Sunday, December 31, 2017

Psalm 156 – Psalms of Steel

Psalm 156 – Psalms of Steel

Truly the Lord is good.  He has given us access to His throne.
This came through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is through His broken body and shed blood we have this victory.
Oh give thanks for the grace and love of the Lord and Jesus Christ.
Rejoice in the goodness, peace, grace, love and victory of God.

There was a time that we were far away from God. 
The only thing we had to look forward was death, hell and the grave.
Yet the Lord reached out to us while we were yet sinners and sent Jesus Christ.
Through Him now and our belief and trust in Him we now have all the benefits of heaven.
The wonderful thing is nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Praise the Lord.

The Lord has seen the condition of mankind and chose to do something about it.
He did not have to show us His grace but His love compelled Him.
He knew our death was both man made and eternal.
So He sent the eternal man to come and give us all of heaven through His death.
Jesus made a way was there was no way.  Rejoice in the Lord.

So as you think about this day and as you meditate on this moment.
Turn it over to the Lord and thank Him for his grace and goodness.
Remember every perfect gift from the Father above.
There is no shadow of turning with Him.  His promises are sure.

His love is everlasting and His grace abounding.  Give thanks people of God.


Thirty Five –  Access

The Lord today wants you to have complete access to Him.  He wants you to know that if you will draw near to Him that He will draw near to you.  You have this access through Jesus Christ.  It is through, His death, burial and resurrection that you have this access.  Jesus is the bridge between you and the Father.  The Lord looks at you with rose coloured glasses.  He sees you through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Stand firm in that victory today.
     The Lord loves you my child.  He loved you so much that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life,  The wonderful thing about this life is that it is eternal and abundant.  Remember the thief comes to kill, rob and destroy.  This is the motive of operation of your enemy.  He wishes for nothing but your total destruction.  But if you resist Him He will have to flee from you and you will overcome every fiery dart that he throws at you because greater is He that is in you than he that dwells in the world. 

     You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such you have all the power and glory of God inside waiting to be released.  This is your day of victory.  Do not fear for the Lord is with you.  You do not have be dismayed for He is God.  His promise is that He will strengthen you and help you.  He promises to uphold you with His righteous right hand.  Remember you weapon against you is going to prosper.  You have victory in the Lord.  He will never leave or forsake you.  So stand in the access that you have through Jesus Christ.  State you case to the Lord.  You will be heard today.

2 Peter

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Rock in August

False Teachers

HIs Grace

His Grace – Thirty Four

     Hear the Word of the Lord today.  It is a word of Grace.  Grace is more than God`s unmerited favor.  It is God`s ability to keep you and to take you to the place He wishes for you to be.  What you are right now is not where God is going to keep you.  When he calls you a mighty person of valor and strength he is talking to you from your future.  God lives in the eternal now.  He knows what you a e going to become.  So embrace what He says about you and go forward like Gideon of old.
     You are everything the Lord says you are but He has a plan for you right now.  Do not be afraid.  God has a “do not fear,” for every day of your life.  This moment embrace your destiny, plan and hope.  The Lord has given them to you and He will fulfill His promise to you today.  There is nothing that can stop you or hold you back today.

     The grace of God will enable you today.  It will empower you to be like Jesus today in your world.  You can be like Jesus today and do the will of the Father.  You have to make that decision and say to yourself.  “II will do the will of Father right now from this moment forward.”  Let your words transform you and your reality.  You have not because you ask not.  Remember you are a child of the most High God.  You are His inheritance and all the benefits of heaven are with you today.  The Lord will not forsake you.  You have the victory in Him today.  Let His grace lead you and let His grace keep you today.  Grace is God’s riches at Christ expenses.  Jesus did it all and now you can do it as well.  Remember greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.  Submit to God and see the devil flee from you today.  You have and are in victory today.  Praise the Lord.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Glory and honor

Psalm 154 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 154

The way of the Lord is good to those who seek the Lord.
He will show himself pure to those who are pure.
He will show himself blameless to those who seek to be blameless.
He will show His love to those who seek His face with all their heart.
He will show himself as the maker of peace to those who wish peace.

