Monday, June 30, 2014

More Praises

More Commendations – Rom 16:8-10

Vs 8 – Ampliatus, is described by Paul as a person that He loved in the Lord.  This was a brotherly love that can only be experienced between Christians.  The Christian faith has a unity and faith that is greater than any brotherhood found in man.
Vs 9 – Urbanus was a fellow worker in the Lord and Stachys was a friend of Paul.

Vs 10 – Apellus was someone who was tested and approved by God.  What a wonderful testimony to be an over comer, to be tested in all things and stand approved by God.  The household of Aristobulus receive a greeting from Paul.  Remember most churches met in homes.  It was a time of household salvation and testing as well.  

Friday, June 27, 2014

True Hospitality

True Hospitality – Rom 16:1-2

Vs 1 – Paul now closes this letter with greetings and mentioned different people and commends them.  There is Phoebe whose is described as a servant.  She has a church meeting in her home.  In Roman days most churches met in private homes.  She was a leader in a women’s ministry. She was Cenchrea.  Hospitality and grace are the true marks of a Christian.  Jesus stated that we are His disciples but how we love one another.  That is done more through deed than by word.  In fact words without action are hollow.

Vs 2 – Paul was asking the Romans to receive her in a manner worthy of the Lord.  He also instructed them to give her help because she has been a great help to many people including Paul himself.  What a wonderful testimony Phoebe has.  Paul is teaching that we reap what we sow.  When Gordon Bailey went to Yellowknife to Pastor he sow true love by helping the homeless and over the years God gave Him so back in return.  Give and it will given unto you.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Refresh each other

Rom 15:32-33

Vs 32 – Paul also wishes that by God’s will that when he comes to them he will come in joy and together they can refresh each other in the Lord.  Paul is anticipating that his time in Rome will be one of mutual rest and relaxation.  Paul knew when fellow Christians together it is a time of enjoying the Lord and each other.

Vs 33 – May the God of Peace be with you all, Amen.  This is the end of the instructional part of the letter.  Chapter sixteen will be his final thoughts and greetings from the various Christians where Paul is staying.  Paul wishes that the Roman Christians have the peace of God in their lives and midst.       

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pray for one another

Pray for one another – Rom 15:30-31

Vs 30 – Paul asks them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by their love of the Spirit to pray for Him for as any man he has his struggles.  Their prayer support will enable him to overcome and conquer.  James tells us that we are to confess our faults and pray for one another.  Mutual prayer has great value in the fight of faith.
Vs 31 – Paul then tells them what they are to pray for.  First, that he would be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea.  Paul was a controversial figure in Judea.  Many knew his testimony and some would call him a betrayer to the Jewish faith.  Most of his opposition is Jewish in origin.  Secondly, that his service to the saints in Jerusalem would be acceptable.  He wishes to make an impact wherever he goes.  I trust that is yours as well.  Making a maximum impact in the minimum of time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fruit of Love

Fruit of Love – Rom 15:28-29

Vs 28 -  So once Paul has completed his task and has made sure the saints at Jerusalem have received this fruit and material blessing of love.  He will come to see the Roman Christians on his way to Spain.  Paul is a man with a plan.  This letter is in a way a letter of introduction and anticipation of what Paul wants from the Romans.

Vs 29 – Paul will be full of the full measure and blessing of Christ when he comes to see them.  This is not a statement of hope but belief and truth.  Paul knows that when a person does the will and plan of God they will be filled to overflowing with God’s Spirit and blessing.  Paul wishes to deposit in them what he has in other places.  Are you intentional in being a blessing this week I want you to be purposeful in what you do.  The Holy Spirit has a plan and He wishes to use you to accomplish it.  Are you open to Him?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Lord wants us to help

