Thursday, December 31, 2015

To the Church in Laodicea

To the Church in Laodicea
14 “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Let us look at verse 14, There are four truths about Jesus Christ

1.      He is the Amen.  He is the amen because He is true, He is the amen because He is certain.  amen." is used to affirm the truthfulness of what is to be said.  Jesus by His work the amen, or the one who makes the promises of God certain, but every time He speaks what He says is also true. What He did puts the amen to punctuate the promises of God, what He says is always true.
2.     Faithful.  No one can be trusted like Jesus.  What He says He will do He will do.  God is faithful.  He will never forsake us or leave us.  Story of Ruth illustrates this.  Naomi loses all than gets it all back through Ruth and Boaz.
3.     True .  Every time He speaks what He says is also true. What He did puts the amen to punctuate the promises of God, what He says is always true. He is the faithful and true witness. He is completely trustworthy. He is perfectly accurate. His testimony never fails to be reliable. In fact, in John 14:6   He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." He is, of course, the perfect true witness.
4.     Witness.  Jesus is speaking what He has seen but also knows.  That is what the Holy Spirit does as well.  He takes what is shared and He passes unto us. 

In Vs 15   Jesus reminds them that He knows their deed.  They are neither hot or cold.  This church is known as the complacent, compromising and content church.  Everything to them in Hunky Dorey but it is not.  T
In vs 16 – They are lukewarm and because of that that are about to expelled by Jesus.  They are distasteful, putrid, smelly, like dead fish.  In short they are vomit.  Jesus is warning them that they are about to be dealt with.  This is a graphic illustration but it gives us the point.  Talk about me and eggs and Ketchup
Vs 17 – This is what they are saying about themselves.  “I am rich,” need nothing.  Let me remind that prosperity is the real enemy of the church not poverty.  When you got all the wealth you need or want why do you need God?  Talk about the rich man and Jesus. I have acquired wealth.  This church is focused on wealth, materialism and goods.  Sounds like the prosperity doctrine.  I do not need a thing.  They had people, wealth, programs and pastors but not spiritual life. 

Jesus said they had five things wrong with them.  They were wretched, pitful, poor, blind and naked.  What they said was not how God saw them.  We need God’s vision to see what is happening.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mark " No That Was A Hyperbole"

Mark Lowry Denominations

Mark Lowry - Comedy - Gaither Tent Revival.

"Buses, Beds, And Bill Gaither" Comedy By Mark Lowry

Mark Lowry Somethings Never Change

Mark Lowry Comedy Baptistry

Mark Lowry Comedy being single

Mark Lowry Comedy false teeth

"Physciatric Help" Comedy By Mark Lowry

"Mamma Had Enough" Comedy By Mark Lowry

Monday, December 28, 2015

'The only country ISIS fears in the Middle East is Israel' - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

'The only country ISIS fears in the Middle East is Israel' - Middle East - Jerusalem Post


The Christmas Celebration

"Glory To God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will, toward men."

(Luke 2:14)

Many weeks before the day finally arrives, people begin to celebrate Christmas. There are lights blinking at night in windows, on trees, and on the outside of buildings. There are lots springing up to sell Christmas trees. There is Christmas music in the stores and on the radio. There are thoughts of what to buy, and sales to draw our attention. We are having a time of celebration. But, are we celebrating the right way, or the wrong way?


Many people will make Christmas a time of sinful partying. They will make It a time to drink and Indulge In sinful activity that may end in tragedy. Fleshly indulgence Is not the right way to celebrate the Lord s birthday. Certainly, the person who drinks and drives may end up killing someone or killing himself. Don t drink strong drink to celebrate Christmas. Let the Holy Spirit lift your spirit in true and lasting happiness this Christmas by realizing the true meaning of Christmas.

Here are the lyrics from a song sang  in 1928 by Leroy Carr

“On the twenty-fifth of December, 1928 it’s a national issue of heaven to the world that it’s Jesus’s birthday.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
Some people who work every day and draws good money every pay and here is what the same people said I wanna spend my money and have my way.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day.
While the church is praying on Christmas Day other people are roaming the streets and drinking their soul away.
Some people use the wrong way to celebrate Christmas day. ”


Christmas is a time to promote peace on earth. May we pray that the weapons of war will be laid down, and the billions of dollars being used to kill people and to destroy homes may be used to feed the hungry, to put clothes on the poor homeless and starving millions, and to furnish housing that will bring them In out of the cold and rain and snow. This is the "good will" that honors and pleases Jesus. Remember, It Is the Lord 's birthday we are celebrating.