The Lord is good and His love endures for all generations.
Celebrate and embrace this great love with passion and truth.
His truth endures to all generations so celebrate His truth.
He will continue to show you his great love and care.
Give thanks to the Lord for His great care and love.

Never take the Lord for granted which so many today do.
Remember His grace is all sufficient and will sustain you in all aspects of life.
You will never have to fear because the Lord is with you.
You will never have to worry about not having enough.
He promises to meet all your needs according to His riches in glory.

You are His child and He cares for you today.
The Lord loves you and will keep you in perfect peace.
So rejoice and gives thanks to the Lord for His goodness.
Sorrow may be for a night but joy does come in the morning.
So rejoice and gives thanks all people for God is good and great 


Prepare Ye the way of the Lord

Prepare Ye the way of the Lord

      The word of the Lord came one day to me.  Reminding me of his great love.  But also of the fact that the Lord is coming back soon.  The sad thing is that so many of His people are not ready.  We have lived our lives as if we have all the time in the world which is so wrong.  The Lord is coming back sooner than we could ever think.  The reality is that the Lord will come when we think not.  When life seems so safe and peaceful that is when the Lord will come back.
     Many of God`s people have forgotten that every day we live that we are one day closer to the coming of the Lord.  Some have thought that because the Lord has not come for 2000 years that He will not probably come during their life time.  Such foolish thinking.  The Lord is coming back so prepare.
     The signs have and will continue to be fulfilled before you.  All the things that are needed for the end are now in place.  The only thing that has not fully happened is that we have not gone into all the world to preach the gospel.  There are so many people who have not heard.  There are entire regions and people groups that have not heard the Word of the Lord.  So let us go which diligence and faithfulness and tell all in our world.  We are called to prepare the way of the Lord.
     Like Ezekiel of old if they do not hear from us we shall be held accountable.  So go and tell the people in your world that Jesus is coming back.  Be His herald today.  Tell all who will listen that the Lord is coming back.  You prepare the way of the Lord in your world.


Thursday, December 28, 2017


Jewels – Thirty Two

     The Lord reminds you today that He wishes to insert into your life the Jewels of victory.  The first jewel is His love.  His love will enable you to meet every situation with dignity and joy.  When you love the Lord with every fibre of your being then you will learn to love yourself and those around you.  You will also be a conduit of blessing.  Love enables you to walk by faith and with hope.  It is the foundation of all God and you do.
     The next Jewel the Lord wishes to impart to you is His peace.  Peace is absence of internal warfare and strife.  It is something the world wants but cannot give.  Only the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ can give it.  He will give you peace in the middle of any conflict you face.  He will also enable you to be a peace maker and ultimately a child of God.  His peace will also help others as your distribute the peace you have to others.  This jewel is like love it is to be given to others.

     The last jewel that we will talk about today is hope.  Hope is believing you have a future.  In the Lord you not only have a future but eternal and abundant life.  Hope is based on faith.  Faith is trusting God and His word.  When you walk by faith you have hope.  You know that God has everything under control and that His love is the foundation of this faith and hope.  When you receive the Word of the Lord for you, you stand upon it and do not let anything take this promise away.  These three jewels of love, peace and hope are God’s gift to you today.  Receive and walk in them today and you are blessed beyond measure.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Psalm 152 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 152

The Lord will always back and authenticate His word.
The Lord will stand behind his name because His word id greater than His name.
Give thanks to the Lord for the power of His word.
By them we will move, love and have our being.
The Lord always builds his people in the faith by His word.

By His word the world`s were created and even now are sustained.
By His word eternal and abundant life is given.
By His word all things come to being and will be kept for all time.
By His word the Son came to die, be buried and rise from the dead.
By His word all mankind has a choice to make for eternal life.

The Lord has written His word for a purpose.
He has given hope to mankind through His Word.
You know that the Lord loves you and cares about your needs.
Through His word you know that every things God says He will do.
Give thanks to the Lord for His promises are Yes, and Amen.

Give the Lord praise all ye lands.
Come before His presence with singing because of the Word of God.
He will always do what is right for you and His love never fails.
Rejoice in the Word of the Lord, it gives knowledge of eternal life.
With His Word you can scale a wall ad run through a troop.  Amen.

