Friday, January 29, 2021

Quotes for Jan 29, 2021


Jan 29 – Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 29 – Vignettes on Prayer


     Like Jesus we should be making the will of the Father our number one priority.  Jesus did not want to be out of the Fathers will for a moment.  Prayer is such a privilege.  To be able to communicate to the author of the universe is such a privilege.  Prayer is the way Jesus was aware of his father's will.   Jesus would often spend all night in prayer.  He in fact spent 40 days in fasting and prayer before he confronted the devil in the temptations in the wilderness.  Jesus prayed all night before he chose his disciples.  Jesus would pray about every aspect of His life.  This is a quote from focus on the family on Jesus prayer life.  There are at least three reasons that Jesus prayed. First, Jesus prayed as an example to his followers. This is an example we continue to learn from, as this article demonstrates. Second, the Incarnation consists of both divine and human natures. From His human nature, it was perfectly natural for a Jewish believer such as Christ to pray. Third, the nature of the Trinity allows for communication between its members. As God the Son, Jesus could pray to God the Father.  If Jesus saw the need for prayer we should even more see it. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Jan 28 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 28 - Vignettes on Prayer


     Over the last little while we have been small vignettes or pictures of prayer.  These little snapshots are little windows into the great house of prayer.  Many have called prayer a mighty house where the holy meets the natural.  Prayer is that point of contact with the supernatural.  In prayer you invite the Holy God into your life and situation.  Prayer is spirit to Spirit communication.  Luke 11:1, gives us a little insight into the life of the prayer life of Jesus.  When His disciples saw how Jesus prayed they wanted to learn how to do it as well.  Prayer is however not a formula or mantra.  It is more than words and phrases.  It is natural communication with the divine.  Prayer is secret and public.  It is powerful and effective.  James says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  Jesus did prayer to perfection and even though we can only dream of having a prayer life like Jesus.  Practice does make perfect.  So today practice prayer and the more you do it the better you become.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Quotes Jan 27 - 2021


Jan 27 – Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 27 – Vignettes on Prayer


     Today we are going to look at James 4:2, where James talks about how we have not because we ask not.  One of the essential ingredients to prayer is asking.  Talking aloud makes what you are asking more real.  Many times in prayer we really do not know what we want.  By voicing it aloud we get clarity and knowledge.  James makes it clear that we have not because we don't ask.  Prayer is asking God for help.  I love Heb 4::16, that states God will help us in our time of need.  With His mercy and grace God will be our help.  He promises to never leave or forsake us.  James tells us to ask.  We have not because we ask not.  So my exhortation for you today is to ask.  Ask for yourself, family and others.  You are often the only link many people have to the spiritual realm.  If you don’t pray for them many times no one will.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jan 26 quotes - 2021


Jan 26 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 26 - Vignettes on Prayer


Today we are looking at Psalm 9:1, David says, I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.  Praise and worship is such a powerful factor in prayer.  When you open your prayer time with praise and worship it changes the whole atmosphere of prayer.  When you praise the Lord you are opening an avenue of anticipation.  Through worship you are inviting the Lord to release His anointing, power, and freedom.  Praise actually releases faith, grace and mercy.  As you worship the Lord you are releasing faith which expects from God.  In these moments of praise and worship you are establishing a divine connection.  David states here that he will give thanks to the Lord with all his heart.  True prayer will always accomplishes much when it is given from the heart.  David says that He will tell everyone in his world of the wonderful deeds the Lord has done.  Prayer is where you tell God and yourself of the wonderful things He has done.  This builds up faith and also releases more divine benefits.  So today praise the Lord with all your heart and tell yourself and others about all the wonderful things God has done.  This is true prayer.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Jan 25 - Quotes


Jan 25 - Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 25 - Vignettes on Prayer


      David closes off Psalm 100, and we close off our time talking about prayer according to this psalm.  David states three things about the Lord in verse 5.  The Lord is good.  Goodness means to be morally right.  To live by a moral code and never deviate from that code.  The Lord never changes.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  God will always be morally right and truthful.  David then states the Lord’s love will endure forever.  God is love.  His agape love with no strings attached will endure forever.  It is His nature and character so it will always be the same.  Lastly the Lord will be faithful for all generations.  Each generation needs to experience the Lord for themselves.  God will be faithful to every generation.  David speaks of the consistency of God.  Prayer enables us to access this truth and reality.  Today through prayer experience the goodness, love and faithfulness of God.  Access these expressions of God and characteristics in your life and situation.  Through prayer value and release them into your world.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Quotes for Jan 22, 2021


Jan 22 - Vignettes on Prayer

Jan 22 - Vignettes on Prayer


      This is the second day I am talking about Psalm 100.   David writes in vs 2, that we are to worship the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with singing.  The first expression of prayer in this verse is worship.  Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.  You will never really worship until you express it.  David says worship the Lord with gladness.  Prayer is that wonderful avenue in which you see

the constant blessings of God being release and it brings gladness and joy.  Gladness, happiness and joy are expressions of a heart that is filled with the goodness of God.  God has been good and you have seen it.  Prayer is one those ways you express your gladness.  David than encourages his readers to sing joyful songs to the Lord.  David being a musician and singer saw this as a wonderful way to release worship and prayer.  We should always begin our prayer times with songs.  This prepares the ground for a release of power, and anointing.  I always encourage those who I teach on prayer to start with worship go to the word, and close with prayer.  Breaking it up into three segments allows focus and direction in prayer.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Jan 21 -Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 21 -Vignettes on Prayer


