Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Grace of Jesus

Proverb of Steel

What is amazing is you will defend your music preference with such zeal and yet not your faith.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:13New International Version (NIV)

13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
    so that sinners will turn back to you.

rejected at Nazareth

 Luke 4:16-31 – rejected at Nazareth

                This story is so full of lessons and truth we will spend two days learning from it.  Jesus returns to His home town of Nazareth.  He had returned with the power of the Holy Spirit upon Him.  He went to the local synocogue and it was here that His mission was fulfilled or revealed.  He took the book of Isaiah and read Isaiah 61, which  tells about the mission of the Messiah and when he finished reading it, he said the scripture was fulfilled in Him.  The people did not believe Him because they knew His family.  Jesus told them about Elijah and Naaman.  He told them that a prophet is never accepted in their home town.  They were going to stone Him but He got away.  Here are five life lessons we can learn from this passage today.

1.       Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and was ready to begin His ministry.  Before we start any ministry we need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit in the vital ingredient in any enterprise for God.  The Spirit led life is the only answer to doing the will of God.
2.       Jesus’ mission was revealed right from the start.  He taught wherever He could and people praised God for Him.
3.       Jesus was a respected teacher through Galilee.  He was a man of the word and was a man who believed in the house of the Lord.  He was a regular attendee of the House of the Lord.  If Jesus believe in going to church so should we.
4.       The Spirit of the Lord was upon Him and He was anointed to preach the good news to the poor.  Jesus is good news.  Salvation, healing and righteousness Is what He brings.  He makes us friends with God.  Those who do not know the Lord are poor.  They may have the riches of this world but they are poor in the things of the Spirit.  Jesus came to set the captive free.
5.       Jesus came to set all prisoners free from whatever bondage they may be under.  Whatever you are dealing with there is an answer!   His name is Jesus and by His stripes you are healed and through His blood you are set free.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here your thought for today.  What is amazing is you will defend your music preference with such zeal and yet not your faith.  So today defend your faith by your words and lifestyle.  In fact your greatest defense is your lifestyle.  Live so well that even the town gossip will vouch for you.

Friday, October 27, 2017

See you soon

Verse Today

Psalm 51:12New International Version (NIV)

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

rejected at Nazareth

 Luke 4:16-31 – rejected at Nazareth

                This story is so full of lessons and truth we will spend two days learning from it.  Jesus returns to His home town of Nazareth.  He had returned with the power of the Holy Spirit upon Him.  He went to the local synocogue and it was here that His mission was fulfilled or revealed.  He took the book of Isaiah and read Isaiah 61, which  tells about the mission of the Messiah and when he finished reading it, he said the scripture was fulfilled in Him.  The people did not believe Him because they knew His family.  Jesus told them about Elijah and Naaman.  He told them that a prophet is never accepted in their home town.  They were going to stone Him but He got away.  Here are five life lessons we can learn from this passage today.

1.       Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and was ready to begin His ministry.  Before we start any ministry we need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit in the vital ingredient in any enterprise for God.  The Spirit led life is the only answer to doing the will of God.
2.       Jesus’ mission was revealed right from the start.  He taught wherever He could and people praised God for Him.
3.       Jesus was a respected teacher through Galilee.  He was a man of the word and was a man who believed in the house of the Lord.  He was a regular attendee of the House of the Lord.  If Jesus believe in going to church so should we.
4.       The Spirit of the Lord was upon Him and He was anointed to preach the good news to the poor.  Jesus is good news.  Salvation, healing and righteousness Is what He brings.  He makes us friends with God.  Those who do not know the Lord are poor.  They may have the riches of this world but they are poor in the things of the Spirit.  Jesus came to set the captive free.
5.       Jesus came to set all prisoners free from whatever bondage they may be under.  Whatever you are dealing with there is an answer!   His name is Jesus and by His stripes you are healed and through His blood you are set free.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.

Proverb of Steel

It has been said that Jesus spoke more about resources than He did about heaven and yet most of His children know nothing about the proper use of them.  