1.        Spread cheer. When you hear Christmas songs, instead of being grumpy smile and whistle along. Being cheerful during the Christmas season really will help in spreading Christmas spirit to those around you, plus it helps you enjoy it more too.  Remember it is about peace on earth and good will to all men.
2.       Enjoy your country’s Christmas traditions. Let yourself be a kid again and enjoy Christmas.  We all have our traditions let us embrace and enjoy them.

3.       Decorate your house for Christmas. The possibilities for decorating are nearly endless.
Buy and decorate a Christmas tree. Go with your family to your local Christmas tree farm to cut your own or head to a lot selling pre-cut Christmas trees. Pick out a Christmas tree that fits your house. After you’ve gotten your tree situated, wrap it in lights and begin hanging the ornaments. Don’t forget to water it occasionally and safeguard it from pets!
You can decorate your tree with family heirloom ornaments .  It’s really up to you--be as creative or traditional as you like.
4.        Join up with friends and family. For many people, Christmas is about gathering with friends and   family to enjoy each others company and celebrate the holiday. Take advantage of this time to reconnect with friends and family. Create your own traditions or celebrate with the traditions that have been passed down in your family.  Invite your friends or family over for Christmas dinner. Make it a potluck if you want to keep expenses (and the workload) manageable. The important thing is just to get together with people you love and make the winter a little warmer by sharing the warmth of caring with them. Consider making a traditional Christmas dinner complete with roast turkey, or create your own traditions by branching out and making whatever you want!
5.       Go Christmas Caroling, watch Christmas movies, do a generous act, make gifts yourself, so something outdoor as a family.


When we celebrate Christmas in the right way, we bring glory and honor to God. The angels said, "Glory to God in the highest," and our greatest ambition should be to glorify God in all our activities at Christmas. Then, we should be sure to keep Jesus Christ at the center in our celebrations. Many times, too much attention Is given to Santa Claus and decorations. Christmas is all about Jesus, our only Savior.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Righteous will not shaken.

1 Peter 5:7-9New International Version (NIV)
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Ps 55:22   Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

David and Peter gives us a practical exhortation.  Cast your cares on Him or the Lord.    To cast means to hand over or throw something forcefully in a certain direction.  This means you are to throw forcefully your cares, struggles, anxiety, fear, failure, needs and wants to the Lord. 

-         There are four things people worry about most.  Food, clothing, shelter and transportation.  Jesus told in Matt 6:18 not to worry and in Luke 12:27
even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Worry and stress causes all kinds of problems. Worrying is feeling uneasy or being overly concerned about a situation or problem.  In the midst of excessive worrying, you may suffer with high anxiety -- even panic -- during waking hours. Many chronic worriers tell of feeling a sense of impending doom or unrealistic fears that only increase their worries. Ultra-sensitive to their environment and to the criticism of others, excessive worriers may see anything -- and anyone -- as a potential threat.  Chronic worrying affects your daily life so much that it interferes with your appetite, lifestyle habits, relationships, sleep, and job performance. Many people who worry excessively are so anxiety-ridden that they seek relief in harmful lifestyle habits such as overeating, cigarette smoking, or using alcohol and drugs.
Worry is part of the fight and flight syndrome.  When overwhelmed you want to fight or flee.  Anxiety is cause by fear.  2 Tim 1:7 tells us God has not given us a spirit of fear but love, power and a sound mind.  Fear is dispelled when we invite God into the problem.

1.      Peter tells us we are forcefully turns our anxiety or cares on the Lord.  The  promise is that He cares for us.  This releases the pressure.  Your know God loves you, will care you. 

2.     David says in Psalm 55:22, the Lord will sustain us.  The Lord will provide.  He is Jehovah Jireh, your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, family and financial needs will be met.  David also says the Lord will not allow the righteous to be shaken.