      Today and for the next five days,  I would like to concentrate on Ps 100, David writes that the whole earth should shout to the Lord.  Many people do not know but shouting is actually an expression of prayer.  When you shout you are releasing the power and presence of God.  When Joshua and the people shouted the walls of Jericho came down.  Shouting doesn’t just release emotion it releases the victory of God.  Sometimes you need to just shout to get rid of pent up frustration.  Many times in prayer you are explaining to God what is happening in your world and the Spirit says shout and that wall will come down.  Zech 4:6, states that any mountain can become a plain when you shout grace to it.  So today invoke the shout and yell grace and that mountain standing in your way will become a level plain for the glory of God.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Quotes Jan 20, 2021


Jan 20 Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 20 - Vignettes on Prayer


     This is the last day where we will be looking at things we can pray daily for ourselves and others.  Paul writes in Rom 8:31, that when God is for us, who can be against us.  Paul also reminds us in this chapter that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  So when you pray remember that every battle you fight today is in the hands of the Lord.  Let Him fight your battles today.  Next, Tell God how much you love and need Him because you do.  Remind Him and yourself that you are already blessed.  Lastly, you want this time to bless all those around you and that you will be a blessing.  All of this of course is in Jesus name.  The whole purpose of daily prayer is to connect with God on behalf of yourself and others.  Daily prayer needs to be a habit and time to touch others for the Lord. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Quotes - Jan 19 -2021


Jan 19 Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 19 - Vignettes on Prayer


     This is the fifth day about what things we should be praying daily.  James 5:16, exhorts us to pray one for another.  This should be done daily.  We all have people in our lives that are near and dear to us.  So how should we pray for them?  First, thank the Lord that He can change people and things.  Thank Him for the fact that He is real and not just and it or thing.  His personal touch is sorely needed.  Pray that those in your world would come to know God in His full person hood.  Jesus taught in John 4, that God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Next, pray for all your brothers and sisters whether they are family or part of the family of God.  Pray for each and every member in their household.  Remember the promise of Acts 16:31, that not only shall they be saved but their household as well.  Pray that peace, love and joy would come into their homes.  Pray that all their needs would be met and that they would actually not have debt.  Something many today do not have.  Lastly, pray that everyone would know that there is no problem circumstance or situation greater than God.  Praying for others is such a privilege so do, it today. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

commentary on the Bible Matthew 6

Quotes - Jan 18 - 2021


Jan 18 - Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 18 - Vignettes on Prayer


     This is the fourth day on what we should be praying daily.  Acts 16:31, is such a wonderful promise.  It tells us that not only shall we be saved but our household as well.  Praying for our unsaved loved one is such a privilege.  It is also a privilege to pray for the lost.  Praying for the unsaved is real intercession.  You are fighting in prayer for those who may never pray for themselves.  You are fighting for their souls.  So what do you pray?  Pray for those who lost and cannot find their way.  God will make a way where there is no way.  Pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood.  Pray that God will help them out of this terrible place.  Pray for those who don’t know the Lord intimately.  This should be the goal of all who love the Lord.  Pray for those who do not believe.  Unbelief will keep them from heaven and head them straight to hell.  When you are praying for others you are praying the will of God.  Pray for them because you might be the only one who ever does and remember the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Quotes for Jan 15, 2021


Jan 15 Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 15 – Vignettes on Prayer


     Daily prayer is so important but one of the questions people often ask is what should they pray about for the next few days I am going to share about things that I pray for on a daily basis.  When you pray you should always start with thanksgiving.  Paul states that in everything we should give thanks because

It is the will of God for us.  First, thank the Lord for the day He has given.  This is the day the Lord has made and we should rejoice in it.  Next, thank him for the ability to see and hear.  You have eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to comprehend, and a heart to receive.  Thirdly, thank the Lord for his forgiveness and understanding God.  God knows you better than you know yourself and He loves you.  Lastly, thank Him for the fact that He has done so much for you and keeps on blessing you.  One thing God promises is that He will never leave or forsake you and a great promise for each day.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Zimbabwe

 To the Church and Nation of Zimbabwe


     You are a nation on the rise.  After many years of conflict, war, civil unrest, oppressive government I have given you a window to recover.  You saw the influence of one man on a country.  The power of one can be either good or bad.  Through it all, you survived.  The reason this happened is that Satan was afraid of what you can become.  He is the source of all evil.  His mandate and nature are to rob, kill and destroy.  He is and was the power behind Communism and Marxism.  They hide behind helping people and instead enslave people.  You must reject them and repent of what has happened.  If you do I will heal and restore your land.

