Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is a great thought. In 1 Peter 5:7 New International Version (NIV). It says

7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. It is so wonderful that you can give everything to the Lord and He will care for you. So today give everything to the Lord and walk in freedom.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Monday Thought

It is Monday and here is your thought for today. In Philippians 4:9 it says Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. What a great thought. When you left God control your thought life you will have peace. Now peace means absence of inner conflict or warfare. You will be able to be calm during the most stressful times when you submit your thought life to God. So do that today and this promise will be yours.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Brazil

     I have great plans for you today.  I know there has been a fight for the soul of your nation between myself and the enemies of the cross.  It feels at times they are winning but they will never win.  I have been doing great things among you.  My heart however has been broken over the divisions that have grown amongst you.  I am sorry on how you have divided on tradition, doctrine and denominations.  I say to my people repent and come together again.  I have also saw how many of my pastors are now beginning to believe their own press.  They have exalted themselves above me.  My people have also been responsible for this because they trust more in their leaders than in me.  I have also seen how my leaders have put heavy burdens on their people.  They made demands things I would never ask.  They made these in my name.  I tell them now to repent or I will bring them down even as they have exalted themselves.
     I am raising up new leaders now.  Leaders who are strong fearless and courageous.  I will be with them where ever they go.  They will be strong and do exploits.  They will go places that no one would go.  They will challenge status quo.  They will even take on the old leaders who have become corrupt and unrepentant.  The next revival is coming upon the young people of your land.  Their poverty and restlessness will be my tool to bring them to me.  To long has unemployment and laziness kept them down.  They are ready for something new.  They want change.  The socialist will try for their heart but their empty promises will fail.  The young will turn to me and receive the peace, joy, love and happiness they seek.  I am raising up an army of youth that will change the way you do church.  This is will exciting and frightening to you because you will resist it at first but in time you will accept it from me. 
     Listen to my voice.  Hear what I say to you today.  I will do a nee thing but also help you to make the transition.  You will see my glory and my power.  It is your time to be renewed and revived.  Great days are ahead if you choose to embrace them.  The old has passed and the new is coming. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought. In Philippians 4:8
It states. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. So here is a road map for thought life. It is will protect you and keep you in times of stinkin thinkin. Also it will help you to love and care for others. So today submit your mind to the Lord and start living how He intended.

A steadfast heart

May 24 – A steadfast heart – Psalm 57:7-8

     David tells that his heart is steadfast.  It will not be moved by what it sees or what is going on around it.  David says his mind, will and emotions are stable they will not fall to the crisis of the day.  His heart will also sing and make music.  It will tells of what the Lord has done.  When a heart is stable in the Lord it know the storms of life come and go but the rock of salvation makes it secures.  That heart is more than willing to testify in many forms what God has done.
     David then tells His soul to awake and both the harp and lyre to come to life.  At the dawn he will sing and praise the Lord.  From here we glean that part of David’s early morning routine was to sing, play and praise the Lord.  A good example to follow.

Monday, May 20, 2019

May 20 – Call to the Lord – Psalm 55:16-18

May 20 – Call to the Lord – Psalm 55:16-18
     This is again a maskil or chorus of David`s thoughts.  David makes a powerful statement of faith.  I am going to call to the Lord and He will hear me.  David had such a close relationship with the Lord he knew even before he prayed that God would answer.  That is relationship.  That is friendship.  David had prayer times in the morning and evening.  These are the best times to get away from distractions.  Daniel prayed three times a day.  The issue is not so much the frequency of prayer but that you pray.  David shows this habit in many of his psalms.  This gives us a glimpse into the devotional life of David.  How is yours?
     David speaks of a battle raging against him.  In David’s case it was most likely an enemy or nation.  The one thing David knew is that the Lord would protect Him and keep Him.  He would not be defeated in the Lord.  This is your promise today as you go out into your world.  One final thought as your go out today.  Plan to spend more time with the Lord in His word and in prayer.  These are always valuable time to strengthen yourself for the battles of life and remember you enemy is not physical and so your solution is in the Lord.