Lord wants us to help – Rom 15:26-27
Vs 26 – It is clear that his mission is one of relieving the poverty of the saints at Jerusalem.  The Christians in Macedonia and Achaia have made a contribution to help the poor in Jerusalem.  When Paul was writing his second letter to the Corinthians he also mentioned this offering.  This puts the time and date of Roman and 2 Corinthians around the same time.  
Vs 27 – The Christian of these provinces were very happy and excited to be able to participate in this offering.  They realized that they shared in the spiritual blessings of the Jews and that they owed the Jews for this blessing.  So it was natural for them to share their material blessings with those who had given them so much in Christ.  A rule of thumb is this, our time, talents and resources belong to God so we should be willing to part with them whenever the Lord needs them and give them to whomever the Lord wants us to help.  James encourages us to be persons of intentional giving.  Give when the opportunity presents itself.  You could be changing a person life.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Animated Bible Story of The Lords Prayer On DVD

Letter to David

Dear David
The battle lines have been drawn. Last night I suffered the most vicious attack spiritually I have ever had. My prayer times have been extended and I have been praying for break through. This has been quite the week. A couple of days ago I was stopped by the police during one of my prayer walks. Someone had reported that I was acting strange. Talking to myself and in some distress as it would was put. At the time of course I was involved in some serious intercession. Then last night I was attacked during my sleep it was obvious the work of the agents of evil because I even saw their faces. It is amazing how bold these people and forces get. This created two resolves in my heart. First, that I will pray harder and more powerfully and secondly it made me more determined. I have always been of the mind set that when you come after me I will come after you. When attacked by the enemy I just mad. I have always been of the disposition when it comes to this matter that when you come after me I will come after you. I know the devil comes to rob, to kill and destroy but why should the Christian be afraid, God has given us the victory. He has destroyed the works of the devil. If we submit to God the devil has to flee from us.
David, I am now more determined than I have ever been. I know we are close to revival. I can feel it and I am sure you do as well. God does fail in one of His promises. It is now time to press in like we have never done before. Break through is just around the corner. It is now time to press in like we have never done before we are the threshold of victory. The enemy is throwing out all the stops. We must response in kind. Souls need to be saved and people need to be set free. Prayer is the answer as we are.
Your Friend

A promise

A promise – Rom 15:20-21

Vs 20.  Paul reveals his heart here.  It has been his ambition to preach Jesus Christ has not been preached.  He does not want to build on someone else’s foundation.  Paul had the true heart of an evangelist or apostle.  He wanted to reach people who had never heard of Jesus Christ.  He loved to see the wonder and amazement of someone who hears the gospel of Jesus Christ and see them come to Christ and live for Him.  
Vs 21 – Promise relays a written promise.  Those who were not told about Him will see and those who have not heard will understand.  This is Paul’s promise.  He is looking for those who will see and understand.  Once there was a missionary to a particular tribe of natives in Canada.  He told them about Jesus Christ and they accepted Him because they already were aware of the great Spirit.  They just needed to know His Son.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Look what the Lord has done

Look what the Lord has done – Rom 15:18-19

Vs 18 – Paul was humble in this verse.  If he is going to boast of an accomplishments it will be of what the Lord has done through Him in leading the Gentiles to obey God.  He has done this through words and deed.  We are the Bible that most people will read.  Let us pray that our copy does not contain too many flaws.
Vs 19 – Paul has accomplished His task through three means, by signs, miracles though the power of the Holy Spirit.  He has done this task from Jerusalem to many parts of the empire.  His mission has been to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He is simply following God’s plan for His life.  I trust that will be our same goal and aim.  There is an old hymn that states, “Oh too be your hand extended.”  Mother Theresa one time was asked by a reporter how she could minister to the leper in Calcutta.  She responded, “I do it because I want to be the hand of the Lord in a dark place.”  I trust that will be your prayer and motive as well.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Boast about Christ

Boast about Christ – Rom 15:16-17

Vs 16 – Paul then reflects and reminds the Romans that he is a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles.  He is re-emphazing He mission and call.  His priestly duty is to proclaim Jesus Christ among the Gentiles.  He wishes that they be an offering acceptable to God sanctified or separated through the person and power of the Holy Spirit.