Written for a Purpose

Written for a Purpose -  Thirty One

     The Lord reminds you that His word has been written for a purpose.  When the Holy Spirit inspired and carried the ancient writers of the Bible along He had significant redemption in mind.  Each saw something in the Spirit and they recorded it for eternal purposes and meaning.  In John 20:31, we that the Word of God was written to authenticate and backup the divinity of Jesus Christ.  We know who Jesus Christ is because of the Bible. 
     Next, the Word of God as Romans 15:4 says, gives hope to man.  1 Cor 13:13 reminds us that the hope we have is based on our faith in the love of God.  Remember when all else fails these three virtues will stand, faith, hope and love.
     Thirdly, the Word of God reminds us in 2 Cor 10:11, that the example written in the pages of the bible relate human experience as a warning.  You do not have to learn the hard way to come to the Lord.  These examples were written so we could learn from others mistakes and serve the living God.
     Lastly, the Word of God gives knowledge of eternal life.  Jesus said, “He came to give us life.”  This life is both eternal and abundant.  All this is shown in the pages of the Bible.

     The Word for you today is to read, study, meditate and apply the words of the Bible.  They will give you life and knowledge.  You will know God`s plan and purpose for your life.  Heed them and you will live.  Seems a simple choice.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

rock in August

Psalm 151 of Psalms of Steel

Psalm 151 of Psalms of Steel

The Lord has a message of Hope to the people of God.
You are to be faithful in the small things O child of God. 
The Lord is your source and your goal.
He is the lifter of your head.
Trust in Him and you will never be ashamed.

Taste and see that He is good.
The Lord will sustain you in all manner of life.
You will never have to be afraid in the Lord.
He will never leave or forsake you.
In the shadow of His presence is your joy.

Child of God, be consumed with the glory of God.
It is His nature and character you seek.
Nothing less should be your goal. 
The Lord is your purity, power and praise.
He is the one you must seek night and day.

Never give into the criticism of others child of God.
The mocker, critic and cynic will always be near.
But they will not be able to hinder you.
You are a warrior, hero and victor.
Sing His praise and give thanks to Him for He is good.

Principle Life

Principle Life – Thirty

     The Lord has a great and wonderful life for you today.  There are five things He wishes for you to do today to get the life He wants for you.  If you focus on these and other things the Lord gives you.  You will always be in the centre of His will. 
     First, be thankful and responsible in the small things.  If you want to be great in God`s kingdom you have to be the servant of all.  A servant attitude will bring you to victory.  No assignment is too small for the person of God.  Be faithful in the small things and in time will come God`s promotion.  Next, Be discipline and trim off anything that will keep you running God`s race to victory.  We are runners in the eternal race and the only way to win the crown is to make sure that nothing hinders you from winning the prize. 
     Thirdly, be consumed with the glory of God.  The glory of God is His nature and character.  Only the pure will see God.  Your aim and goal in life is to be like Jesus.  Nothing is higher or nobler than this aim.  Jesus did the will of the Father and that is to be your goal.
     Next, be committed to the Lord.  You will always have the spirit of the mocker, sinner or critic near you but do not heed their voice.   You are called to the Lord and no one else can live your destiny but you.  Let nothing take you away from the will and plan of God for your life. 
     Lastly, Be ready to point to God`s history of faithfulness.  God has been good to you in the past and He will be good to you in the future.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  You are His handiwork so today follow the Lord and let nothing distract.  You are 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Remember beauty is fleeting and even plastic surgery cannot fx an ugly heart.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:8King James Version (KJV)

Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

True Law

Matt 5:17-20

                Jesus then begins teaching about his relationship to the law and how the follower of Christ is to respond to the law.  Kingdom living is one of faith and practical application of its principles.     

1.       Jesus did not come to do away with the law but fulfill it.  The law showed us to Christ.  Jesus fulfilled its requirements.
2.       The law will not be done away with until it has fulfilled its purpose.  Its purpose was fulfilled, accomplished in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3.       Disobedience to the law and teaches others to do the same makes an individual the least in the Kingdom.  Jesus deals with pride and self righteousness in this portion.
4.       If one obeys and teaches others to do likewise will be considered great in the Kingdom.  Obedience is key in the Kingdom.  Influence is also a key component to exaltation in the Kingdom.
5.       Then Jesus puts an important final statement about righteousness here.  Unless a person is able to out perform the Pharisees and the teachers of the laws in acts of righteousness they will not enter the Kingdom.  In a final statement makes it clear that righteousness is not accomplished through works but through grace. 
6.       He also makes it clear that the law had its purpose but the only way to fully meet its demands you must come through Him.  The Kingdom of God is not about works but grace.


