Saturday, March 31, 2018

Help is on the way

Contend for me Lord

March 31 – Psalm 35:1-2 –
Contend for me Lord

     David is beginning this psalm with a plea to the Lord.  Contend or fight for me with those who fight against me.  Lord, I need divine assistance in this battle of life.  This whole psalm will be a psalm of David crying out to the Lord.  It is obvious that David is in the middle of a battle.  He asks the Lord to come with a shield and buckler.  The shield was defensive protection of the day and the buckler was a small shield used in close combat.  Brandish the spear and the javelin.  The spear was a longer weapon for combat further out where the javelin was for close quarters or could be used to down an opponent quickly. 
      He asks the Lord to speak to his soul.  He needed comfort and help in his will, intellect and emotions.  He needed help, salvation and peace.  David would later explain through the psalm his predicament.  Yet throughout he asks the Lord for help, salvation, vindication and victory.  Like David we will face battles left and right.  We may even get wounded in the fight.  In those moments ask for divine assistance.  The promise is that you will get it.  Let the Lord fight your battles today.  Remember the devil, the world and flesh are defeated foes in Christ.  You have the victory but never forget to ask for divine help.

The Secret of Overcoming

The Secret of Overcoming – Job 13:13

Intro:  This morning we are looking at the book of Job.  What a powerful book.  It is about a man who at the time is the greatest man in the east.  From his life we learnt the secret of overcoming.  We see how you can come back from complete disaster if you trust God.  This is the first of two messages from the Book of Job.

1.  This book introduces us to Job.  A man whose character is an example to follow. 
    These following five characteristics distinguished him from all the men of his

a.  He was blameless.  No one could accuse him, attach blame about his morality,
     Business dealings, how he treated others or how he lived.
b.  He was upright.  He always did what was right even to the point of taking the loss.
     He lived his life with the belief that God was watching, judging and rewarding him for
     His conduct and character.
c.  He feared God.  Job awed, respected and honoured God.  He knew that the fear of the
     Lord was the beginning of wisdom.  Our scripture this morning showed he feared and
     Trusted God so much that he believed if God would slay him, he would still trust God.
d.  He shunned evil.  He avoided it at all costs.  He hated its appearance.  He stated he
     Never look at a woman with lust.  That is why Job was confused about what had
     Happened.  After his self examination he concluded he had done nothing wrong so he
     Couldn’t figure out what had happened.
e.  He prayed for his family every day.  Job made sure his family was covered in prayer.
     He took his role as Patriarch and High Priest over his family seriously.  He was their
     Spiritual covering..  He knew his role as a Father.  He knew spiritual heritage didn’t
     Just happened you had to work at it.  Men that is my exhortation to you.  You want
     Your children to serve the Lord do your part and it is never too late.  These
     Characteristics made his the greatest man in the East and prepared him for the greatest
     Trial of his life.

2.  In Chapter 1-2, we are introduced by this first book of the Bible to the divine conflict
     Of the ages.  God and satan have a conversation over Job.  God says that there was no
     Man like him.  Satan reveals a truth about men and women who God has a
     Relationship with.

a.  God has put a hedge of protection around Job, his family and everything he owns.
b.  God has blessed the work of his hands and everything he owns and in involved in.
c.  This is the promise for the child of God as well.  I know that so everyday I put a hedge
     Of protection and me, my family, everything I own and this church and every Sunday
      I do it over you as your spiritual patriarch. 