To the Church and nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

To the Church and nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

     I have seen the fragmentation within your land.  The wars between the tribes and groups.  It broke my heart to see how cruel you could be within yourselves.  I also saw the years of oppression.  I saw how the robber religion tried to exterminate my people.  I saw your suffering and how you cried out to me for deliverance.  I also saw how your prayed.  The secret prayer meetings that you had both during the communistic times and during the wars.  I sustained you and kept you.  It felt like the great tribulation for you but you also became strong and powerful in prayer.  I have good news for you.
     I am going to pour out my spirit in your towns, villages and cities.  Your greatest concern has been for your young people and I will answer by moving among them first.  They will return to me.  The new church you will see will be led by them.  Your newest leaders will be strong and mighty in me.  They will turn many others to me.  They will be fearless.  I will give you many Paul and Barnabus’.  It will feel like the Day of Pentecost for you.  Rejoice and be strong.  I will also give you your Moslem neighbors.  Many of them have become tired of the hate and bitterness.  The want peace and love which their religion does not offer.  They will come to you for they see my peace in you.  You will also prosper.  Great days are ahead for you.  So rejoice and be glad. 
     One word of warning be careful for the false teachers and liars.  Satan will try to move amongst you.  He will try to undue what I have done through deception.  Be wise and stay close to me and my word.  You will know them by their fruits.  They are clouds without water.  Hear my word and go forth in victory.

To the Church and Nation of Botswana

To the Church and Nation of Botswana

     I have made your land rich in wildlife and resources.  The greatest resource is the people.  I was very pleased how so many of you turned to me when I sent my statesmen David Livingston among you.  You embraced me and turned from the demons that had trapped you for centuries.   How many of your countryman have turned to me.  Yet greater days are ahead for you.  You have seen my healings and victory over the powers of darkness.  Your evangelists and pastors are strong in me.  You are about to see greater things now.  It will feel like the Day of Pentecost all over for you.  In your prayer meetings and times that you have tarried before me I have told you about my coming revival.  It will now begin amongst you.  It will start with the children.  In their times of gathering they will turn to me.  Their childlike faith will lead you.  Remember I told you that you had to come like a child. 
     This revival then will spread among your young people and they will lead great prayer meetings that will explode into a great move.  I am also sending you my great evangelist to help with the harvest.  Yes my people there will be a last day harvest in your country.  I have promised it and I am not slow in the fulfillment of my promise.  The wonderful thing is that you will have many young evangelists and pastor rise from your midst.  They will grow strong and mighty in me.  They will be courageous and fearless.  They will be strong and do exploits. 
     One thing I warn you about, satan will oppose you by trying to send division and dissension among you.  Do not lose the unity I am giving you.  Be wise and do not let your traditions and own ideas divide you.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the faith.  Also do not allow race, creed and color keep you divided.  Remember all are one in me.  Your day is coming and will come.  So go forth in victory.


Friday, May 3, 2019

Verse Today

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought. In Proverbs 16:
3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans. Today and throughout this weekend commit your ways to the Lord. Take every moment and give it to Him and He will direct your life and make you a blessing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Verse Today

Romans 8:32 New International Version (NIV)

32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

God will redeem

May 1 -  God will redeem – Psalm 49:15 

     We have been spending time with the Sons of Korah.  Temple musicians during the reign of David.  They had the role of putting together worship songs.  In this psalm they have been talking to the people of God about God`s glory and power.  In this verse they remind their readers that God will redeem their soul from the grave.  Easter is all about this.  Jesus Christ did this through His death, burial and resurrection.  We have been redeemed.  Bought back from sin.  Death, hell and the grave have been defeated.  We have been given a new and wonderful life through Jesus Christ and Him alone.  They remind us that God has brought us back to Himself.  This is the essence of the gospel.  We could not save ourselves so Jesus Christ came and gave His life that we could be redeemed.  What a great thought.   
A young man was on the slave block in Syria when a cowboy from the states bought him.  This cowboy set him free but this boy decided to stay with the cowboy and they became lifelong friends.  When asked why he stayed with the cowboy he stated, “This man gave me freedom and my life is his.  Where else should I be.”  Jesus did ours so where else should we be. 


It is the middle of the week and here is a thought to ponder. In Romans 8:32, He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? What a great promise. God today want to meet your needs. James 4:2, says you have not because you ask not. So ask the Lord and He will abundantly supply. You answer is only a pray away.