Friday, October 13, 2017

Principles of Heaven for Men on Earth

Nov 30 –
Principles of Heaven for Men on Earth – Prov 1:1-7

Intro:  Today I am beginning a two part series on the Book of Proverbs.  The principles of heaven for men on earth.  Today from our scripture we learn that the proverbs were written by Solomon, the Son of David and a child of restoration. 

1.  Solomon was the wisest man of his time and except for Jesus the wisest man of the
     Bible.  Talk about how it happened in 1 Kings 3:1-15.  Now the word proverb as we
     Learned from your outline means a short sentence showing some moral truth.

a.  The book of proverbs is a collection of moral, religious and spiritual truth.  It is a
     Brief discourse on wisdom, purity, justice, temperance and a strong work ethic. 
b.  The proverbs are the breathings of the Holy Spirit to help us today. 

2.  Our passage today is Solomon’s prologue and reason for writing this collection of 560
      Proverbs.  Interesting enough this book is not the whole collection of his proverbs.  In
      1 Kings 4:32, we learn he wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs.  He obviously
      Inherited his father’s musical ability.  He taught on botany, biology, animals, fish,
      Reptiles and birds.  We learn that some 2440 proverbs are missing. 

Now Solomon shares with us there are eleven reasons why the proverbs were written.  Which we will look at briefly..

1.  For attaining wisdom and discipline.  Wisdom is knowing what to do with the
     Information and knowledge that has been revealed.  It is skill in life.  Common sense.
     The ability to discern between the godly and the wicked.  Solomon wants his readers
     To have this skill.  That is why he presented these 560 proverbs.  Those who trust in
     God have found true wisdom instruction and understanding.  Discipline is self control.
     The ability to live the priorities, follow through with goals and plans, to stay focused,
     To live your values and morals, to stay true to your convictions and attitudes.  To
     Conduct your life in a manner that is pleasing to the philosophy of life, that you
     Subscribe to.  For the Christian it is patterning your life after the life, example and
     Teachings of Christ and following through with it in your thoughts words, actions and
2.  For understanding words of insight.  Solomon knows that is a skill to understand
     Words of insight so he chose a simple grammatical format.  He showed the contrast
      Between the godly and the wicked.  The godly are one way and the wicked are the
      Opposite.  The wise are one way and the fool is opposite.  Yet the true skill is to
      Under stand this comes from the Holy Spirit.  To have real understanding, it must
       Begin with God and end with Him also.  To understand means to fathom, conceive,
        Make sense or simply put, “Get the message.”  Vs 2 
3.    For acquiring a discipline and prudent life.  It means following through what you
       Say, think and do.  To be prudent means you, think things through, are careful and
       Discreet.  To have discipline, you must be self controlled, have proper discernment
       Justice, faith, love and peace.   

 4.  Doing what is right, just and fair.  True morality is always following God’s word
      And following it through.  You will do what is right.  The law of love will always
      Guide you.  Matt 22:37-40  You will always be just.  Your personal bias will be set
      Aside and you will treat people as you would want to be treated.  You will be fair.
      The proverbs help show you these things.  The proverbs and the word of God is the
      Solid foundation and it is grounded and centered on your relationship with Christ.
     Vs 3
5.  Giving prudence to the simple.  These proverbs help bring an ability of being able to
     See long range to the person who normally sees things short term.  Help the impulsive
     Person to be discreet and careful.  To help the self absorbed person to think about
     Those around them. To help the person who doesn’t know God to see godly
     Principles.  The simple are straight forward and ordinary people who chose to stay that
     Way.  It also means that a person can be easily persuaded.
6.  Knowledge and discretion to the young.  Solomon wanted to help the young who are
     Normally immature, inexperienced, impulsive, self absorbed and generally know it
     Alls to have a little help.  He wants to give them working knowledge of life.  Some
     Common sense help.  This book was designed to give moral instruction to young
     People.  This collection of moral, religious and godly maxims are designed for young
     People.  Thus the simple format.  It is written at a grade six level of understanding. 
     He has aimed these sayings at a young audience.  He wants the following generations
     To benefit from the wisdom he received from the Lord Himself.  Solomon was not
     This wise himself.  This wisdom came from the Lord.  Solomon understood that every
     Generation would face the same devil, worldly and fleshly influences.  He knew that
      Successful generations would need these tidbits of kingdom living.  Vs 4
7.  Let the wise listen and add to their learning.  Solomon lived in a age and society that
     Valued wisdom.  1 Kings 4:30-31 says he was wiser than all the men of the east and of
     Egypt, which was the centre of learning and thought.  His exhortation to the wise is to
     Listen and these proverbs will add to their learning.  Proverbs show us the good side
     And the bad side, to get the message across that we must show forth God in our lives.
8.  Let the discerning get guidance.  Those that are able to see the right and wrong.  The
     Person who sees that good and bad are linked with the concept of reward and penalty
     The individual who has insight and distinguishes the fact that God shows Himself in
     Love and justice.  Solomon wants that element of his audience to use these proverbs
     To help guide their lives.
9.   For the understanding of proverbs and parables.  We have learned what proverbs
      Are.  A parable is a simple story or account that reveals a moral, religious and godly
      Truth.  Jesus used this method in his teachings.  His are the supreme example of this
      Form.  Jesus never taught the people of his day without using a parable.  The pearl of
      Great price, the prodigal and the house on the rock are just some examples.  This
      Book applies to many avenues of life and we can learn greatly from them. 
10. The sayings and riddles of the wise.  I want to remind you that Solomon and the
      Writers of the Bible were men of eastern and middle eastern thought.  In the east they
       Love riddles, mind puzzles, pithy yet weighty sayings.  They value wit, intellect, and
       New ideas more than the west.  The west is concrete and logical thinking.  The east is
       Abstract and more esoteric thinking.  The west is five senses orientated as the east is

       More, spiritual, and para-physical.  Solomon in this book brought to light the
       Philosophy And teachings of his day to us.  He gave us a glimpse of his world
       And view of life.

11.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and
       Discipline.  The fear of the Lord is mentioned 14 times in the proverbs.  It is the
       Major theme.  Solomon is a prime example of what happens when a person forgets

a.  He started off well but in the end it was his love for his foreign wives that made him
     Fall away.  In this way Solomon acts as a guide post but fails as an example.  He
     Points the way to wisdom but shows the path of folly.  It shows us that it is not how
     You start that matters, but how you end. 
b.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.   James writes in James 3:13-16, that
      Human wisdom is bitter, envious, selfish, ambitious, boastful, denies the truth, it
      earthly, unspiritual, disorderly, is based in every evil practice and of the devil. 
c.  James then says true wisdom is pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of
     Mercy, good, fruitful, impartial& sincere.  Wise people are peacemakers who sow
     Peace and raise a harvest of righteousness.  James 3:17-18.


1.  We have spent some time in the proverbs.  We have learned about who wrote them
     And why.  Next message we will learn things we need to survive and prosper in this
     Crazy mixed up world. 
2.  The proverbs are designed primarily for young people.  This is your book.  Spend

     Some time in it and gain, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience.  

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