d.  Satan says, “let me take away everything he has and he will curse you.”  God allows
     It to happen.  From the very beginning of Biblical history we learn that satan is the
     Author of evil.  His MO is shown from the very beginning.  He comes to rob, kill and
     Destroy.  Jn 10:10.  His principle means of attack is accusation, temptation and
     Deception.  He suffered from the I Will syndrome.  I will be like God, I will have His
     Glory, I will be worshipped, love and feared.  This caused him to become proud,
    Arrogant, devious and totally corrupt.  He now is known as the Father of all lies.
e.  Satan takes everything Job has, family, possessions but Job did not curse God.  He
     Understood as he says in1:20, that family & possession are only for this life.  We
     Come into this world with nothing and we leave the same way.  We are pilgrims
     Passing through.  Job did not curse God.
f.  God is pleased with Job’s response.  Job maintained his integrity.  2:3  Satan then says,
     Let me take his health and he will curse you.  God allowed it and Job lost his health
     And was afflicted with a dreaded disease.  So bad his wife told him to curse God
     And die.  Job revealed to us a powerful
     Truth.  Shall we accept good from God and not trouble.   Job is all about why the
     Righteous suffer reverses.  
g.  We learn from this book the meaning of faith.  It is more than a theological truth, a
     Philosophical approach to life, a code to live by.  It is putting your faith in the unseen
     God, believing His promises, trusting Him in all circumstances, knowing all things
     Work together for God. Refusing to allow pessimism, negativity, hopelessness to
     shake you.  This book reminds us that faith lies not in outward circumstances or in
     Speculative explanations.  It is an encounter with the all knowing and all powerful
     God.  We all need to become like Job and say, “Even if He slays me I will trust Him.”
     Faith in a simple word is trust. 
h.  There is a biblical list you can trust God for. 

a.  God will meet our physical needs.  Mt 6:33
b.  God has meet my needs today and He will meet them tomorrow.  Mt 6:34,
     Phil 4:6 &19
c.  God will me our need for security or love.  Rom 8:35-36 & 5:8
d.  God will meet our need for significance.  Phil 1:21, Eph 2:10, Ps 103:4

3.  The book of Job shows the malignant destructive power of satan in human life.
     But it also shows the quickness of people to blame or kick someone when they
     Are down.  Job’s four friends come to see him.  They are so shocked by his
     Condition they sit down and do not speak.  Then when they do, Eliphaz, Bildad,
     Zophar and Elihu argue with Job for 34 chapters, that it was his sin that caused all
     This.  They speak about God but only as men who do not know Him.

a.  Job was a man that of great faith in God and even though he suffered much he still
    Maintained his innocence and integrity.

b. God finally shows up after Job had requested several times for God to explain why
     This happens.  God shows Himself in His wisdom, power, and glory.  This is enough
     for Job and he sees God as He is and what He is and that is enough reason for Job
    To rest his faith in.  The very fact that God does not explain the mystery of suffering
     Teaches Job and us that He wants our confidence and trust. It is a mystery why God
     Uses suffering, trials and tribulations in the divine plan as a means of perfecting
c.  Job repents of his complaining and lack of understanding of God.  He then gets the
    Privilege of praying for his four uninformed friends and God restores everything but
    in a greater measure than before. 
d. This oldest book of the Bible with its 42 chapters, 1070 verses, 10102, words and ten
     Messages from God.  When Moses or Elihu wrote it they wanted us to know God
     May allow things in our lives but they will work for our good and make us like Jesus
     Who as the writer of Hebrews stated learned obedience by the things He suffered. 
     This book which happened during the time of the patriarchs in the land of Uz located
     South of Edom, west of Arabia near the Chaldean border, shouts loud and clear that
    When satan comes in like a flood.  God is there and He knows what is happening and
    He will raised a standard against satan.  In the end church we will be fully restored and
    Better ff than before. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Proverb of Steel

Young man enjoy your muscles and fitness while you are young.  Your washboard stomach over time if you are not diligent turns into a laundry hamper.

Verse Today

Philippians 2:4 New International Version (NIV)

not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

The Righteous cry out

March 29 – Psalm 34:17-18 - The Righteous cry out 

     It seems so long now that we have been in Psalm 34 but it has so many great promises.  David points out that when the righteous cry out the Lord hears them.  Isn`t it wonderful to know that the Lord is only a prayer away, that when you pray the answer is already on the way. (Dan 9:23)  Not only that, but the Lord will deliver His people from all their trouble.  God will not allow us to be tempted or tested beyond what we are able to endure but with the temptation a means of escape.  Many are the troubles of them who trust the Lord but the Lord delivers them from all.  When the devil puts the boots to you  hit back hard with prayer and your trust in God.  When the devil reminds you about your past just remind him about his future.
     This next verse is so wonderful vs 18, states that the Lord is close to the broken hearted.  He will save them from their crushed spirit.  God will heal the broken hearted.  When pain, sorrow, or trouble comes and you are crushed.  The Lord is close and will save and help you.  Just pray and His peace will come. Pray and His love will flow.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday so here is a humorous thought.  Young man enjoy your muscles and fitness while you are young.  Your washboard stomach over time if you are not diligent turns into a laundry hamper.  Put your effort into the things of God and you will always be spiritually fit.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Proverb of Steel

The church is not a building, pews and a pulpit. It is the people who love, worship and serve the Lord within its confines.