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Carol Burnett Show [Guest: Jerry Lewis - 1971]

Tim Conway Takes a Reaaally Slow Tumble in Lost 'Carol Burnett Show' Clip

Rodney Dangerfield - The Tonight Show

Dorf the Jockey

Jimmy Stewart Reads a Touching Poem About His Dog Beau on Johnny Carson'...

Warning against the Anti-Christ's - May 27, 2007

Warning against the Anti-Christ's - May 27, 2007

Intro;  It is apparant we live in a wicked age.  Jesus said, that in the last days that men would do what their hearts desire and that is what has happened.  Today, John talks about what is the Spirit of the anti-christ and the difference between it and the church.  Today we will spend time talking about this.

1.  John reveals twice in vs 18, that the end of the age and its hour has come.  John believed as
     we do that we are living in the last days.  Climate change, war, terror, hatred for Israel, politics
     based on oil and resources.  All the attention focused on the middle east is all an indicator that
     we are living in the last days.  If you have not pick up my study on the last days, please do so it
     is available in the church foyer.

2.  John reveals to the church in Ephesus and to us that the anti-christ is here.  This morning
     we will examine this spirit from the three foremost biblical authorities on this spirit.  John,
     Jesus and Paul. Many believe the actual person who will become the antichrist is alive
     somewhere right now just waiting his time.  John reveals that the antichrist is not just a person
     but a spirit and It is shown in these ways and these are its charactertistics. 

a.  By people going out from among us.  vs 19,  People get saved and then for one reason or
    another they live and feel that they are no longer subject to the church, it leaders, teachings,
    organization and dotrinbe.  The spirit of the antichrist operates on pride.  Some feel they are
    to spiritual or superior in their outlook than the church.  Talk about two yong men at
    Sunnyside.  John says that individuals under this spirit do not remain true to the truth.  They are
    the ones looking for the last fad or spiritual high. 
b.  John reveals that the spirit of anti-christ lies and why not it is based upon satan the father of
     all lies.  vs 22
c.  Those under this influence deny that Jesus is the Christ.  Every religion in the world is under
     the iinfluence of the spirit of anti-christ.  vs 22
d.  They deny the relationship between the Father and the Son.  They discount and dismiss the
     trinity.  The J.W`S and Mormans both of which I have extensive experience deny Christ is
     part of the trinity.  Even people within the Pentecost umbrella deny the trinity.  vs 22
e.  John makes it clear that a person that does this is aligned with the antichrist.  vs 22
f.   John again reveals this spirit's characteristics in in 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 7, that it will deny 
     that Jesus came in the flesh.  To deny Jesus coming in the flesh denies his humanity and all
     He did on the cross.  The denial is at the core of redemption.  If Jesus did not come in the flesh
     there is no physical substitute sacrifice for sin.  There would be no broken body to deal with
     infirmities, iniquities, transgressions, sickness,  sorrows, lack of peace, and healing as
     Isaiah pictured it for us in Is 53:4-6.
g.  Without Jesus coming in the flesh.  His precious blood that was shed could not bring
     forgiveness, total removal of sin, victory over death, hell and the grave.  Eternal life would not
     be ours.  Because of the blood, we have success, access to the throne of God in prayer and
     so many other things that time does not permit me to further explain.  John had a more clearer
     picture of this spirit than any other New Testament writer.   John saw The Gnostic belief that
     attack the church in its early stages do this.  He called this spirit and its promoters deceivers.   

3.. Jesus revealed in Matt 24:9-15.  The characteristics of the world preceeding the antichrist.
     This again helps identify the spirit of anti-christ.

a.   It hates, persecute and kills those who belong to God.  vs 9
b.   It causes many to turn from the truth, betray and hate those in the faith.  vs 10 
c.   It causes people to believe in false prophets and false truth.  vs 11
d.  It causes an increase in wickedness because anything goes.  vs 12
e.  The love of many will grow cold.  vs 12  
f.   The spirit of the antichrist wants to profane & displace the worship of God with itself.  vs 15

4.  Paul saw the spirit of antichrist in the physical form in 2 Thess 2:1-12 where Paul talks his
    characteristics as follows.

a.  It is a spirit of rebellion and lawlessness.  vs 3
b.  It opposes, and exalts itself over anything of God.  It wants worship and even claims to be
     God. vs 4
c. It is the secret power behind lawlessness.  vs 7
d. It displays countfeit miracles, signs and wonders and every sort of evil to deceive those who
     are perishing. vs 9-10
e. It preys upon people that refuse to love the truth and be saved.  vs 10
f.  It is especially powerful with people who delight in wickedness.  vs 12
g.  In Rev 13 and 17, it is know as the beast.  Whose main objective is power, prestige, worship
    and domination.