     To my church, you have suffered much.  You had to flee but I am calling you back to your land.  There is a window of opportunity to help restore your nation.  I have been moving among the people and finding those that are hungry thirsty and unfulfilled.  The years of inflation, strife, famine, corruption, and government waste have made them want peace, security, stability, and freedom.  Remember who I set free will be free indeed.  I am about to pour out my spirit in a great way.  I am bringing back my people.  They will restore, love and heal this land.  I am sending my forces of heaven as well in response to your prayers, petitions, and intercessions.  The time you have is short so be quick, determined and wise.  As all repressive regimes, they loosen to get economic growth but when they cannot control it the government will again become dictatorial and repressive.  I have given you this moment to seize and do all you can do.  Many are going to come and many will be healed    

Jan 14 - Quotes

Jan 14 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 14 - Vignettes on Prayer


     Today I was reading from Proverbs 12:25, where Solomon says that worry weighs a person down and an encouraging word cheers a person up.  Peter states 1 Pet 5:7, that we are to cast our cares on Jesus.  Worry, fear and anxiety will rob us of the joy and victory of the day.  The best way to deal with these things is to pray about them.  In fact we should be praying about everything.  Once we have prayed about them our next step should be to receive God’s victory and powerful.  This will enable us to do the next thing which is to encourage others.  Paul states that what we have received we should pass unto others.  When you have received a good promise and word from the Lord you should give it to others.  So many people today need an encouraging word and where better to get it from than a person who has made prayer a priority.  So today cast your cares on the Lord and then share an encouraging word with others.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 5 - Right attitude.

Quotes for Jan 134, 2021


To the Church and Nation of Zambia

 To the Church and Nation of Zambia


   You are one of my favored African countries.  You are beautiful in scenery and heart.  You have had little strife in your history.  You have taken your responsibility for caring for your land with great diligence.  Your one sin has been standing behind so-called liberation organizations which in truth were terrorists and murderers.  You have reaped social unrest for this but my touch in your nation has kept you from the troubles that your neighbors has faced.  You have also faced The HIV and aids crisis because many chose to involve themselves in sexual practices outside of marriage.  This is also a consequences of sin.  I sent you my missionaries the most prominent of these was David Livingstone, who had a vision of ending the slave trade through the "3 Cs": Christianity, Commerce and Civilization.  You have been an example of this.  Throughout your land I have made this a hallmark of you.

     To my church, I have blessed you with a great revival.  You have seen the book of Acts and will continue to see it until the day I come.  I have welcome millions of you who have gone on before and will continue to do until I come.  I have made you the heart of Africa.  You will be my hand extended.  Throughout your the whole continent will be touched.  I will continue to influence all levels of government, commerce and, social systems.  I will place you in strategic places and will give you Daniel.s Joseph's and Esther type leaders.  You will have spiritual leaders at the caliber of Paul, Silas, Peter and Barnbus.  You will see a revival among the young.  They are your greatest resource, asset and, heritage. They will be strong, courageous and creative.  You have a bright future in me.  The one thing you must guard against is the rising up of traditional beliefs.  They are demanding a place in your church services.  They come across cultural and traditional but they are demonic in origin.  Reject them and keep yourself pure, holy and undefiled.

Jan 13 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 13 -  Vignette on Prayer


      Today we are looking at 1 John 4:19, which states, that we love each other because the Lord loves us first.  The reality is that we will not often know about love until someone proclaims it to us.  When someone tells us they love us we make a decision to return the love or not.  God loved us first.  Even before we knew about him He loved us.  As a Christian we are called to love others.  Jesus stated in Matt 22:37-40, that we are to love the Lord with all our being and then love others.  This is accomplished best through prayer.  When we pray we are creating a divine connection.  Through this connection we are allowing the Lord to download his love into our hearts.  In prayer we are receiving love.  Then as we leave our prayer time this love will freely flow because you understand that you are to love one another.  So today pray and then love.  It is a wonderful gift that you can give others and yourself.  In this way you are fulfilling the great commandment which is to love others. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

commentary on the Bible - Matthew 5, Fulfills the law.

To the Church and Nation of Yemen

  To the Church and Nation of Yemen


    You have had a history of violence, religious wars, famine, disease, and oppression.  Today you are in a crisis.  You have reaped what you have sown.  You killed my people, you attack my church and you fought among yourselves.  There will never peace in your land.  Your heart is dark and evil.  You are a nation of the brink of collapse.  Almost all of the nation is at risk  You have foreign powers occupying and fighting you.  You have given a safe haven to terrorists and their ways influence you.  You were once a great empire and one of the progressive countries many generations ago but you allowed pride, arrogance, and evil to possess your heart.  You will fall into further judgment as the end draws near.  The sword will never leave your land.