It is Tuesday and here is your thought for Today.  Remember beauty is fleeting and even plastic surgery cannot fix an ugly heart.  So give your heart to Jesus and seek the Kingdom of God first and all things of true value will be added unto you.  In this way you will have a beautiful heart and attitude

Friday, December 15, 2017

Proverb of Steel

True beauty is rarely found in the mirror but in the heart.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:7English Standard Version (ESV)

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.

Being Light

Matt 5:16-17 - Being Light

                The child of God is the Light of the world.  In us shines the light of God.  You are city on a hill.  The topography of this area of Galilee is surrounded by gentle slopes but the east and west shores of the Galilee are steep cliffs and sharply rising hills.  Communities on the top of these hills can be seen for miles.  Jesus was using this illustration to make the point that a life committed to God cannot be hid.  It will reflect the light and life of God.  We are not the light but we reflect the light.  Like a mirror reflects an image so we reflect the Lord. 
                Jesus then says no one lights a life and then puts it under a bowl.  Instead they place the light in a prominent place to give light to the whole room.     In the same manner we are to allow our light to be shown before people so they may see the good things you do and give praise to your Father in heaven. 
                The Christian is called to prominence.  We were not saved to hide our testimony.  There are no secret agents in the Kingdom or covert operations.  Our lives should radiant the love of God.  Faith is designed to be seen.  We are called to give glory to God.  The word “glory”, means to take upon and reflect the character and essence of God.  For example God is love so we should love.  God forgives we should forgive.  Fruitful Christianity is faith that is accompanied by works.  James point is succinctly, “I will show you my faith by what I do.”  Today do the same,

True Beauty

It is the weekend and here is something to think about.  True beauty is rarely found in the mirror but in the heart.  True beauty starts with the Lord.  When we follow Him with all our heart we do beautiful things.  We encourage, love, give peace and help others.  Beauty is for a while but true beauty starts with the Lord.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Proverb of Steel

The folly of today is that we look to the beautiful people to show us what life is like when truthfully they have no idea what they are doing.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:6New International Version (NIV)

one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

You are Salt.

 Matt 5:13 – You are Salt.

                What Jesus teaches next is in the form of a metaphor.  He equates the Child of God as salt.  Salt in the ancient world was very valuable.  It had three qualities.  First, it was used as it is today as an element to flavour food.  Food tastes better when salt is added to it.  Life is better when salted with prayer, the word of God, fellowship and evangelism.  Our lives need also to be flavoured with the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.  These affect those around us and we have an impact.  Salt next was used as a preservative.  Before the invention of the ice box or the refrigerator food was preserved by putting salt on it.  In us, is the preservation, protection and proclamation of the gospel.  The last function in the ancient world was currency.  It was a trading commodity.  We are to trade and share the gospel with whom ever we come across.
                Jesus then says if salt loses its flavour it is useless.  You cannot make it salty again.  This is a warning for apostasy and effective living.  Those who lose their ability to influence, preserve or proclaim the gospel become like salt, useless and the gift has been wasted.  This is a warning and an encouragement. 

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought.  The folly of today is that we look to the beautiful people to show us what life is like when truthfully they have no idea what they are doing.  Broken marriages and lives is all they have.  Their dreams shatter because they have no moral guide.  The Bible is the standard for faith and practice.  So today seek God first and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.  Start with Jesus and end up in the right place.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:5New International Version (NIV)

one Lord, one faith, one baptism;

Proverb of Steel

Through the example of Solomon we learn that early wisdom does not prevent later folly.

Blessed are the Persecuted

Matt 5:11-12 – Blessed are the Persecuted.