Verse Today

Philippians 2:3 New International Version (NIV)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

Eyes of the Lord

March 28 – Psalm 34:10&16 – Eyes of the Lord

     David then brings out a illustration here about the fact even the king of the beast can gow hungry.  The mighty hunter will lack but those that trust the Lord will never lack any good thing.  James says every perfect and good gift comes from our Father above.  God wants to show you his goodness and love.  Put your trust in Him and see Him come through.  One time a man was told by God to a certain town.  He went to the bus station and even sat on the bus with no fare but just as the bus was getting ready to pull out a person boarded the bus paid his fare.  God sometimes wait to the last minute but He always comes through.
     This next verse is so great.  The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, those who have a personal relationship with God.  David saw that through his life. The Lord is attentive to those who cry out to Him.  God is waiting for you to pray.  Don`t let the busyness of the day deprive you of your time with God.  The Lord wants to give you all His good things.  James says, `You have not because you ask not.` So ask.  His eyes and ears are ready.

True Church

It is the middle of the week and here is a thought to ponder.  The church is not a building, pews and a pulpit. It is the people who love, worship and serve the Lord within its confines.  The church is God's expression of His grace mercy and love.  Be that ambassador God called you to be today.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Proverb of Steel

.  It is  an offense to God to criticize, attack, slander and malign the church that He loves.

Verse Today

John 8:32 New International Version (NIV)

32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The angels

March 26 – Psalm 34:7 – The angels

     This is such a great verse.  The angels camp around them that fear the Lord.  You have angels watching over you.  They are protecting you.  They are ministering spirits sent by God to work on your behalf.  Angels have been a subject of the bible since man started interacting with God in the garden.  Angels are fearsome and powerful but gentle and loving when acting on behalf of the saints.  The late Billy Graham in his book angels recalls dozens of incidents where God sent his angels and they deliver those who worked for the Lord. 
     These angels are agents of deliverance.  I have many incidents where the angels protected me from disaster.  They helped Jesus in the desert and garden.  In fact He could have sent a legion of angels to destroy the world but He did not.  The promise is that God has angels watching over your life.  You may never see them but know this, they are there.  So trust the Lord and throughout this day just remember angels are watching over you.

Offense to God

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought to ponder.  It is an offense to God to criticize, attack, slander and malign the church that He loves.  The Lord is very serious about this so be careful because you will have to deal with Him.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Cords of the Cross

Cords of the Cross – Seventy Six

     The Lord says to His children today that it was love that kept Jesus on the cross.  It has been said that there were certain cords that kept Jesus on the cross.  Jesus was not friendless when He hung on the cross.  He could have called a legion of angels to rescue Him.  God Almighty was watching and willing to intervene.  It was not because of weakness that Jesus stayed on the cross.  He may have been ready to expire but he chose the time of His death.  When He said it was finished then and only then did he died.
     Jesus knew that mankind could not save themselves.  It was our sin that caused us to be separated from the Father and Jesus knew this was both a manmade problem and an eternal problem.  The only answer was an eternal man to break the power of sin, death and the grave.  Jesus became that person.  It was His love for mankind that kept Him on the cross. 
     Jesus was also aware that a blood sacrifice was needed for sin to be dealt with.  Without the shedding of blood there is no removal of sin, (Heb 9:22).  Animals could not deal with the eternal problem of sin so Jesus who was the eternal man did so when he suffered, bleed and died on the cross.
     Jesus was also submitted to the divine will and purpose.  Right after the fall a plan was put into motion.  The seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.  Jesus destroyed the works of satan on the cross.  It was the divine will of God to not only bring about redemption for mankind but to destroy the works of the devil once and for all.  Jesus did this on the cross.  He knew this was God will and way to restore mankind’s dominion on the earth. 
     Jesus was loyal to eternal purpose.  He knew that it was through His broken body and shed blood that mankind could be saved and healed.  It was through His death, burial and resurrection that mankind could have again eternal and abundant life.  Praise God for the cords of the cross and Jesus Christ who allowed them to keep him on the cross until all was accomplished.  It is finished.