     To my church, I know that you are small in numbers but you are determined.  You are strong, courageous, fearless and wise.  I will give you a remnant to join you.  They will come from the most unexpected places.  They will encourage you.  They will help you to secretly evangelize your land.  Some former terrorists will believe in me and will be some of your most fearless evangelists.  You must be wise for religious zealots to dominate the landscape and they look for people to persecute.  You must work in secret and be wise who you bring into your meetings.    Pray for your nation while there is time.  I have judged it but you can touch those who are still open to healing, love, grace, and mercy.  There is little time for my coming is at hand.  Work while there is still day

Quotes for Jan 12, 2021


Vignettes on Prayer - Jan 12, 2021


Jan 12 - Vignettes on Prayer


     There is a great lesson we can learn from Genesis two about the power of prayer.  God saw that Adam was alone so he created Eve out of Adam’s rib to be his helpmate.  The lesson is that God wants us to have a partner in prayer.  When a young man or woman when looking for a spouse their number one priority should be that they find someone who knows the Lord.  They then become a unit powerhouse.  The Bible says where two or three gather and touch anything in prayer it will be given to them.   A godly husband and wife team can bring divine guidance, help, direction and power into their lives by praying together.   Praying together creates a bond that makes them stronger in every area.  You have heard the saying a family that prays together stays together is so true.  So young people when you are looking for a life partner make sure they know the Lord and how to pray.  It will set your family on the right path for a lifetime.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Quotes for Jan 11 - 2021

Jan 11 - Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 11 - Vignettes on Prayer


     The scripture I was thinking about today is Rom 10:17, which states faith come from hearing and hearing from the Word of God.  So my thought is simple.  Today why don’t we read the word of God as a prayer.  That way our ears hear the word and at the same time our faith will be built up.  There are actually 227 written prayers in the Bible.  If you were to recite one prayer a day you would be able to cover 227 days this year.  I have one friend that reads the psalms as a prayer.  Personally in my prayer time I will read scriptures over my family and for revival.  Reading the promises of God is another way to build your faith.  Remember prayer is much more diverse than you think.  Remember faith is built up by reciting and speaking the Bible.  Do it today and build your faith.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Vietnam

 To the Church and Nation of Vietnam


    You are a nation in transition.  You were a nation of civil war, genocide, oppression, and atheism.  You still have a large segment of your population who are nonreligious because of education, socialism, communism and religious warfare.  The reason you had so much warfare and murder is that you murder my people and I let you reap the consequences of your actions.  When you sow to the flesh, you reap the flesh.  When you sow evil you reap evil.  You are still a nation of an oppressive government, lack of freedom and control.  A window of change is coming.  I am moving in your nation.  The growth of my church has been 600% and I am moving while the door is open.  Satan has been held back for this time because I wish to heal many in your nation.  The soul of your nation has been scarred by sorrow, pain and death.  Whole generations were lost through the decades of war.  I am healing that soul.  I will pour in my peace, love, mercy and grace.  I will use my people while there is time to bring healing, reconciliation and restoration.  I will heal languages, people groups, and tribes.  This window is open only for a short time.  You must seize the moment.  I will also send you help from Canada and nations which have a good relationship with this nation.  I will also send intercessors to join with your local forces to intercede for this revival.  Even now the forces of hell are beginning to amass for a final showdown.  So be urgent, diligent, strong, courageous and determined.  The time is short

Jan 9 - Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 9 - Vignettes on Prayer


     Today I was looking at Psalm 107:1 and what a great scripture it is.  David writes give thanks to the Lord.  This is actually one of the most powerful ways to pray.  When you give thanks you are doing the will of God.  It also releases divine help and benefits.  Now David is giving thanks to the Lord for two reasons.  First, the Lord is good.  Many times it has been said, that God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  Goodness is part of His character and essence.  Every perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights who never has any shadow of turning.  What a great promise.  Then David brings out such a great truth.  God’s love endures forever.  That means that God’s love and goodness will be with you today as it was in the past.  His love and goodness will also be with you in the future.  These are two qualities that will never change.  So as you approach the throne of grace today remember God’s goodness and love is the means and ways of releasing the benefits and provisions of heaven.  Remember you have not because you ask not. So ask and receive

Friday, January 8, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Venezuela

 To the Church and Nation of Venezuela


     You are a nation in turmoil, civil war, economic distress, social upheaval, and a repressive government.  At one time you were the economic and social jewel of your area. You became proud, arrogant and vain.  You are being judged for this.  Though you sit on vast resources you will not enjoy them until you repent.  You have also embraced, demon worship, voodoo, animism, idol worship, and witchcraft.  It is broadcasted all over your media, it is practiced in your streets and even in your churches.  The institutional church has incorporated into their services, traditional religion.  There are icons, saints, alliances with Isthar and many pagan practices.  This is the shame of the religious community in this land.  You have as nation tolerated atheism and Marxist policies for a time for it brought you a form of stability and prosperity.  Now it is your blight and curse.  Yet there is hope.  If you repent and turn back to me.  I will heal your land and restore you to a place of stability and prosperity.  You have a choice to make.