                Jesus finished the thought of persecution by reminding His audience there are three consequences or realities that come with being His followers.  First, you will be insulted.  An insult is the verbal reaction to hatred or misunderstanding.  When someone does not understand, agree or hates what you stand for there is going to be a negative reaction.  David calls them mockers.  A mocking spirit comes from an unredeemed heart.  When a person does not know Christ they belong to the kingdom of darkness and their master is satan.  They do not understand you, whom you serve or what you stand for so they will insult, slander and malign you.  Secondly, you will be persecuted, people will become hostile, abusive and cruel to you.  They will harass you.  Friends become enemies, family become abusive and hostile.  All because we are His followers.  Thirdly, you will be lied about.  Satan is the father of all lies and so his followers will use the same method of attack.   
                Your reaction should be one of happiness and rejoicing.  When the disciples were beaten for the sake of the gospel, they rejoiced.  To be counted worthy to suffer for Christ has been a badge of courage from the beginning of the church.  Jesus says a reward is being held or kept in heaven for you.  Do not let a little persecution on earth keep you from your reward in heaven. 
                Jesus then closes this thought with reminding His audience that they persecuted the prophets who were before them.  Religious establishment resent change.  It upsets social, religious and often economic realities.  Often new ideas and ways of doing things are met with opposition because of ignorance and fear.  God is always doing a new thing because man loves stability, security and self importance.  These things in themselves are not bad but they are factors that lead to resistance to necessary change.   Today remember when God is making the necessary changes in your life don’t be surprised by those around you to resist it and remember your in good company when people react negatively.

This Day

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought.  Through the example of Solomon we learn that early wisdom does not prevent later folly.  So ask the Lord to give you wisdom for today and live each day in God's wisdom to meet the challenge of that day.  After all the only we have is this one.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Proverb of Steel

The folly of anger is that it is to often directed outwardly instead of inwardly to deal with the issues of the heart. 

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:4-6New International Version (NIV)

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

Blessed are the persecuted.

 Matt  5:10 -  Blessed are the persecuted.

                Over the next two days we will examine the concept of persecution and what it means.  Jesus says here that you are blessed when you are persecuted because you are doing what God requires and for righteousness.  Righteousness and all that is associated with always come with a price.  When you become a Christian you have immediately changed kingdoms and leaders.  Before Christ your kingdom was darkness and the devil.  After Christ your Kingdom is heaven and leader is Christ.  Peter says, “Do not think it strange when fiery trials come because of your relationship with Christ.” 
                The exhortation here is to count the cost.  Eternal life has its cost and benefits.  A small amount of persecution now for an eternity of life and victory seems a small price to pay when you think of it in those terms.  Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is theirs now and in the future.  We will complete this thought tomorrow.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  The folly of anger is that it is to often directed outwardly instead of inwardly to deal with the issues of the heart.   The way to not get angry is to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.  All these are choices.  Make sure we make them.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Live so well that even the town gossip would vouch for you.

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:3New International Version (NIV)

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Matt 5:9 - Blessed are the Peacemakers.

                Peace is such a sought after reality.  Nations in turmoil desire peace.  Individuals who lives are being wrecked by inner turmoil or strife desperately seek it.  Jesus reveals here that those who choose to take on the role of peace maker shall be called the children of God.
                Peace has many definitions, but the one that fits this application is quiet, calm and freedom from anxiety.
Peace always comes with a cost.  The cost for God was sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of mankind.  Christ’s death secured peace from sin, death, hell and the grave.  It gave mankind peace with God and the reality of peace within the heart.
                Jesus says that those who choose to be peacemakers in the form of ambassadors of salvation will be called the children of God.  Peace is a precious commodity.  It can only be exchange by those who truly want peace.  Peace begins in the heart and then is communicated through thought, speech and action.   Today choose to an instrument of peace in your world and you will be called a child of God and His Son.

Live well

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought.  Live so well that even the town gossip would vouch for you.  This is done by showing the love and peace of God.  Jesus was the perfect example of this.  He only wanted to do the will of the Father in in doing this he had favor with God and man.  If you do the will of the Father you too can have the same testimony.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Verse Today

Ephesians 4:2New International Version (NIV)

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Proverb of Steel

Alcohol is an interesting substance.  It can heal a hurt when applied externally or it can destroyed when applied internally.  It just depends on the application.

