Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Church and Nation of Uruguay

 The Church and Nation of Uruguay


   You after many centuries of war, civil conflict and even genocide are stable, peaceful and modern.  You think it was because of what you have done.  You think it is because you are a secular state.  There are many in your country who are proud, arrogant because of their education and enlightenment.  The truth is that you are in bondage, darkness and about to enter another time of trouble if you do not see the truth.  I have you this window of opportunity.  I have been moving in your country.  I am now going to pour out my Spirit upon your land.  I will send missionaries and leaders from the countries around you.  There have you on their heart.  They have fought for you, prayed for you and interceeded for your safety, prosperity, and healing.

     To my church in this nation, I have a commendation and warning.  You were faithful to prayer, fasting intercession and spiritual warfare doing the times of dictatorship, civil war, and conflict.  You fought for your country and I have given it a time of peace.  The warning is that satan is gathering his forces again for a full all scale attack.  He knows the redemptive gift, legacy, and future this nation has.  He will come at you and this nation with a many prong attack.  He will find the apostate, apathetic, lethargic ones in the church and use them to divide.  He will use the cults, false religions and teachers.  He will use modern civil and sexual orientation rights.  He will use the media, celebrities and educational systems.  He will try to make you look hateful, prejudice and bigoted.  He will succeed with some but many others will come to me.  There is a hunger in your land.  I have prepared a great harvest.  You will also have outside help.  They come to strengthen, encourage and exhort you.  I have three promises for you.  First, you will rise with healing in your wings.  You will help heal many because of the anointing I give you.  Next, you will be strong, wise and fearless.  You will defeat the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony.  Thirdly, you will be workers of the word.  You will stand upon this sayeth the Word of the Lord.  You will be single-minded and focused.  I am releasing your spiritual gift and legacy.  It will be a wonderful time for you.

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