    To my glorious and majesty church.  All the upheaval in the land has turned many to me.  The coldness, formality, and apostasy in the institutional church has brought a flood of people who are hungry for reality, love, stability, and restoration.   I am moving throughout your land.  Your nation will be is collapsing and falling into despair.  You have a message of hope.  The future of your land is in your hands.  You must fight for it.  In fact, its survival is in your hands.  You must humble yourself, pray, seek my face and turn from your wicked ways.  Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal your land.  You must be like Daniel and identify with the sins of the lands and ask for forgiveness.  I know you have not done them but your intercession will bring healing, hope, and restoration.  Your nation is on the brink.  It is in its valley of decision.  If it repents it will be saved.  If it refuses it will fall into civil war and chaos.  You are the key.  No government, political party, ideology, the social or cultural policy will answer this.  You will.  Even now I am releasing my heavenly forces to fight the enemy for your land.  Satan knows what you can become and he is doing everything he can to destroy your nation.  So stand, be faithful, courageous and strong for if you ask I will give you your nation.  So ask.

Quotes for Jan 8 - 2021


Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 8 - Vignette on Prayer


    I love the fact that the creator of all things would wish to spend time with you and me every day.  Genesis 2, is an amazing chapter it talks about how the Lord made man out of the dust of the earth and then breathed into his nostrils o the breath of life.  God Himself is our creator.  The evolutionist would try to convince you otherwise but the marvel of creation cannot be explained away by fancy sounding rhetoric.  For example, Your body is made up of approximately 100 trillion cells.  Every minute, 300 million cells die, but that’s really just a small fraction of the total cells we have. We produce 300 billion new cells every day and your body is constantly repairing and rebuilding.   That is amazing. 

     Now you ask what does this have to do with prayer.  When you are praying you are communing with the one who created this amazing house that we are living.  The psalmist says that we are marvelously and wonderfully made.  God gave us everything for life.  He wants us to have abundant and eternal life.  This is accomplished in part through prayer.  Daily spirit to Spirit we are communicating with the grand designer.  So thank you Lord for the wonderful privilege of prayer and the amazingness of our bodies which is your temple.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Vanuatu

 To the Church and Nation of Vanuatu 


     You were like many of the islands of the Pacific, people of myth and legends.  You gave yourself to animism, demon worship, idols, and local deities.  This puts you in darkness, fear, and bondage.  When my people came to you.  You embraced them and me and freedom, love, grace and mercy came into your soul.  Before that, you hated and fought with others according to the island, clan, and language.  I see how today you struggle with poverty, economic and social change but I am giving you a new view.  You will excel in new technologies, innovative ecology, and agricultural techniques.

     To my church, I have a wonderful spiritual gift to give you,  I am going to visit you with an island by island revival.  I will start on your main island and then move from one island to the next through your area.  It will begin in a place where people were considered cold, indifferent and apostate.  I will do this to show that I am the God of the second chance.  I am married to the backsliders.  Many who gave up their faith will come back to me.  I will also bring about household salvation.  Your prayers for your loved ones has not been in vain.  This will also be a revival of the young.  Children will be the greatest receivers of this move.  They have hearts that are tender and full of faith.  You will need Sunday School teachers.  I will also once again re-introduce to you a Sunday School movement to teach, train and disciple these young champions.  You will be God' chasers and God lovers.  People will say if God can do this here he can do it anywhere.

Quotes - Jan 7, 2021


Vignettes on Prayer - Jan 7, 2021

 Jan 7 - Vignette on Prayer


     Today I was looking at Matt 6:19, which states, lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.  This is such a straight forward thought.  Jesus was reminding his audience and us that the things of this world will always pass away.  When we focus on these things we lose our focus on the heavenly.  The reality of going after things is that you become more earthly and less heavenly minded.  Chasing after earthly things also keeps you away from the most important things.  Prayer is actually the most important thing you can do.  The reason is because it is what Jesus is doing right now.  It is called the highest calling.  When you pray for others you are making a difference in their lives.  The reality the highest calling is actually the one thing most people do not do.  Surveys have been done many times and found that the average Christian will spend less than one minute a day in prayer.  These same surveys show that the only time we spend extended times in prayer is when we are in trouble.  One adage says that when you only spend time in prayer is when you are in trouble.  You are already in too much trouble.  Jesus makes it clear that when you focus on the wrong things you have the wrong goals and priorities.  So today get back to basics of prayer, the word and going to church.  These will keep you heading the right direction.  Let them be your compass for your soul.  Also keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.  The best way to do this is prayer.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Uzbekistan

 To the Church and Nation of Uzbekistan


     You are the ancient  Scythians.  You were fierce nomadic people.  You have been the object of conquest for major empires because of your location.  You were a great empire and you have been involved with war, strife, religious conflict, famine and genocide.  You will never have true peace because in your heart you have a conflict and hatred.  You have been blessed with natural resources but will never fully see their full use.  I am coming back soon and you are not ready.  Now your one good quality was that you were a haven and placed for my people to live.  I have removed them back to Israel because of the coming end-times conflict of which you will be part of.  Your close alliance with Russia will be your undoing.  You will turn you back on my people and attack my land and will be defeated and judged.