Blessed are the Pure

Matt 5:8 – Blessed are the Pure

                Jesus has been teaching on how a person can be happy and blessed.  Today, we learn that when you are pure in heart you shall see God.  Purity is not a natural attribute in man.  We are sinners by birth and inclination.  So how does one attain this purity?  It begins by asking for forgiveness of your sins and coming into a right relationship with God.  God changes your heart.  The heart is where thoughts, emotions and will reside.  It is that part of you that directs moral and social decisions.  Out of the heart comes the issues of life.  Who rules the heart rules the person.
                When you sincerely desire to be right with God and you accept Him into your life through Jesus Christ, He imparts into your life purity.  You want to please God.  Your thought life changes, which translate into right speech patterns, proper attitudes and purity in actions.  Jesus says when you sincerely desire change and come to God to change you, it will happens and you will see God.   Purity. morality and righteousness are a choice.  You choose God and with that choice is the ability to know and see God in His fullness. 

Right Application

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  Alcohol is an interesting substance.  It can heal a hurt when applied externally or it can destroyed when applied internally.  It just depends on the application.  So keep it outside where it does the greatest benefit.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Proverb of Steel

A generous person will never lack resources or friends.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:15New International Version (NIV)

15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.

Blessed are the Hungry

Matt 5:6 – Blessed are the Hungry

                This beatitude is so powerful.  Jesus says that those that are hungry and thirsty for righteousness shall be filled.  It seems today the opposite is true.  Today many are hungry and thirsty after the things of this world.  Righteousness is such a wonderful truth.  Righteous means to do what is morally right.  The only true standard for strong morality is the Bible.  It’s absolutes have been a standard of faith and practice since the first book which is Job was written. 
                Jesus says that those who hunger and thirst for moral purity will be filled.  They will be filled with the grace, love and mercy of God.  The outgrowth of this hunger and thirst is the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  He is the one who creates and fulfills this hunger and desire.  Right thinking, leads to right attitudes, right speech and actions.  The English Bible says that those who hunger and thirst to what is right will be filled.
                Today ask that Lord to give you a hunger and thirst for righteousness.  You shall be filled and you will have the right thinking, right motives, attitudes and desires. 

Be generous

It is the beginning of the week and here is a great thought.  A generous person will never lack resources or friends.  God will give in abundance what that person needs because the Lord himself is generous in love and grace.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wine Skins

Proverb of Steel

Never follow the crowd it rarely know where it is going and to get there.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:13King James Version (KJV)

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Second Beatitude.

Matt 5:4 – Second Beatitude.

                Jesus has been teaching the principles of the Kingdom of God.  This message of the Kingdom would become the focus of the majority of His teachings while here on earth.  Jesus knew His mission was and the Sermon on the Mount is God’s view on life.
                Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.  The Phillips Translation says, “You are blessed and happy when you understand what sorrows mean.”  Sorrow and tragedy comes to everyone of us.  When that time comes you will be comforted.  David found that in the valley of the shadow of death, God’s rod and staff comforted him.   The secret of overcoming sorrow is to trust God, know that this period will end eventually, allow people to minister love into your life, do not isolate yourself, allow proper time to grieve, grow from the experience and lastly know in time you will heal.
                Jesus promises here that you will not have to go through time of sorrow alone.  God is there to be your strength, help and comfort.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought for today.  Never follow the crowd it rarely know where it is going and to get there.  Never accept the fact that you are like everyone else.  God has made each one of us unique.  We are called not to stand out not be like everyone else.  Seek God first and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you.  Be who God intended you to be today.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Proverb of Steel

Men rarely ask the five W`s because they associate the first W with either woman or wife.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:12King James Version (KJV)

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot 

Second Beatitude.

Matt 5:4 – Second Beatitude.

                Jesus has been teaching the principles of the Kingdom of God.  This message of the Kingdom would become the focus of the majority of His teachings while here on earth.  Jesus knew His mission was and the Sermon on the Mount is God’s view on life.
                Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.  The Phillips Translation says, “You are blessed and happy when you understand what sorrows mean.”  Sorrow and tragedy comes to everyone of us.  When that time comes you will be comforted.  David found that in the valley of the shadow of death, God’s rod and staff comforted him.   The secret of overcoming sorrow is to trust God, know that this period will end eventually, allow people to minister love into your life, do not isolate yourself, allow proper time to grieve, grow from the experience and lastly know in time you will heal.
                Jesus promises here that you will not have to go through time of sorrow alone.  God is there to be your strength, help and comfort.