Things to aviod

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Proverb of Steel

When the Lord builds hedge of protection around His people the only thing that can weakens it is that which comes from within.

Verse Today

2 Corinthians 13:14 New International Version (NIV)

14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The Word of God

March 22 – Psalm 33-4-6  - The Word of God

     The psalmist writes in this psalm about the wonderful Word of God.  The word is right and true.  You stand on the word.  It will not change.  Its truth stands the test of time.  It is right , straight and correct.  The Lord backs his word because it is the expression of His essence, character and nature.  To deny the word would be to deny Himself.  The Lord is faithful in all He does.  The psalmist hits on a recurring theme about the faithfulness of God.  He will never leave or forsake you. You are after all the apple of His eye.
     The Lord loves righteousness and justice.  Righteousness is acting in accordance to morally and divine law.  The Lord is morally perfect.  He is immutable which means He cannot do wrong.  So when God judges, it will be impartial and fair.  He has all the evidence and knows about the back story.  God will be just because of His divinity.  The earth is full of His unfailing love.  Everywhere you look you see the love of God.  Every part of creation shows and says there is a creator who loves what He has done and made. 
     God spoke and the heavens and earth came into existence.  The psalmist points this out.  By His word all things were created.  This is a reconfirmation of the Genesis account.  God created and maintains all things by the word of His mouth.  Every breath we take is a gift from God.  So make the most of every moment and live your life to the fullest in the Lord.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is a thought to consider.  When the Lord builds hedge of protection around His people the only thing that can weakens it is that which comes from within.  So keep you relationship with the Lord strong by prayer, reading of God's word and going to church.  These will keep you strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Proverb of Steel

The church is the only thing God has left on earth to showcase His love, mercy and grace.  Don’t the trophy inside that case become `tarnished by hate, fear, un-forgiveness and bitterness.

The Hiding Place

March 21 – Psalm 32:6-7 - The Hiding Place

     David gives such a powerful exhortation to his readers and audience.  He exhorts them to pray to the Lord while He may be found.  Now this is just an exhortation because God will always be found when we pray.  David however in precious verses pointed out that sin and iniquity does stop prayer.  David uses a metaphor how that the mighty waters can rise in a life.  You can be overwhelmed by the storms of life and in that moment you will feel isolated, fearful and alone.  Cry out to God and He will rescue you. 
     Corrie Ten Boon when she was in a Nazi concentration camp stood on this verse.  God became her hiding place in the midst of hatred and death.  The Lord will protect us from trouble and will also help us in the midst of trouble.  We will be like Corrie will be surrounded and can be set free with songs of deliverance.  It is amazing when you sing before the Lord how your whole view changes.  God rises and inhabits the praises of His people.  Praise changes our view and starts divine help and deliverance.  Let the Lord be your hiding place.  Worship Him and see how every changes.

Verse Today

Proverbs 13:20 New International Version (NIV)

20 Walk with the wise and become wise,
    for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and here your thought to consider. The church is the only thing God has left on earth to showcase His love, mercy and grace. Don’t the trophy inside that case become `tarnished by hate, fear, un-forgiveness and bitterness. Let your light shine for the Lord and be His witness and example in your world.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Proverb of Steel

There is one reality for the person who does not Christ.  His future is very bleak.

