Wednesday, January 13, 2021

To the Church and Nation of Zambia

 To the Church and Nation of Zambia


   You are one of my favored African countries.  You are beautiful in scenery and heart.  You have had little strife in your history.  You have taken your responsibility for caring for your land with great diligence.  Your one sin has been standing behind so-called liberation organizations which in truth were terrorists and murderers.  You have reaped social unrest for this but my touch in your nation has kept you from the troubles that your neighbors has faced.  You have also faced The HIV and aids crisis because many chose to involve themselves in sexual practices outside of marriage.  This is also a consequences of sin.  I sent you my missionaries the most prominent of these was David Livingstone, who had a vision of ending the slave trade through the "3 Cs": Christianity, Commerce and Civilization.  You have been an example of this.  Throughout your land I have made this a hallmark of you.

     To my church, I have blessed you with a great revival.  You have seen the book of Acts and will continue to see it until the day I come.  I have welcome millions of you who have gone on before and will continue to do until I come.  I have made you the heart of Africa.  You will be my hand extended.  Throughout your the whole continent will be touched.  I will continue to influence all levels of government, commerce and, social systems.  I will place you in strategic places and will give you Daniel.s Joseph's and Esther type leaders.  You will have spiritual leaders at the caliber of Paul, Silas, Peter and Barnbus.  You will see a revival among the young.  They are your greatest resource, asset and, heritage. They will be strong, courageous and creative.  You have a bright future in me.  The one thing you must guard against is the rising up of traditional beliefs.  They are demanding a place in your church services.  They come across cultural and traditional but they are demonic in origin.  Reject them and keep yourself pure, holy and undefiled.

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