     To my church.  I know that you are small in numbers but I still have many people to reach in your land.  The revival will happen among the young.  You have a young country with over 1/3 under the age of 14.  Did you know that over 80% of those who come to me come under the age of 14?  You have a great opportunity.  The young are hungry, thirsty for peace, love, mercy, and compassion.  They do not see that in their mosques, temples, and churches.  Many in churches today are formal, lukewarm and apostate.  The revival will happen in homes, schools, and universities.  The leaders of this movement will be young, strong, fearless and wise.  They will move among the young with love, compassion, and forgiveness.  They will meet in coffee shops, homes and parks.  They will pray for the sick and recover.  They will drive out demons and do spiritual warfare.  These young leaders will be single-minded, holy and anointed.  There is a redemptive gift being released in your nation.  It will your youth and their faith.

Quotes for Jan 5 - 2021


Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 6 - Vignettes on Prayer


      Today I was looking at John 8:32 on how who the Son sets free will be free indeed.  What an amazing thought.  When you are praying for the souls of others you are actually praying for their freedom.  People who do not know the Lord are in bondage and they don’t even know it.  When we pray for the lost we are praying that their eyes would be opened.  That their ears would be unstopped and their heart and minds would be able to receive the truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  You are praying for liberty and truth.  You are praying for victory.  Prayer is the means to which we will set the captive set free.  We are fighting for souls and their freedom.  This is a noble work.  It is a work of great importance.  You have friends and family who need to be set free.  The only one who can do this is Jesus Christ.  Good thoughts, positive sayings, and clichés will not set a person free.  In spite of the many motivational adages a person cannot set themselves free.  They are bound by sin and only the sin breaker can set them free.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.  The work of prayer is part of that.  So today pray for the freedom of those you love and care for.  It is a noble and powerful work you are involved in.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Church and Nation of Uruguay

 The Church and Nation of Uruguay


   You after many centuries of war, civil conflict and even genocide are stable, peaceful and modern.  You think it was because of what you have done.  You think it is because you are a secular state.  There are many in your country who are proud, arrogant because of their education and enlightenment.  The truth is that you are in bondage, darkness and about to enter another time of trouble if you do not see the truth.  I have you this window of opportunity.  I have been moving in your country.  I am now going to pour out my Spirit upon your land.  I will send missionaries and leaders from the countries around you.  There have you on their heart.  They have fought for you, prayed for you and interceeded for your safety, prosperity, and healing.

     To my church in this nation, I have a commendation and warning.  You were faithful to prayer, fasting intercession and spiritual warfare doing the times of dictatorship, civil war, and conflict.  You fought for your country and I have given it a time of peace.  The warning is that satan is gathering his forces again for a full all scale attack.  He knows the redemptive gift, legacy, and future this nation has.  He will come at you and this nation with a many prong attack.  He will find the apostate, apathetic, lethargic ones in the church and use them to divide.  He will use the cults, false religions and teachers.  He will use modern civil and sexual orientation rights.  He will use the media, celebrities and educational systems.  He will try to make you look hateful, prejudice and bigoted.  He will succeed with some but many others will come to me.  There is a hunger in your land.  I have prepared a great harvest.  You will also have outside help.  They come to strengthen, encourage and exhort you.  I have three promises for you.  First, you will rise with healing in your wings.  You will help heal many because of the anointing I give you.  Next, you will be strong, wise and fearless.  You will defeat the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony.  Thirdly, you will be workers of the word.  You will stand upon this sayeth the Word of the Lord.  You will be single-minded and focused.  I am releasing your spiritual gift and legacy.  It will be a wonderful time for you.

Quotes Jan 5, 2021


Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 5 - Vignettes on Prayer


     The verse I was looking today is such a great verse.  James 5:13, NASB: "Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises."  James is talking about how to release yourself from suffering.  When you are over your head and feel like you are drowning James has simple advice, pray.  The first response of any Christian should be prayer.  One writer says if you wait to pray when you are in trouble it may be too late.  Prayer should be a natural response at the beginning and end of the day.  I make it my habit to pray first thing in the morning.  Now my prayer times are a little earlier than most because for 9 years I have been getting up at 4 a.m. every morning.  This is because of my being a radio personality.  The issue is not the time but the habit.  When you are suffering in what ever form it may be James says pray.  James also has great advice that when you are happy, cheerful or excited.  Then sing praises to the Lord.  It releases victory into the natural and spiritual realms.  Two great thoughts for you and I today.

Monday, January 4, 2021

To the Church and Nation of United States

 To the Church and Nation of United States


    You have been a bastion and fortress of freedom for the world.  Out of you have come revival, missions, liberty, and protection.  You started as a nation in war and it has really left you.  You have a short and complex history.  You are a paradox.  You offer freedom and yet you enslaved.  You love peace and yet throughout your history you have been at war.  You look at yourself as the peacekeeper of the world and yet you think nothing of bringing the war to other nations.  You have pride but in the last days, you shall be humbled.  It is your pride and rebellion that will be your undoing.  You have been a nation of revival and apostasy.  You have exported missions, compassion organizations and yet the weapons you sell cause the human tragedy that nations face.  You once a truly Christian nation but now you are moving away to darkness.  You love order and stability and yet there is war in your streets, schools, and homes.  You have the greatest potential for good or bad.  You are a nation on the edge.  Where you go now we depend on whether you are judged or blessed.  You are a nation divided.  Only I can bring true unity.  Your belief in your importance in the last days has been over-inflated.  I am moving power from you to other countries in the future preparing the world for the final days.  I have not forgotten your contribution and will use you to be a haven for my people in the last days.