True thought

It is the weekend and here is your thought.  It has been said that Jesus spoke more about resources than He did about heaven and yet most of His children know nothing about the proper use of them.  Your first priority is make  your resources available to Him.  God gave you them to use for others.    So use them for His glory.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Psalm 51:11

Proverb of Steel

Only a life in tune with the master will play the right song for His glory.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:11New International Version (NIV)

11 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.

The Nobleman’s Son

John 4:4-46 – The Nobleman’s Son

                This event happened in Cana the same town where Jesus had turned the water into wine.  Jesus came back and the people hear about Him.  One man in particular heard about Him.  This man was a member of the royal family and his son laid sick so when Jesus arrived back in Galilee from Judea, the official cam to Jesus and asked Him to heal his son.  Jesus told him to go back to Capernaum and he would find his son healed.  This act of faith made the son well.

1.       The father was a man that believed that Jesus could make his son well.  He was a man who loved his son and would travel great distances for the boy.
2.       Jesus told him, “Unless you see a miracle you won’t believe.”  This man was a Jew and Jesus was revealing the nature of the Jews which is that they will not believe until they see a sign or a miracle.
3.       The man’s faith was put to the test when Jesus asked him to go back to Capernaum and take Jesus at His word.  When he did his son was made whole.
4.       Jesus met the need and there were immediate results.
5.       The man saw his need met and he believed.  Jesus is always willing to meet us at our point of need.
6.       There is a role that we must play.  We have to willing to put our faith to the test and take the Lord at His word.
7.       This was the second miracle that Jesus did.

In tune

It is Thursday and here is a small but great thought.  Only a life in tune with the master will play the right song for His glory.  So today set your life in the Lord and play a great symphony for the Lord.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Proverb of Steel

When I thought I could not be His hand extended I met a man without arms and legs who taught me that appendages are not needed to be God's hands and feet.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:10New International Version (NIV)

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Jesus Returns to Galilee

Mark 1:35 – Luke 4:15 & John 4:43-45 – Jesus Returns to Galilee

                Today seems like such a short devotion to some of the ones we have had.  This however has a couple of truths we need to examine.  Jesus returns to Galilee after His first appearance in Jerusalem and Judea.  He is welcome but He knows that He is not welcome in many homes and heart.  Jesus s the great water shed of truth.  When He comes into your life for the first time you have to make a choice.  Is He who said He was, or not?  Like any eternal choice there are consequences with that choice. 
                Many had seen what He had done during the feast of the Passover.  The evidence was there but one’s heart has to be open before you can believe and receive eternal life.  Jesus did teach In their synacogues and everyone praised Him.  He taught with authority and power.  Christ wants to come in your heart with authority and power. 

Hand extended

It is the middle of the week and here is a thought for you to ponder.  When I thought I could not be HIs hand extended I met a man without arms and legs who taught me that appendages are not needed to be God's hands and feet.  To do the work of God we are only require to have a heart after Him.  In whatever state we find ourselves today be content.  God is your helper and strength.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Parable of steel

Many people travel through life looking for the perfect place to live and the last place they look is the first place they should.  In their own heart.

Day Two

John 4:5-42

                This is the second and last day our of time with Jesus and the Samaritan woman.   Here are five short life lessons we can learn from this passage.

1.       Those who worship the Lord must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  God seeks sincere worshipper who do it in truth.
2.       Jesus reveals the make up of God if we can use that term.  God is Spirit which means He has no physical form.  Those who come to God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
3.       Jesus came to bring all people to Himself He d id this for the Samaritans.  Jesus also tells that the fields are ripe for harvest so the crop of eternal life is ready for the sower and the reaper.  Revival is always just around the corner.  We must be ready to reap the harvest is going to bring.
4.       We are the reapers of the harvest sent by God.  Others have worked and we receive the benefit. 
5.       Man believe Jesus’ word and all the Samaritans who believed in Jesus said that He is the Saviour of Mankind.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:9-11New International Version (NIV)