5.  John then contrasts the spirit of the antichrist to what a true believers possesses.  True
     beleivers have.  

a.  An anointing from the Holy One.  You have been set aside dear friends for holy service with
    a calling, power, authority and enablement.  vs 20
b.  There is a sense of belonging, a desire to stay connected with God and the community of
     believers.  You know that the church is not perfect but you are willing to be part of the solution
     instead of an outside critic.  vs 19
c.  You know the truth and you know it has no lie.  You believe every word in the bible and
     promote it to others because you know it has set you free and it will do the same for others.
     vs 21
d.  You acknowledge the Son and you have the Father.  Jesus to you is both Saviour and Lord.
     You publicly testify of HIs Lordship by you words, deeds, thoughts and attitudes.
e.  You make a commitment to keep what you heard from the beginning.  You work to stay
     fresh, full of vision, strength and be committed.  vs 24
f.  This allows you to remain in Christ and possess eternal life.  You will always have the Father
    and the Son.

3.  Frank Thompson revealed in his Bible outline that this passage is talking about the rise of
     antichrist's with their apostacy and denial of Christ.  This is the sign of the last time period.

a.  This passage is an exhortation to remain in the truth with the assurance that divine anointing
     will give all the need instructions.
b.   I want to point out three things in closing.  First, Paul point out in 2 Thess 2:7, that the Holy
     Spirit is holding back this spirit and until He is removed this spirit cannot fully manifest itself. 
     Where does the Holy Spirit live.  In Us.  We hold back this spirit.  Secondly, Jesus will destroy
     this spirit with the breath of His mouth and with the splendor of His coming.  Jesus is coming
     back church.  Lastly, God has allowed people to be under this spirit`s influence.  I believe
     we need to pray for people to be set free from this.  Close with John confronting Cerinthus.


Keys to keep family strong

Be better educated

Stay with mom

Show love

Have a sense of humor

Read to your kids

Don`t be an absent dad

Power of prayer

Spark children`s imagination

Kid`s free time

Limit children` gaming

The firm no

Be a good role model

Be a good role model

How to treat your spouse

Let children be children

Teach your children independence

Stand Together with Mom

Do not be dismayed

Do not fear

Salvation is from the Lord

The Lord is our life

God can do the impossible

God answers in the day we cried out

Put the Lord before you

Nothing to be afraid of

Last instructions of Jesus

Be anxious for nothing

Peace is left with us

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us

Do not lose heart

Bear with each other

Forgive others

Get rid of stuff in your heart

Forgive many times

We all hurt together

The Lord is our strength

Cast your cares on the Lord

God will encourage you

The Lord is a strong tower

God is our hiding place

God helps

The righteous will be heard

Who is in control

For God so loved

God showed his love

Let the Spirit control your mind

Peace rules in our hearts

God is our refuge

God is our refuge

My feet are perfect

Peace comes to those who love the Lord

Be strong and courageous

Jesus is our peace

Trust in the Lord's timing

Believe the promises of God

Unlimited prayer

Believe God

Rejoice in His goodness

Relaxing in the presence of God

Thank you for saving us

Thank you for forgiveness

Thank the Lord

Be grateful

Just say thanks

Just say thank you

Good ness of God

Thanksgiving in prayer

Utter a prayer

Honest with ourselves

Forgive and then forget

Be kind to one another

Keep your promises

Working hard in prayer

In everything give thanks

Never give up

Prayer helps us to love one another

God answers prayer

God is in control

God is with us

Stops doubting yourself

Prayer opens doors

Prayer gives peace

Prayer changes our destiny

Prayer helps to find the will of God

Prayer gives us boldness

Prayer over demons

Prayer protects our family

Prayer keep sus from temptation

Prayer helps find plan of peace

Prayer and the will of God

Prayer helps to identify our enemy

Prayer helps to identify our enemy

Give up negative thoughts

Prayer enables us to do things

Prayer shows us what we eat spirtuallly

Prayer can heal our bodies

Prayer helps to overcome our enemy

An invitation to come

Trust worthy of true

The time is near

The Lord is the Light

The river of God

Christmas Surprise Traffic Stop with Lowell Police

Watch This... You Will Definitely Share This...