Verse Today

1 Timothy 6:19 New International Version (NIV)

19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

I will confess

March 20 – Psalm 32:5 – I will confess

     David throughout this psalm is unloading his heart and the reality of being a forgiven person.  He says when I acknowledged my sin to you.  Sin when exposed to the light it becomes hollow in its power.  David said, “I brought this sin out in the open.”  He did not want it to have power over him anymore.  Sin loves the dark.  Terry Jacks said, “that evil grows in the dark and its part of us.”  How true but once exposed to the light it loses its power.   David brought it to the Lord.  He knew he could not hide it from an all knowing God.  
     David did not cover up his sin or blame someone else for it.  He owned it and when that happened it becomes our responsibility to get rid of it.  David confessed his transgression to the Lord and God forgave Him.  This is redemption and salvation in its purest form.  Let us confess our sin and He will be faithful and just to forgive us of our sin.  Such a great thought today.

Future Ahead

It is Tuesday and here is simple thought to ponder.  There is one reality for the person who does not Christ.  His future is very bleak.  Jesus promised to give us eternal and abundant life.  So today turn your life over to Jesus and see Him bring you a wonderful future.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Verse Today

The man who possesses everything and yet does not have Christ has in truth has nothing.

Verse Today

1 Timothy 6:18 New International Version (NIV)

18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

True Blessing

March 19 – Psalm 32:1-2 - True Blessing

     This is such a great psalm and wonderful way to start off this writing.  You are truly blessed when you transgressions and sins are forgiven.  There is such peace, joy and victory.   You have eternal and abundant life.  You are right with God and will be with Him in eternity.  You sins are not only forgiven but have been covered.  They will not be brought up again.  Jesus’ blood cleansed us from all sins and unrighteousness.  David says you are truly blessed because this has happened.  Before you were an enemy of God but now you are His friend, son and daughter.
     Blessed is the person that God does not count their sin against them.  You are blessed because unless the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed your sin it will be held in judgment against you.  That is why it is so wonderful to be forgiven and walking in the grace of God.  Also as a result of this grace you will have a lifestyle and spirit that has no lies or deceit.  You whole desire is to serve the Lord and live His truth.  John Newton writer of Amazing Grace once said.  “True grace is to have been forgiven and healed.”  Be healed today and rejoice in forgiven sin

True worth

It is the beginning of the week and here is a thought to consider.  The man who possesses everything and yet does not have Christ has in truth has nothing.  Jesus is all you will ever need so today follow Jesus Christ and let Him give you abundant and eternal life.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park)

The most beautiful version of Hallelujah you have ever heard.

John Denver

Proverb of Steel

Worship has been said, to be an attitude of the heart express.  Problem is today is that many a Christian seems to struggling with heart failure.

Times in His Hand

March 16 – Psalms 31:14 - Times in His Hand

     This is such a great verse.  David writes that he is going to trust the Lord.  There are two reasons why he is going to trust the Lord.  First, because He is David’s God.  He has had a relationship with God such he was a lad.  He has been through so many things and found God was faithful.  God will always be faithful to you no matter what you are going through.  When you trust in the Lord you will never been without hope.  Abraham found God faithful to His promise even though he had to wait 25 years for the promise.
     Next, the times of his life at in the hands of the Lord.  David knew that he was just following the path the Lord has set before Him.  The steps of a good man are order by the Lord. (Psalm 37:23)  David was a man that knew the times and season he was in was directly ordered by the Lord. No what time period or situation David faced he knew God was with Him.  Do you?    David also had a prayer for these things.  Lord protect, me from those that pursue me.  David knew we had enemies seeking our total destruction.  The world, the flesh and the devil seeking you total destruction.  Put your trust, times and life in the Lord and He will take care of you.


It is the weekend and here is a thought to ponder.  Worship has been said, to be an attitude of the heart express.  Problem is today is that many a Christian seems to struggling with heart failure.  So today turn your heart to the Lord and let it belong to Him.  The Lord will give you His heart insight and in turn you will worship the Lord in how you live.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

2 Masters

Matt 6:19-21 & 24
2 Masters 

     Jesus is giving us a key to true treasure which is in heaven and not here on this earth.  Jesus said, “do not lay up treasures on earth.” 