Hide your face from my sins
    and blot out all my iniquity.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today.  Many people travel through life looking for the perfect place to live and the last place they look is the first place they should.  In their own heart.  The Lord wishes to enter and control your heart today.  Let Him in and remember with him in charge all things will be added to you.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Psalm 51


Proverb of Steel

Vanity is more than concentrating on looks, fame, prestige and success.  It is an outlook on self.  Everything revolves around it.  The folly of self is that when all the resources and abilities is gone, you have nothing to fall back on.  A wretched place to be.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:8King James Version (KJV)

Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

The Samaritan Woman

John 4:5-42 – The Samaritan Woman

                It is almost routine now.  We are going to two days in this portion because it is rich in truth and has many applications and life lessons we can learn from it. 
                Jesus goes back to Galilee by the way of Samaria.  He stops at the city of Sychar which is just below Mount Gerizim.  He rests at noon day, when a woman comes to the well He is leaning on.  She is known as a woman of ill repute.  Jesus strikes up a conversation and reveals to her the great truth about God and herself.  He stays for two days with the people and they believe in Him.

1.       Jesus stopped at Jacob’s well and spoke to this woman.  Samaritans were considered as the lowest of human beings by the Jews.  It shows that even chosen people can be capable of prejudice and bias.  He spoke to this woman and by this act lifted up woman hood and erased racial prejudice.  Jesus is the great liberator.
2.       Jesus in His human form got hungry and tired just like us.  Jesus is the perfect union of the natural and the divine.  He is God with a face.
3.       Jesus revealed that He is the living water and that whoever drinks of this water will never be thirsty.  Jesus is a gift from God.
4.       This living water Jesus was talking about wells up in a person and brings them to eternal life.
5.       As Jesus knew everything about this woman so He knows everything about us.  Nothing can be hid from Him for He is God.  This challenges us to make sure our private world is every bit as important as our public world.  Remember what you do in private is the real you.

A better place

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought.  Vanity is more than concentrating on looks, fame, prestige and success.  It is an outlook on self.  Everything revolves around it.  The folly of self is that when all the resources and abilities is gone, you have nothing to fall back on.  A wretched place to be.  So give your life to the Lord.  Let go of the things mentioned and follow the Lord.  he will give you salvation, love, peace and joy.  A better place to be.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Walking in Truth

Proverb of Steel

Normal is what is considered by society as conforming to the usual state of affairs and values around you.  Disciples of Jesus Christ are not called to be ordinary but extra-ordinary,  We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Normal is what the world wants.  Extra-ordinary is what God wants.  What do you want?

Verse Today

Psalm 51:7King James Version (KJV)

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Jesus leaves for Galilee

Matt 4:12, Mark 1:14, Luke 4:14 and John 14:1-4 – Jesus leaves for Galilee

                Jesus heard that John had been put in prison and this was done by Herod.  So he left for Galilee.  Things were already beginning to get a little difficult.  His association and friendship with John was putting Him into danger.  Jesus went from village to village proclaiming the good news of God.  He message was simple and clear, “repent for the Kingdom of God was near.”  His message was straight repentance. 

1.       The news about Jesus spread throughout the entire countryside. 
2.       It wasn’t Jesus who was baptising it was His disciples.  The right of baptism for repentance was started by John and carried on by Jesus’ disciples.  I wonder if that was because Andrew and John before becoming disciples of Jesus were disciples of John. 
3.       Jesus may not have wanted to be arrested with John or have His ministry be cut short or classified with John’s. 

What do you want?

It is the weekend and here is a thought for you to consider.  Normal is what is considered by society as conforming to the usual state of affairs and values around you.  Disciples of Jesus Christ are not called to be ordinary but extra-ordinary,  We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Normal is what the world wants.  Extra-ordinary is what God wants.  What do you want?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Philemon – Letter to a Friend

hilemon – Letter to a Friend – Nov 30, 2014

From our outline we learn the theme of this book is, be kind to a friend, even though he may wrong you.  Jesus focused on this theme many times throughout the gospels.   Forgiveness and reconciliation are the mark of a true disciple of Jesus Christ.  Love is the mark of a true follower of Jesus Christ.  Paul would focus on this thought throughout this book.