Christmas Miracle - Inspirational Video

New Jerusalem

Thursday, December 24, 2015

New Heaven and earth

New Heaven and earth

Verse Today

Colossians 3:5-6New International Version (NIV)

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.[a]

Traditions attacked or clarified by Jesus

Traditions attacked or clarified by Jesus - Matt 15:1-20 & Mark 7:1-23

    When Jesus was in Capernaum some teachers of the law that were from Jerusalem asked Him why His disciples were not eating their food properly and according to the law.  They were also eating food that was considered unclean.  Jesus answered them and gave a teaching on how men had perverted the laws of God,
    Isaiah was right when he prophesized against the people of Jesus’ time when he said that they honoured the Lord with their lips but their hearts were far from Him.
    They taught rules that are of men and that their worship of God was in vain.  They would let go of the teaching of God and hold onto the teachings of men.  They set aside the rules of God so they could do their own traditions.
    Moses said that the people of God were to honor their fathers and mothers but the Pharisees said that you could say anything to the parents if it would help them.  They also taught that their children were not obligated to help their parents.  They in reality were nullifying the word of God by traditions handed out by men.   

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas Eve and from myself to you and your family, have A Merry Christmas and remember He is the reason for the season.  Love those you meet and love Jesus during this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Little Drummer Boy - Johnny Cash

Rocking Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee

Sleigh Ride - Johnny Mathais

Baby its Cold Outside - Dean Martin

Dean Martin - Let it Snow!

Nat King Cole & Frank Sinatra "The Christmas Song"

Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby Christmas Special 1957

Bing Crosby - The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)

Bing Crosby - White Christmas

Bing Crosby, David Bowie - The Little Drummer Boy / Peace On Earth

Silent Night (Live At The Helix In Dublin, Ireland/2013)

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Live At The Helix In Dublin...

Message for all ages (Sermons of Steel

1 John 2:12-14 – A Message For All Ages – March 18, 2007
1. Peter wrote in 1 Pet 3:18 that the believer is to grow in the grace and knowledge of
The Lord Jesus Christ. Each one of us is on a spiritual journey and we are all at
Different stages of development.
a. The baby stage has both the positive and negative side. Babies are cute,
wonderful to watch. They get excited over the smallest things. They easily receive
and want to know everything, a desire to communicate, learn, experience and know.
b. The negative side is they can only stand milk, think only of themselves, if denied
what they desire or want will raise a noise. They seek their own, feelings
are easily hurt and are often jealous. A baby lives to be served not to serve. They
cry and never sing, try talk but never make sense.
c. Baby Christians are easily led astray.
They can fall into strife, envy, division and carnality easily. In our zeal for truth,
I write to you little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
The little Child Stage. The little children are trusting and take a person at
their word. They believe without seeing, have a sense of wonder and get excited
over the smallest things. They are able to grasp truth, have a sense of empathy and
will generally respond positively when asked to do something. They can serve and
do things for others without expecting something in return.
3. The negative side is they can be untruthful, envious and cruel. If rebuked they
Become martyr’s; if crossed they become resentful and often make a scene. They
Are talebearer’s, they repeated everything they hear. In adults this is called gossip.
They are given to emotional outbursts and are easily puffed up. They love praise
And will accept it from any source. They seek only things that appeal to self.
Are we spiritual children?
Little children have no problem accepting a father figure. They
Are uncomplicated in their relationship with their fathers. They love and accept
Love. There is no cynicism or expectations. They want to love and be loved.
I write to you, fathers, because you have known him that is from the beginning. I write Unto you young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you little children because you have known the father.
The Young Man Stage
a. They are strong. There is a strength physically, emotionally, intellectually and
b. The word of God abides in them. Youth are able to believe, accept and courageously
stand up for truth.
c. They have overcome the wicked one. They are aware of Jesus` defeat of satan.
d. A young person has vision for the future and the faith and courage to tackle it.
I have written to you, fathers, because you have known Him, that is from the beginning, I have written unto you, young men because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you and you have overcome the evil one.
The Father stage is all about relationship and knowledge.
1. The spiritual father has peace with God. (Rom 5:1) (Phil 4:7)
2. He rejoices in his spiritual children. (1Thess 2:19)
3. A spiritual father or adult has learned to be content in every situation. (Phil 4:11)
They know the source of true spiritual strength. (Phil 4:13)
4. They do not brood over the past but look forward to the future. (Phil; 3:13-14)
Spiritual adults know that all things will work together for good. (Rom 8:28)
5. They enjoy abundant life now and will enjoy the life that is to come. (Eph 2:7)