      To my church, great days of revival and persecution are coming.  You will be maligned, misunderstood, called haters and bigots.  That which is good has now become bad and that which is bad is good.   I am going to bring one final awakening to your land.  It will touch every race, creed, color, language, and nation within your borders.  It will flow into every state, cities, town, and village.  My churches will come alive.   This revival will cause a future division in the land because evil forces will do everything to stop it.  I am calling you to humble yourself, pray, seek my face and turn from your wicked ways.  Satan is fighting for the soul and heart of your nation.  You must overcome him with the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony.  Remember he is a defeated foe.  You have the resources, power, and authority to bring him down.  Even though he controls many aspects of media and society you can bring him down through prayer, fasting, and proclamation of my word.  This is your moment.  Seize it while there is time.  I am coming soon.  I will soon pour myself out in your prayer meetings, worship services, bible studies, and small groups.  Your prayer times will soon be filled with prayer and intercession for your nation.  Claim household salvation, the promise of restoration and healing for your land and I will bring it.

Quotes - Jan 4 - 2020


Jan 4 – Vignettes on Prayer

 Jan 4 – Vignettes on Prayer


     Today I was looking at Matt 8:35, which states that if we try to save our lives we will lose it.  The way to keep our live is to serve God and bring the good news to others.  Did you know it is the mandate of the church to pray for others in our world that do not know Christ?  There is a lost world out there that will never hear the gospel unless we bring them before the throne of grace.  We have a promise in Acts 16:31, that states that not only shall be saved but our household as well.  The best way to make this happen is to daily pray for divine intervention in the lives of those we love and care for.  Notice I said a daily responsibility.  Halfhearted or hap hazard prayer will not make this happen.  Wishing and hoping does not change the spiritual atmosphere in a family, church or community.  It is strong dedicated and directed prayer.  So today choose to be precise, concise and pointed in your prayers.  Tell God exacted what you want and how you want it to happen.  We have power in prayer.  Remember what we pray for in the name of Jesus will be done.  James 4:2 says we have not because we ask not.  We need to seek, ask and receive.  It is our duty, obligation and privilege.  The world needs to be saved and our prayers are part of the process.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Vignettes on Prayer


Jan 3 - Vignettes on Prayer


Today my daily scripture was 1 John 2:16, which tells us that God is love.  God’s love is amazing.  What I find so amazing is that the God of the universe loves me.  In fact he loves all his creation.  What is also fantastic is that God wants to communicate with his creation.  We call this communication prayer.  Jesus when He was talking to the woman at the well told her and us that God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Prayer is Spirit to spirit communication.  When we pray in a manner we are in the Spirit.  Paul tells us Romans that the Holy Spirit helps us when we pray and sometimes will pray through us with groans and prayers that cannot be expressed except through deep groaning and deep intercession.  There have been times where I have been praying and I have not known what to say except through deep personal groaning and tears.  All this comes through the love of God.  What I find fascinating is the God of the universe would want to spend time with me.  So today let us let the love of God flow through us as we pray.  Let his love be the foundation of our prayers today.  As we pray for others.

To the Church and Nation of the United Kingdom

To the Church and Nation of the United Kingdom


    You are in your moment of decision.  There is much spiritual warfare over you at this time.  You are a nation on the brink.  It was me that move your people away from the continent to spare you the draconian rule of the empire of the next age.  There are still forces who are working to draw you back in.  They are both supernatural and natural in nature.  Satan thought he had you but in my mercy and grace, I rescued you.  You were once the empire who ruled the world.  You did much good and bad.  You have had great and godly leaders who influenced the world for me.  Men like Wesley and Wilberforce.  Great pastors like Spurgeon.  Men of faith like Mueller and world changers like Booth.  I used you to bring my message to the dark places through Livingston.  I raised up John Wesley to change the world on how I moved.  You have evangelized the world and brought millions to me through Alpha and in countries, within your country, I brought a revival that changed the world and how it thought I moved.  You have a great redemptive history and future as well.  Some believe you are in the twilight of your influence but I am going to give you one last moment to touch the world for me.

     To my church in the UK.  I will use you to reach all corners of the world.  I have given you influence in 53 countries of the world.  You have 2.4 billion people and counting who you can reach.  I am going to move mighty in your land.  Then those who I will raise up will go through the world and bring my message of love, healing, health, and restoration to all corners of the world.  The Alpha movement will in the last days reach millions for me.  I will give you another revival in Wales and out of your great cities you will reach the nations who have come to live in you.  It is a new day for you.  Many of the churches who have been cold and indifferent are about to come to life because I have strategically placed people there.  They have fasted, prayed and interceded for their churches.  Be wise and discerning because there will be cults that will try to counterfeit and steal your converts away.  Some will even be fooled but I will bring a great revival.  I have two promises to give you today.  First, I will give you power, authority, anointing, enablement, wisdom clarity and boldness in these last days.  No one will be able to stand against you for I am with you.  Secondly, I will make you wise, discerning, knowledgable and understanding.  This will give you the ability to see what the enemy is doing.  It will also help to see that which is real and which is of the enemy.  Remember he comes as an angel of light.  Be strong, courageous, determine and wise. 