1.     The survey or background for this letter is as follows.  Paul wrote this letter, to his good friend Philemon, exhorting his love and faith to continue.  Paul then brings out the point of his message.  Onesimus is a runaway slave who had shown up in Rome and became a friend of Paul.  He became a Christian and Paul found out that he was the slave of his good friend Philemon.  He wrote this letter as a letter of reconciliation between the two men.  He wanted the two men to be Christian brothers in the Lord, not slave and master.  Onesimus was no longer to be treated as a slave but as a brother in the Lord.  Paul urged the men to be submissive to each other which is the true picture of redemption.   Paul wrote this letter to his friend Philemon between 61 – 61 A.D. during his imprisonment in Rome.

2.     The focus of this message is vs 17-18, Paul says, “ So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me. 18 If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me.  Paul had commended Philemon’s love and faith in1:4-9,

a.     He is now asking Philemon to make Onesimus a free man in 1:10-25.  This is a bold request but one Paul feels he could make based on the fact that Philemon owes Paul his very salvation.
b.     Slavery was a real issue in the Roman Empire.  It has been speculated that 3 out of every four inhabitants of Rome were slaves.  Paul here is speaking on behalf of Onesimus.  He is giving him a character reference.  Onesimus is not the same man.  He is a true believer in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ has so reformed his character as is described in 2 Cor 5:17.  What a testimony.  How I wish that was the testimony of so many of us.  Talk about Big Dave the longshoreman saved under CM Ward.
c.      I love transformation stories.  Sinner becomes saint, Brute becomes beloved.  Heel becomes hero. 

3.      Paul says,” Consider me your partner, friend or brother.”  Welcome him as you would welcome me.  Treat him as you would treat me.  Paul would ask for Philemon to prepare a guest room for Him in vs 22 and be restored to him in answer to their prayers.  Paul was so confident of Onesimus’ restoration that he was willing to vouch for him.  Has there been someone like that for you.  Talk about John Perkinson

a.     Paul then goes even further.  If he has wronged you, or owes you anything, charge it to me.  Paul was willing to put his confidence of Onesimus’ transformation to the litmus test.  He was willing to pay whatever was owed.  I love that about redemption and its transforming power.  God trusts us to have His reputation put to the test on behalf of us. 
b.     Do you know God trusts you today?  Think about that.  God has also calls us into the transformation business.  For ourselves it is following Rom 12:1-2 (Talk about this).  Then it is making investments into put.

1.      Accepting  them where they are and then believing God can and will change them.
2.     Be willing to invest time, talent and resources into helping the transformation.  Most of what we do takes time.  It is like a gardener working to make a garden.  Talk about the garden in Canoe and my chat with the man who invested hundreds of hours and years into the project. 
3.     You have to look at every person as a trophy of grace and a person God can reach

c.       Paul saw that and helped make it happen for Onesimus and he wants to use us in the same manner.  

The the Lady 2 John

Proverb of Steel

Never get into a rut, it is a grave with both ends kicked out.

John the Baptist

John 3:22-36

                Today we are again spending time with Jesus and John the Baptist.  Yesterday we learned that Jesus must increase and all others decrease.  John did not suffer from an ego problem.  He knew his role and why he was on earth.  True humility is having a modest estimation of one’s self worth and knowing our mission, role and destiny in life.  Today we will learn six more life lessons from this passage.

1.       The one who comes from above is above all.  Man belongs to the earth.  Jesus is above both heaven and earth.
2.       Jesus testified of what He heard and saw and this was given to Him by the Father but people did not believe Him.  Truth always comes with a price. 
3.       Every man who accepts Christ and His message certifies that God is truthful.  Our lives display the truth of God in action.  Every thought, word, attitude and actions display God’s truth.  We have been called God’s worksmanship.      
4.       God has sent Jesus and He speaks the things of God and so the Spirit is on Him without measure.  Jesus did His ministry through the power of the Holy Spirit.  If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit and He was the perfect union of God and the divine.  How much more do we need the Holy Spirit in our present condition?
5.       Everything has been placed in the hands of Jesus by the Father.  The authority of the Father has been given to the Son.
6.       Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.  Those who do not believe have God’s wrath upon them.  John is very black and white on this matter.  We need to be as well. 