Verse Today

Lamentations 3:55-57New International Version (NIV)

55 I called on your name, Lord,
    from the depths of the pit.
56 You heard my plea: “Do not close your ears
    to my cry for relief.”
57 You came near when I called you,
    and you said, “Do not fear.”

Aborted Retirement – Matt 15:2`-28 & Mark 7:24-30 Jesus left Capernaum and went off to Tyre and Sidon and even there people came to Him. A Greek woman came to Him and she asked Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus told her that He had come for the lost sheep of Israel. The woman gave Him an answer He was not expecting. She told Him that even the dogs under the table got crumbs. She marvelled Jesus with her faith and her daughter was made whole. Jesus had come primarily for the people of Israel. He ministered to them but He was willing to have mercy on people who the Jews considered no more than dogs. Jesus was the only one who could set that woman’s child free and she knew it. So she pressed Jesus on her child’s behalf. Jesus was not trying to send her away or to be prejudiced, He wanted to see if this woman had faith. She told Him that even a dog such as herself should be allowed to eat the crumbs under the table of the Jews. Jesus saw that she had faith and He granted the request she asked. Her request was met that very hour. All Jesus wants is to find out if we have faith and believe and He will grant our request quickly for the glory of God,

Aborted Retirement – Matt 15:2`-28 & Mark 7:24-30

    Jesus left Capernaum and went off to Tyre and Sidon and even there people came to Him.  A Greek woman came to Him and she asked Jesus to heal her daughter.  Jesus told her that He had come for the lost sheep of Israel.  The woman gave Him an answer He was not expecting.  She told Him that even the dogs under the table got crumbs.  She marvelled Jesus with her faith and her daughter was made whole.
    Jesus had come primarily for the people of Israel.  He ministered to them but He was willing to have mercy on people who the Jews considered no more than dogs.

    Jesus was the only one who could set that woman’s child free and she knew it. So she pressed Jesus on her child’s behalf.  Jesus was not trying to send her away or to be prejudiced, He wanted to see if this woman had faith.  She told Him that even a dog such as herself should be allowed to eat the crumbs under the table of the Jews.  Jesus saw that she had faith and He granted the request she asked.  Her request was met that very hour.  All Jesus wants is to find out if we have faith and believe and He will grant our request quickly for the glory of God,


Wise Saying

The problem with drugs, alcohol or escapism is that they only delay or cause the problem, they never change the situation.

Midweek Muse

It is the middle of the week and just three days from Christmas.  Today as you are about getting ready for Christmas remember it is a time of giving.  Give yourself in the name of the Lord to others.  Let Him be the one that guides you through this day.  The bible says the steps of a good person are order by the Lord.  Make it your aim to bless and minister love to others.  Do this and you will be fulfilling the great commandment to love others.  Let the Lord guide you in this process and be a blessing today.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

True Teaching

True Teaching – Matt 15:1-20 & Mark 7:1-23

    Yesterday we learn how the Pharisees had perverted the word of God for their own purpose.  That even happens today with the cults.  They like one aspect of the gospel but not another or they turn Jesus into a relative of someone or Jesus into a created being.  Jesus would straighten out many truths,
Jesus taught it is not what goes into a person that makes them unclean but it is what comes out of them that makes them unclean.  Food goes into the body and waste comes out.
    What makes a person unclean is their vile tongue.  It is what comes from the heart that makes a person unclean.  The mouth only speaks what the heart is full of.  Sexual immorality, theft, murder, vice, adultery, greed deceit, envy slander, lewdness, arrogance and folly.  All these make a person unclean.

