Saturday, January 2, 2021

To the Church and Nation of United Arab Emirates

 To the Church and Nation of United Arab Emirates


     You have all the wealth and sophistication of the modern world and the draconian measures of the ancient world.  On one hand, you court wealth, prosperity and modernization on the other you enslave,   You are a nation that imposes your will and version of morality.  I commend you on trying to stay true to religion but you are harsh, unloving, lack compassion and mercy.  You are also hypocritical in who you punish and how you punish.  Your greatest sin is how you view my people.  You are their enemy and have voted against them on the world stage and you support organizations that have vowed for their destruction.  In the near future your wealth, status and power will do nothing to save you.  I am going to judge you and you will be destroyed with all the nations that will try to destroy my nation Israel.

    To my church, you have been wise and discerning.  You have seen the hypocrisy of this nation.  You have seen how they use their wealth for the wrong things.  You must continue to be wise, discerning and creative.  There are many who are coming to help you reach the hungry. thirsty and open.  There are many in this land who are hurt and are broken over what is happening.  They see the hypocrisy, of how justice is administered and they want peace, love, mercy, and hoy.  They will see that in you.  They will come to you and you will minister my healing to them.  Be wise because some will come to trap you.  Do not take everyone at face value.  I will reveal the truth of their hearts.  I will give you the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment.  In these last days, you must work wisely.  You must also be ready for the harvest that I am about to bring to you.  I have promised that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your nation is not excluded.  Satan has tried to stop this but his effort will be in vain.  I will use many methods and means to bring this about.  All I ask you to do is be ready to move and do what I ask.

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