Verse Today

Psalm 51:6New International Version (NIV)

Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
    you taught me wisdom in that secret place.

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and here is your thought for today.  Never get into a rut, it is a grave with both ends kicked out.  A rut is when you do the same thing over and over.  Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over and think you will give the same results.  To get out of a rut.  Do things different.  Also do them in the Lord and you will get His results.  Let the Lord have your life and you will be a person of destiny.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Keep from sin

Proverbs of Steel

Believers are people who believe God can do it.  Disciples are people who see God do it.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:5King James Version (KJV)

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.


John 3:1-21

                This is our last day on the account of Jesus and Nicodemus.  This passage has already revealed so much and time and space does allow me to expound as much as I could but today we will learn five more life lessons and truths from this account.

1.       God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but through Him all men might be saved.  Paul beautifully states in Romans that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  The gospel is one of conviction and not condemnation.  Guilt and condemnation are from the accuser of the brethren.
2.       Whoever believes in Christ will not be condemned but whoever does not is already condemned because he did not believe in the Son and His name.  Salvation is a choice.  With that choice comes certain consequences.
3.       Jesus it the Light of the world.  But men will not accept Him because their deeds are evil.  Men do not come to the light because their deeds which are evil will be exposed.   Light and darkness do not mix.  Jesus says these issues are black and white.
4.       Whoever lives in truth comes to the light.  Honesty and truth have nothing to hide.  When a person repents their sins they are forgiven and the effect of them is erased.  God looks at the new convert through rose coloured glasses.  He sees them through the blood of Jesus Christ.  The truth is Jesus Christ and belief in Him.
5.       The last truth today is that of we live in the light, people will see the truth we do through Him.  Salvation and Christian living is a huge responsibility.  We may be the only Bible’s that some people will read. 

Do it

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought.  Believers are people who believe God can do it.  Disciples are people who see God do it.  It has to do with faith and trust.  When you trust God you will see His wonderful victories.  So trust God and see Him do it and also see Him do it through you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

God and restore

Verse Toiday

Psalm 51:3-4New International Version (NIV)

For I know my transgressions,
    and my sin is always before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
    and done what is evil in your sight;
so you are right in your verdict
    and justified when you judge.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought.  Believers are people, who mentally ascent that Jesus is Savior and Lord.  Disciples are people that make Jesus Lord and Savior.  Be a disciple and show it through your life.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Beleive in His name

Proverb of Steel

Believers are like the devil, but they are different from the devil.  He believes and trembles, they believe and do not.

Verse Today

Psalm 51:2New International Version (NIV)

Wash away all my iniquity
    and cleanse me from my sin.

Jesus and Nicodemus

Jesus teaches Nicodemus

                We will be spending the three days on this passage.  It is one of the richest passages in the Bible.  It contains the most familiar and best love verse in the Bible.  John 3:16 has been called the gospel in a nutshell.  God love is shown in the sacrifice of His Son.
                There was a great teacher who was a Pharisee and his name was Nicodemus.  He was a great teacher in the land of Israel.  He came to Jesus by night and asked Him about who He was.  Nicodemus came to Jesus by night because Jesus was a controversial person and public opinion was mixed about Him.  Jesus told Nicodemus the teaching about being born again.  Jesus would tell Nicodemus that He Jesus would have to be lifted up and how men would be drawn until Him.  Nicodemus came into great truth that night.