Treat her well

It is the middle of the week and here is a wonderful thought.  Men rarely ask the five W`s because they associate the first W with either woman or wife.  So here is a simple exhortation for any man with a spouse.  Treat her well and do yourself a favor.  How you treat your spouse reflects your true character.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Word of the Lord

Proverb of Steel

Man`s best effort does not even come close to God`s worst mistake if He ever made one.

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount – Matt – 5-1-3

                Jesus saw that there were many people who had come to hear what He had to say.  So He went up on a mountainside.  When the time and setting were right.  His disciples came and sat beside Him and He began to teach.  His first lesson would on 8 blessings, which later would become known as the Beatitudes.   Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.
                Jesus says when you know you have a need for God, when you have a contrite and humble attitude and when you are poor in spirit.  You will have the Kingdom of God with all its attributes.  The Kingdom of God as we learn has three qualities to it, righteousness, peace and joy.  Righteousness is created because we have right standing and relationship with God.  This of course leads to right living.  Peace is absence of warfare or strife in life.  Jesus promised to give us peace.  This peace is of course not as the world gives and the beauty of it is that the world cannot take it away.  The last attribute of the kingdom is joy, that deep contentment knowing that God has everything under control.  When you are humble, contrite and penitent before the Lord you will have the Kingdom of God fully working and developing in your life.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:11New International Version (NIV)

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. Man`s best effort does not even come close to God`s worst mistake if He ever made one.  Ever since the fall man has been trying through own effort to reconnect with God.  The Lord however has provided the way back through Jesus Christ.  Today help others reconnect with God by telling them and living a life of example for them.   You may be the only Bible they read.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hard Salvation

Proverb of Steel

Success is strickly a matter of perspective.  You may have riches and still be a failure as a person.  You can have nothing and be a success as a person.

Verse Today

Psalm 91:10King James Version (KJV)

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

The Twelve Disciples Called

The Twelve Disciples Called – Mark 3:13-19 & Luke 6:12-16

                Jesus went out into the hills and spent all night in prayer.  He was facing a tremendous decision.  He was choosing the men who were going to take His message to the world.  He saw in them much potential.  That is what I love about the Lord.  He does see as we are right now but what we shall become.  Jesus wanted to make the right choice.

1.       Jesus was a man of prayer and we must be the same.  If Jesus needed to pray how much more should we be praying.
2.       Jesus called men not according to ability but potential.  He saw in them faith and trust.
3.       He sent them out to preach.  They had authority over demons.  In His name we can overcome any foe or adversary. 
4.       His twelve disciple were:  Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot.

Monday Muse

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought.  Success is strickly a matter of perspective.  You may have riches and still be a failure as a person.  You can have nothing and be a success as a person.  Today work on your inner man and then work on being the person that God has called you to be.  Be a blessing to others around you.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rock in August

Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon – Love Letter of Solomon – 2:1

Intro:  The Song of Solomon is a romantic series of speeches and addresses between Solomon and a country girl.  As oriental poetry it is structured differently than Western poetry.  A.G. Ward the Father of C.M. Ward of revival time fame and one of the great Pioneers of our movement, loved to preach from this book.  In fact people told him they preferred to hear him preach from it more than anything he preached. 

1.  This book depicts the beauty of love between a man and woman which ripens into
     Undying devotion.  It depicts the sacredness and purity of marriage. 
     In world of false hopes and expectations this book is needed today. 
a.  It has been written that those who love deeply never grow old, they may die of old
     Age, but they die young.  Rabbi Julius Gordon wrote, “Love is not blind, it sees more,
     Not less, but because it sees more, it willing to see less.
b..  This book actually given us a physical description of Solomon we know he had a
     Ruddy complexion like his dad, black wavy hair and was quite muscular. (5:10-16)
     We know the country girl was dark from the sun and very beautiful. (1:5-7) 
c.  Solomon wrote this book around 1000 B.C.  Now even though this book primarily and
     Account of romantic love there is also a second message about the love between
     Christ and His church.  The Theme is the marriage joy of the Bride and the