1.        Jesus is not condemning having our needs met or accumulating a little extra for a rainy day or even for retirement.  What He is saying is do not spend all your time trying to get money.  Putting your trust in material things keep you from God.  There was a man who said once that he would rather be poor in God than rich in the devil.
2.       We live in a world where people spend little and want to get much.  Jesus said, do not put your trust in riches or go after treasures here on this earth.  Jesus used a story that the Jews could relate too.  Things were very common then as we have today and great sources of wealth. 

a.        Clothes, they show wealth but a moth can destroy them.
b.      Corn, grain and other agricultural wealth but mice, rats and worms can destroy these.
c.       A house in Palestine was made either of mud or stone.   If a thief wanted to rob it all he had to do was dig through the wall.  A person may have a locked door but that will not stop a determined thief.

3.        Jesus said to not put your trust in possessions or pleasure.  Enjoying things becomes a drag after a time and to get a bigger thrill you have to do more extreme things.  So don’t get caught up in pleasure.

a.        Pleasure can be eaten or rust away.  As we become older pleasure loses its appeal because you are just plain tired. 
b.      Pleasure can be stolen away.  Never build your happiness on them.  People who lost all they had in 1929 and 2008 learned that lesson the hard way. 
c.       William Barclay wrote, “If any man is wise, he will build his happiness on things he cannot lose, things that are independent of the choices and chances of this life.
d.      We are doom to a life of disappointment if we put our trust in pleasure and possessions.  Jesus said to not lay up treasures in heaven that cannot rust, be stolen or eaten away.     To set your heart on things will be life of fear and disappointment.

4.       Jesus says that deeds of kindness and love are the real treasures.  One writer wrote, “What the church needs to remember is what we have will lose and what we spend on others we will gain.  Did you know that character is a treasure.  How you conduct yourself is so important.  You are to be Christ like in your character and conduct.
a.        R.V. Tasker writes, “A man will always follow his treasure because that is where his heart is.  He is in love what he feels will be for his highest good.”
b.      Jesus says that we should use our material goods for the glory of God.  We should be as generous as possible and never out our trust in the things we have.  The church is suffering because of this.  There are actually who put their possessions before God and their family. 
c.       Jesus gives a blunt statement.  He says we are to put our trust in God and not in things. 

In Vs 24, says that a man cannot serve 2 masters.  You cannot serve God and yourself.  You will love one and hate the other.  You will hold tight to one and despise the other.

a.       Going after things is so time wasting and sooner or later it enslaves you.  This will also lead to you hating God and loving yourself.  Jesus is saying that there can only be one Lord in our lives.  It must not be, what I wish to do but what God wishes us to do. 
b.      Jesus is telling us that being a Christian is a full time job.  Jesu is bringing us to a point of full time service.  Love God and hate materialism. 

Jesus is teaching three important things here:

1.        All things belong to God.  Ps 24:1 says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
He has given the world to us and for us to use wisely.
2.       People are more important than things.  Never treat a person as a thing or possession.  This can happen in the church.
3.       Wealth is always a secondary thing.  God is always first, in fact wealth should be lower on the list of priorities.

There are two questions we need to ask ourselves?

1.        How did a man gain their fortune?  Was it honest and honorable?   Was someone hurt in getting it?
2.       How do they use their possessions?  Does God have access to them?     Are they used selfishly. Are they used for the happiness of others?

What leads people to materialism is greed and coveting what others have.  This is something rooted in the heart of people and only God can truly get it out.  Jesus said you cannot serve God and money. 

1.        Jesus is not against material goods but the selfish pursuit and getting of wealth not matter what the cost.  Also thinking they will help you be secure.
2.       When God gives your things He expects you to use them for the benefit of others.
3.       We need this kind of message from time to time to keep us on the right track.  If you have been in this trap ask the Lord to set you free and He will help you get out and stay out.

Matthew – Beginning a New Era – Matt 13:44-46

Matthew – Beginning a New Era – Matt 13:44-46

Intro:  As we begin our time in the New Testament.  We have ended with one era and start a new one.  Our focus now is on Jesus.  In Matthew, Jesus is the giver and presenter of a new kingdom.  A kingdom which is spiritual and in the hearts of all believers. 

1.  Jesus uses two parables to emphasize the value of this Kingdom.  The word kingdom
     Appears in this book 50 times.  The phrase Kingdom of Heaven appears 30 times. 

a.  Matthew of Levi, was a writer that knew the power of what Jesus was talking about.
     One day he was sitting in his tax collector booth and Jesus walked by.  Jesus saw
     Something that no one else saw, his heart.  Man always looks at the exterior first.  God
     Always looks at the heart.  That became the focus of Matthew’s writing.
b.  Matthew saw the Kingdom of Heaven or God was a spiritual one in our hearts   He
     also pointed out that this Kingdom in the heart envelopes us because of the indwelling
     and transforming power of the Spirit. 
c.  Matthew believed that Jesus was the Messiah and His purpose was to bring the
     Kingdom of God to men.  Paul stated in Rom 14:17, that the Kingdom of God was not
     A matter of meat and drink or anything else, but of righteous, pace and joy in the Holy

1.  Righteousness, is right standing with God that translates in right living before men.
2.  Joy, is deep seated contentment, knowing that God is in control and has everything
     Under control so you can be happy, content and live a worry free life.
3.  Peace is living inwardly and outwardly without strife, war or conflict because the
     Prince of Peace is reigning and ruling in your heart and life. 

2.  Matthew wrote his book from a Jesus perspective, but he believed that the Message of
     The Messiah was not just for the Jews but all men.  These two parables talk about the
     Value of the Kingdom.

a.  Our first parable talks about how the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a
     field.  When a man finds it, he is filled with great joy and he sells all he has to buy the
     field.  Our three lessons from the parable are as follows.

1.  The Kingdom of God is hidden.  It has to be sought.  You have to want it, desire it &
     Need it.  The Holy Spirit draws you, convicts you and convinces you.  But you need
     To respond and see in your heart and want it. 
2 . The Kingdom of God brings joy.  Paul based his statement on this parable.  When you
      Realize the value of what has been done and been given it changes you life,
      Perspective and course of direction.  You have joy inside and it reflects on your
      Outlook and life.  You are a different person and those around you know it. 

3.  He sold everything he had o buy it.  Jesus makes it clear that everything must be
      Given up to attained eternal life.  The personal cost of following God is everything.
      Talk about the rich young ruler.  The cost is willing to give up family, friends and
      Everything.  If you are not willing, you are not worthy of the Kingdom.
b.  Matthew had experienced this transforming power.  He gave up all to follow Jesus
     from his perspective this thought was crucial.  Are you willing to give up all to follow
c.  Matthew from this book makes it clear that Jesus care cares about all and He wants to
     heal, set free and bring peace within.  Will we let Him?

3.  The second parable is called the “Pearl of great price.”  The merchant here was
     Seeking for the pearl and when he found it, he sold everything he had to buy it.  This
     Parable also has three lessons.

a.  The merchant was seeking the pearl.  This parable is about the person actively
      seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.  One who is tired of this life, its trappings and
      shallowness.  He is seen it for what it is.  He heard about the kingdom, he seen it
      in action and he wants it. 
b.  He knows its value.  The man knew the real from the fake.  He knows that the
     Kingdom is priceless. He knows nothing is like it.  No other pearl, no other gem or
     Bobble is like it. 
c.  He sells everything to possess it.  This merchant knew he what had to give up and sold
     everything to possess it.  This again speaks of knowing the cost and willing to do
     all and give up all to possess this pearl of great price. 

4.  This morning my last point is the most important.  Matthew knew that Jesus was
     The new disclosure & embodiment of the divine and the redemptive.  He showed
     How they were linked together.  Before Jesus could come in glory He first had to
     Come and die for the sins of men.  Matthew in his sixty references from the Old
      Testament makes this abundantly clear. 

a.  Jesus Christ came to do away with sin.  The Jew may have been expecting the
     Messiah to establish a kingdom such as David’s but what scripture made clear was
     that He first had to die to deal with sin and its consequences.  These two concepts
     were not fully understood until Jesus came and made them clear. 
b.  Sin is do destructive, it will take you where you never thought you would go, cause
     you to do things you never thought you would and hurt you in ways you never thought
     you could be hurt.  Jesus right now is offering all of us here peace within.  It is a
     treasure a pearl of great price.