1.        Jesus is a teacher sent by God and all men saw that.  Nicodemus told Jesus that only someone from God could do the great miracles that Jesus had done. 
2.        To be a person of God, a person must be born again.  Born by the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who draws a person to Christ.  The Holy Spirit regenerates their heart and they become a new creature in Christ.
3.        Jesus reveals to Nicodemus that a person must be born of the Spirit and water or they will not see the Kingdom of God.  This statement has application in two ways.  First, water is a symbol of life and so life comes through life in the Spirit.  Secondly, water baptism.  When a person has been baptised in water they have identified themselves with the Christian faith.
4.        Flesh gives birth to flesh and the Spirit gives birth to the things of the Spirit.  The two are not compatible.  You can only understand the things of God through the new birth.
5.        The Spirit is like the wind.  He does what He wishes and saves who will listen.  No one can know the mind of the Spirit except those to whom the Spirit has been revealed.  

Monday Muse

It is the beginning of the week and here is your thought. Believers are like the devil, but they are different from the devil.  He believes and trembles, they believe and do not.   So do not just believe but put your complete trust in the Lord and follow Him with every fiber of your being.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Principles of Heaven for Men on Earth

Nov 30 –
Principles of Heaven for Men on Earth – Prov 1:1-7

Intro:  Today I am beginning a two part series on the Book of Proverbs.  The principles of heaven for men on earth.  Today from our scripture we learn that the proverbs were written by Solomon, the Son of David and a child of restoration. 

1.  Solomon was the wisest man of his time and except for Jesus the wisest man of the
     Bible.  Talk about how it happened in 1 Kings 3:1-15.  Now the word proverb as we
     Learned from your outline means a short sentence showing some moral truth.

a.  The book of proverbs is a collection of moral, religious and spiritual truth.  It is a
     Brief discourse on wisdom, purity, justice, temperance and a strong work ethic. 
b.  The proverbs are the breathings of the Holy Spirit to help us today. 

2.  Our passage today is Solomon’s prologue and reason for writing this collection of 560
      Proverbs.  Interesting enough this book is not the whole collection of his proverbs.  In
      1 Kings 4:32, we learn he wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs.  He obviously
      Inherited his father’s musical ability.  He taught on botany, biology, animals, fish,
      Reptiles and birds.  We learn that some 2440 proverbs are missing. 

Now Solomon shares with us there are eleven reasons why the proverbs were written.  Which we will look at briefly..

1.  For attaining wisdom and discipline.  Wisdom is knowing what to do with the
     Information and knowledge that has been revealed.  It is skill in life.  Common sense.
     The ability to discern between the godly and the wicked.  Solomon wants his readers
     To have this skill.  That is why he presented these 560 proverbs.  Those who trust in
     God have found true wisdom instruction and understanding.  Discipline is self control.
     The ability to live the priorities, follow through with goals and plans, to stay focused,
     To live your values and morals, to stay true to your convictions and attitudes.  To
     Conduct your life in a manner that is pleasing to the philosophy of life, that you
     Subscribe to.  For the Christian it is patterning your life after the life, example and
     Teachings of Christ and following through with it in your thoughts words, actions and
2.  For understanding words of insight.  Solomon knows that is a skill to understand
     Words of insight so he chose a simple grammatical format.  He showed the contrast
      Between the godly and the wicked.  The godly are one way and the wicked are the
      Opposite.  The wise are one way and the fool is opposite.  Yet the true skill is to
      Under stand this comes from the Holy Spirit.  To have real understanding, it must
       Begin with God and end with Him also.  To understand means to fathom, conceive,
        Make sense or simply put, “Get the message.”  Vs 2 
3.    For acquiring a discipline and prudent life.  It means following through what you
       Say, think and do.  To be prudent means you, think things through, are careful and
       Discreet.  To have discipline, you must be self controlled, have proper discernment
       Justice, faith, love and peace.   