    You are in your moment of decision.  There is much spiritual warfare over you at this time.  You are a nation on the brink.  It was me that move your people away from the continent to spare you the draconian rule of the empire of the next age.  There are still forces who are working to draw you back in.  They are both supernatural and natural in nature.  Satan thought he had you but in my mercy and grace, I rescued you.  You were once the empire who ruled the world.  You did much good and bad.  You have had great and godly leaders who influenced the world for me.  Men like Wesley and Wilberforce.  Great pastors like Spurgeon.  Men of faith like Mueller and world changers like Booth.  I used you to bring my message to the dark places through Livingston.  I raised up John Wesley to change the world on how I moved.  You have evangelized the world and brought millions to me through Alpha and in countries, within your country, I brought a revival that changed the world and how it thought I moved.  You have a great redemptive history and future as well.  Some believe you are in the twilight of your influence but I am going to give you one last moment to touch the world for me.

     To my church in the UK.  I will use you to reach all corners of the world.  I have given you influence in 53 countries of the world.  You have 2.4 billion people and counting who you can reach.  I am going to move mighty in your land.  Then those who I will raise up will go through the world and bring my message of love, healing, health, and restoration to all corners of the world.  The Alpha movement will in the last days reach millions for me.  I will give you another revival in Wales and out of your great cities you will reach the nations who have come to live in you.  It is a new day for you.  Many of the churches who have been cold and indifferent are about to come to life because I have strategically placed people there.  They have fasted, prayed and interceded for their churches.  Be wise and discerning because there will be cults that will try to counterfeit and steal your converts away.  Some will even be fooled but I will bring a great revival.  I have two promises to give you today.  First, I will give you power, authority, anointing, enablement, wisdom clarity and boldness in these last days.  No one will be able to stand against you for I am with you.  Secondly, I will make you wise, discerning, knowledgable and understanding.  This will give you the ability to see what the enemy is doing.  It will also help to see that which is real and which is of the enemy.  Remember he comes as an angel of light.  Be strong, courageous, determine and wise. 

Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 2

Cornerstone Community church service - Jan 3,2020

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 1

To the Church and Nation of United Arab Emirates

 To the Church and Nation of United Arab Emirates


     You have all the wealth and sophistication of the modern world and the draconian measures of the ancient world.  On one hand, you court wealth, prosperity and modernization on the other you enslave,   You are a nation that imposes your will and version of morality.  I commend you on trying to stay true to religion but you are harsh, unloving, lack compassion and mercy.  You are also hypocritical in who you punish and how you punish.  Your greatest sin is how you view my people.  You are their enemy and have voted against them on the world stage and you support organizations that have vowed for their destruction.  In the near future your wealth, status and power will do nothing to save you.  I am going to judge you and you will be destroyed with all the nations that will try to destroy my nation Israel.

    To my church, you have been wise and discerning.  You have seen the hypocrisy of this nation.  You have seen how they use their wealth for the wrong things.  You must continue to be wise, discerning and creative.  There are many who are coming to help you reach the hungry. thirsty and open.  There are many in this land who are hurt and are broken over what is happening.  They see the hypocrisy, of how justice is administered and they want peace, love, mercy, and hoy.  They will see that in you.  They will come to you and you will minister my healing to them.  Be wise because some will come to trap you.  Do not take everyone at face value.  I will reveal the truth of their hearts.  I will give you the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment.  In these last days, you must work wisely.  You must also be ready for the harvest that I am about to bring to you.  I have promised that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your nation is not excluded.  Satan has tried to stop this but his effort will be in vain.  I will use many methods and means to bring this about.  All I ask you to do is be ready to move and do what I ask.

Jan 2 - Vignettes in Prayer


Jan 2 – Vignettes on Prayer


Today I had the privilege of once again reading 2 Chron 7:14, which tells, us to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.  The promise in this verse that God will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land.  This is such an important factor especially these days of trouble and turmoil.  As I write this vignette our nation is beset by a pandemic that now tops over 200,000 cases and some 10000 people have died.  Covid 19 is a virus right from the pit of hell.  Yet God can use this virus to bring people back to Himself.  As fear grips the nation we as the people of God can proclaim a message of love, power and sound mind.  Remember as a citizen of heaven we are pilgrims passing through.  We are not settlers.  For us this is not as good as it gets.  Prayer is one way we can keep connected to the supernatural world.  Prayer is our avenue to which we can receive all the benefits of heaven.  When we pray we are inviting the Lord into our lives and situation.  The answer to every situation is only a prayer away.  Dan 9:23 and 10:12 tells us that even before we say the request the answer is already on the way.  What a great promise and reality.  So today do not fear, anxiety and worry rob you of your blessings in the Lord.  Pray and get ready to receive.