2.  In our passage today.  We find the beloved describing herself as the Rose of Sharon
     A Lily of the Valley.  She looks at herself as a country girl being wooed to move to the
     City.  She says literally, I and out of place.  I enjoy where I am but I love this man.  So
     I will go wherever he wants me to go.  Ruth made a similar declaration in
     Ruth 1:16-18 declaration   you know what I wish is that more people would honor   
     The vows they made when they were married.  Pure love makes a conscious decision      
     To put the needs of others before their own.  Paul describes pure true agape love as
     Patient, kind, not envious, boastful or proud, rude, self seeking, or easily angered.  It
     Doesn’t keep records of wrongs, delight in evil but rejoices in truth, it always protects,
     trusts, hope, perseveres and never fails.   

a.  The young man is viewed here as a spring flower.  Spring in Israel is the mist beautiful
     Time of the year.  Wild roses and lilies are abundant.  Roses always depict beauty and
     Lilies humility and purity   Solomon says his beloved his beautiful, humble and pure. 
     As a spiritual allegory this book depicts the holy affection existing between God and
     His people.   Christ views us as His church in the same manner.  We are in his view,
     Beautiful, pure and humble. 
b.  Jesus has also because of his beauty, love, compassion humility and purity has been
      depicted as the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.  Paul use this book as a    
      premise as he states how Christ loved his church and gave his life for it.  Eph 5:25-32       
      is a great analogy for human love and how men need to view their relationship with
      their wives.
c.   The message of this book is clearly understood by the mature spiritual mind. 

3.  The language of this book and its description of the love between the two loves are
     Quite graphic and passionate but love is passionate, graphic and deep.  The description
     Of each participant and the way they express their love was powerful for that day but
     Today would be considered silly or irrelevant. 

a.  Let us however not miss the meaning of this book. It is the account of pure passionate
     Love between two people.  It us also an allegory for a love between Christ and his
     Church.  The Key Thought:  My lover, the believer’s title for Christ.
b.  The Song of Solomon Emphasizes three things.

1.  The love of God who gave His Son to redeem sinners.
2.  The love of the Son of God who gave His life for His bride and His church.
3.  It a parable of divine love which s the background and source of all human love.

4.  What saddens me is how love has been corrupted polluted, misunderstood and taken
      To the basest of urges.  Man views it as either, physical, mental and emotional.  Love
      Is the essence of God.  It is who He is.  1 John 4:8 

a.  Love is God’s nature, character and His being.  He has communicated it to us.  We
    Have the experience love it in its fullest expression and measure.  It is more than
    Passion and physical.  It is friendship, family, emotion, intellect and will all combined.
    It is attribute that we can share with the God of the Universe and fully experienced in
b.  You will never true understand it until you, love God with all your heart, soul, mind
     And strength and love your neighbour as yourself.  Love like worship is an attitude of
     The heart express.  There is a world out there looking for love and we have it here
     Right now.  I have heard people say the church in Hay River lacks love.  I say poppy
     Cock, I believe God is just looking to express his love through us. 
c.  Read two final quote about love.
d.  Solomon in this book expresses his love, delight and admiration for his lover.  The
     Bride speaks of her dream, admiration, delight, torment of separation and union of
     Love.  This 22nd book of the bible with its 8 chapters. 117 verses, 2661 words. 13
     Questions, 14 commands, gives us glimpse into love and its fullest expression.
     As we close today he this little exhortation
e.  Today for us to let us come to him and be healed.  To receive His Love and
     Acceptance in this moment.  There is a fresh stream of forgiveness, flowing
     Right now.  It is pure, strong and cleansing.  Nothing will pollute it.  Wade in and
     Feel the coolness, freshness and refreshing it brings.  It will take away all pain,
     Hurt, bitterness.  All stain of sin in any form will be removed.  God is pouring out in
     This moment His Spirit in a new measure.  The old can pass away in this moment.,
     You can be new.   Look to the Lord this day and receive your complete healing and
     Touch that will change you from this moment forever.