 4.  Doing what is right, just and fair.  True morality is always following God’s word
      And following it through.  You will do what is right.  The law of love will always
      Guide you.  Matt 22:37-40  You will always be just.  Your personal bias will be set
      Aside and you will treat people as you would want to be treated.  You will be fair.
      The proverbs help show you these things.  The proverbs and the word of God is the
      Solid foundation and it is grounded and centered on your relationship with Christ.
     Vs 3
5.  Giving prudence to the simple.  These proverbs help bring an ability of being able to
     See long range to the person who normally sees things short term.  Help the impulsive
     Person to be discreet and careful.  To help the self absorbed person to think about
     Those around them. To help the person who doesn’t know God to see godly
     Principles.  The simple are straight forward and ordinary people who chose to stay that
     Way.  It also means that a person can be easily persuaded.
6.  Knowledge and discretion to the young.  Solomon wanted to help the young who are
     Normally immature, inexperienced, impulsive, self absorbed and generally know it
     Alls to have a little help.  He wants to give them working knowledge of life.  Some
     Common sense help.  This book was designed to give moral instruction to young
     People.  This collection of moral, religious and godly maxims are designed for young
     People.  Thus the simple format.  It is written at a grade six level of understanding. 
     He has aimed these sayings at a young audience.  He wants the following generations
     To benefit from the wisdom he received from the Lord Himself.  Solomon was not
     This wise himself.  This wisdom came from the Lord.  Solomon understood that every
     Generation would face the same devil, worldly and fleshly influences.  He knew that
      Successful generations would need these tidbits of kingdom living.  Vs 4
7.  Let the wise listen and add to their learning.  Solomon lived in a age and society that
     Valued wisdom.  1 Kings 4:30-31 says he was wiser than all the men of the east and of
     Egypt, which was the centre of learning and thought.  His exhortation to the wise is to
     Listen and these proverbs will add to their learning.  Proverbs show us the good side
     And the bad side, to get the message across that we must show forth God in our lives.
8.  Let the discerning get guidance.  Those that are able to see the right and wrong.  The
     Person who sees that good and bad are linked with the concept of reward and penalty
     The individual who has insight and distinguishes the fact that God shows Himself in
     Love and justice.  Solomon wants that element of his audience to use these proverbs
     To help guide their lives.
9.   For the understanding of proverbs and parables.  We have learned what proverbs
      Are.  A parable is a simple story or account that reveals a moral, religious and godly
      Truth.  Jesus used this method in his teachings.  His are the supreme example of this
      Form.  Jesus never taught the people of his day without using a parable.  The pearl of
      Great price, the prodigal and the house on the rock are just some examples.  This
      Book applies to many avenues of life and we can learn greatly from them. 
10. The sayings and riddles of the wise.  I want to remind you that Solomon and the
      Writers of the Bible were men of eastern and middle eastern thought.  In the east they
       Love riddles, mind puzzles, pithy yet weighty sayings.  They value wit, intellect, and
       New ideas more than the west.  The west is concrete and logical thinking.  The east is
       Abstract and more esoteric thinking.  The west is five senses orientated as the east is

       More, spiritual, and para-physical.  Solomon in this book brought to light the
       Philosophy And teachings of his day to us.  He gave us a glimpse of his world
       And view of life.

11.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and
       Discipline.  The fear of the Lord is mentioned 14 times in the proverbs.  It is the
       Major theme.  Solomon is a prime example of what happens when a person forgets

a.  He started off well but in the end it was his love for his foreign wives that made him
     Fall away.  In this way Solomon acts as a guide post but fails as an example.  He
     Points the way to wisdom but shows the path of folly.  It shows us that it is not how
     You start that matters, but how you end. 
b.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.   James writes in James 3:13-16, that
      Human wisdom is bitter, envious, selfish, ambitious, boastful, denies the truth, it
      earthly, unspiritual, disorderly, is based in every evil practice and of the devil. 
c.  James then says true wisdom is pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of
     Mercy, good, fruitful, impartial& sincere.  Wise people are peacemakers who sow
     Peace and raise a harvest of righteousness.  James 3:17-18.


1.  We have spent some time in the proverbs.  We have learned about who wrote them
     And why.  Next message we will learn things we need to survive and prosper in this
     Crazy mixed up world. 
2.  The proverbs are designed primarily for young people.  This is your book.  Spend

     Some time in it and gain, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience.