tells you to count your many blessings, name them one by on and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Irving Berlin states that when our bank roll gets kind of small. Just remember when you had none at all and then you will count your blessings. God will be good to those who call on Him so today call on Him and then rest. The answer is on the way.

Friday, September 23, 2022


Proverbs of Steel for Sept 23, 2022


Quotes for Sept 23, 2022


Sept 23 – Psalm 115:14-15

 Sept 23 – Psalm 115:14-15


     The psalmist has a prayer and declaration here.  He wishes that you and your family would be blessed.  Household salvation is a promise found through out the Bible.  Acts 16:31, says not only will you be saved but your household will as well.  This prayer is not just for yourself but that your children will have many family members.  One of the commandments of the Lord is that we be fruitful and increase on the earth. 

     Then the psalmist prays that you will be blessed because God is the maker of heaven and earth.  The beautiful thing is that the Lord can back everything He says.   He created all things and the amazing thing is that He can do it out of nothing.  He speaks and it happens.  Such creative power is available to you when you ask.  The Bible says that we can speak by faith in prayer and call those things which are not as if they are.  So today remember you, your family are blessed.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


You are a masterpiece

Proverbs of Steel for Sept 22, 2022


quotes for Sept 22, 2022


Sept 22 – He raises up – Psalm 113:7-9

 Sept 22 – He raises up – Psalm 113:7-9


     This psalm is grace in action.  The Lord raises the poor up from where they have fallen.  He calls for the lonely, sick and oppressed.  Not one thing slips by the Lord.  He hears the smallest cry in the remotest place.  He lifts up the needed from the place of pain and despair.  Whatever situation we find ourselves in whether we created it or others did.  The Lord can and will rescue us if we ask.  The Lord will rescue those who have not voice and He calls His people to speak for those who cannot help themselves.  In Matthew 25, people will be judged by how they help the widow, orphan, sick and prisoner. 

     The Lord elevates the needy to walk among princes and kings.  He will place them among princes and the people who follow them.  The principle of the Kingdom of God is simple.  Whoever humbles themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled.  This psalm confirms this.

     The Lord settles the barren woman in a home with many children.  The Lord has blessing for every situation.  We need to trust in His goodness and love.  He knows our situation and how to resolve it.  Let us trust Him today for His healing provision and care.