    Men seem to look at their own and traditions first.  We have to be very careful that we do not put church traditions before the commands of God.   There is one thing that Jesus could not stand and that was a hypocrite.  Jesus called the Pharisees, blind guides who were leading people down to death.

Verse Today

Philippians 2:3-4New International Version (NIV)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and a couple of days away from Christmas.  Here is your thought for today.  Most times divorce is cause by selfishness, or the lack of courage to walked through the hard times or see the long term consequences of our actions.  It takes real courage to be committed to a relationship to see the long term victories.  Get courage and see God do miracles.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Rambo parodie (Weird Al Yankovic)

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Another One Rides the Bus

I think I'm a Clone Now

2006: Weird Al - Brady Bunch

Pretty Fly for a Rabbi - "Weird Al" Yankovic

Weird Al - Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch - Music Video

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Gump

"Weird Al" Yankovic - The Saga Begins

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Party In The CIA (Parody of "Party In The U.S.A." ...

Simeon and Jesus

The Lord gives you peace

The Lord will turn His face towards you

Set the Lord before you

Lord gives His people strength

The Lord is our light

Be anxious about nothing

We have power

God of joy

Jesus does not change

Don`t let your hearts be troubled

Cast your burdens on the Lord

Everything beautiful in its time

Lord of Peace

Great White Throne

Saturday, December 19, 2015

In Christ Alone..Passion 2013..Great Christian Song

Passion - My Heart Is Yours (Live) ft. Kristian Stanfill

Passion - Let It Be Jesus (Live) ft. Christy Nockels

Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies] [feat. Chris Tomlin]

Passion - God's Great Dance Floor (feat. Chris Tomlin)

Sing, Sing, Sing - Chris Tomlin

Matt Redman - Blessed Be Your Name

Matt Redman - 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

How Great Is Our God (World Edition) [feat. Chris Tomlin]

Chris Tomlin - Jesus, This Is You (Lyrics And Chords)

Chris Tomlin - Waterfall (Love Ran Red Acoustic Sessions)

Chris Tomlin - At The Cross (Love Ran Red Acoustic Sessions)

Chris Tomlin - He Shall Reign Forevermore (Live)

Chris Tomlin - A Christmas Alleluia (Live) ft. Lauren Daigle, Leslie Jordan

Hillsong Live - Sing To The Lord

Break Every Chain by Jesus Culture Lyrics

Kari Jobe - Holy Spirit (Live) ft. Cody Carnes

Kari Jobe - Forever (Live)

Victor's Crown (OFFICIAL VIDEO) by Darlene Zschech from REVEALING JESUS

All My Worship

Let Us Adore (Acoustic Version)

Elevation Worship - Here As In Heaven (Acoustic)

Hillsong Worship - "One Thing" (Live at RELEVANT)

Hillsong United - "Scandal of Grace" (Live at RELEVANT)

Hillsong Live - Christ Is Enough (Live Acoustic)

Hillsong Worship - "Cornerstone" (Live at RELEVANT)

Hillsong Mighty to save

Shout to The Lord & Agnus Dei (Darlene Zschech - Revealing Jesus)

Jesus, Lover Of My Soul - Lyrics Video - Hillsong Unted

Danny Boy | BYU Vocal Point (from album 'Lead Thou Me On: Hymns and Insp...

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - BYU Noteworthy A Cappella Cover

Mary,did you know - Kenny Rogers ft Wynonna Judd

Bill & Gloria Gaither - Mary, Did You Know? [Live] ft. Mark Lowry

Testimony of Jesus Christ

Satan is released for a time

Satan is bound

Friday, December 18, 2015

Wise Saying

The real essence of Christianity is knowing God.  For us it is never mindless or automatic.  We grow in it when we understanding is comes through the grace and knowledge of God.  We become personal acquainted with Him and then develop a wonderful relationship with Him.  

Verse Today

Psalm 62:7-8New International Version (NIV)

My salvation and my honor depend on God[a];
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,
    for God is our refuge.