Vs 17 – Paul then states that if he is going to give glory or boast in something it will be about the Lord Jesus Christ.  His service has been to Jesus and Jesus alone.  Paul states in other places that if we are going to boast we should boast in the Lord and what He has done in our lives.  Our accomplishments are His accomplishments.  His will is our will and His plans must be our plans.  Our desire should be to do the will of God and be His hands extended in the world.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Great Commendation

A great Commendation -  Rom 15:14-15

Vs 14 -  Paul then tells them that he is convinced that the Roman Christian have these following qualities.  First, they are full and complete with goodness.  Next, They are complete in their knowledge of Christ.  Thirdly, competent to teach and instruct each other in the things of God.  He believed them to be a caring and competent church.

Vs 15 – Paul remarks that he felt quite bold in how he had written to them.  He is simply reminding them on some points because of God’s grace that has been given to Him.  The grace of God is a wonderful thing.  It allows us to have completeness in every area of our lives.  It is also the source of how we act and react with others.  It is communicated to us through our relationship with God in which in turn we deal with others in the same manner that God deals with us.  He is compassionate and graceful and we should be as well.

A Great Commendation

A great Commendation -  Rom 15:14-15

Vs 14 -  Paul then tells them that he is convinced that the Roman Christian have these following qualities.  First, they are full and complete with goodness.  Next, They are complete in their knowledge of Christ.  Thirdly, competent to teach and instruct each other in the things of God.  He believed them to be a caring and competent church.

Vs 15 – Paul remarks that he felt quite bold in how he had written to them.  He is simply reminding them on some points because of God’s grace that has been given to Him.  The grace of God is a wonderful thing.  It allows us to have completeness in every area of our lives.  It is also the source of how we act and react with others.  It is communicated to us through our relationship with God in which in turn we deal with others in the same manner that God deals with us.  He is compassionate and graceful and we should be as well.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Put your hope in Christ

Put your hope in Christ -  Rom 15:12-13

Vs 12 – Paul quotes Isaiah 11:1 and states that the root of Jesse will spring up someone who will rule the nations.  Jesus Christ is that person and the Gentiles will put their trust and hope in Him.  Jesus is not just the Messiah of the Jews but the Savior and Lord of all men.  We can put our trust and hope in Him.  He will give us both eternal and abundant life.

Vs 13 – Paul in this verse releases the fullness of spiritual life.  The God of hope will fill us with joy and peace as we trust in Him.  The power of the Holy Spirit flowing in and through us will create an overflow of hope in us.  We know whom we have believed in and are persuaded that He is able to keep that which have committed to Him.  Whatever you commit to the Lord He is able and will keep His promise to you.  A great reality to start your day with.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Spirit of Unity

Spirit of unity – Rom 15:5-6

Vs 5 -  Paul then prays or releases a thought that the God who brings endurance and encouragement give a spirit of unity among each one of us.  Unity has both a divine and natural source.  God will give us the desire and then we have to work it out.  In this way we are following Christ.  Christ always worked in perfect unity with the Father and the Spirit.  They are our role model in life.
Vs 6 – This unity creates one heart and mouth which in turn glorifies God.  The life of the Christian is one of glorification of the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our theme song should be, “In my life Lord, be glorified.”  We are to have speech and mouths of righteousness.  Our actions should always follow our words.  The world is looking for role models and mentors of righteousness.  There are few who do this in a consistent manner.  We should one of those who do.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

We need to be taught

We need to be taught – Rom 15:3-4

Vs 3 – Paul uses Jesus Christ as the example to follow.  He did not come to please Himself.  The insults that have fallen on us have actually fallen on Him.  Jesus is our burden bearer.  He was insulted, beaten and crucified for us.  By His stripes we are healed.
Vs 4 – Paul now reveals one of the reasons for the Bible.  These things were written so that we could be taught.  We do not have to repeat the same mistakes that Bible characters did.  Through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope.  Life is a journey or long distance affair.  We have to pace ourselves and times are difficult and tough we just have to remember the prize or reward at the end.  We will never get the prize at the beginning of the race we get it at the end and we do not get the certificate at the beginning of our studies but when we graduate.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bear up the weak

– Bear up the weak – Rom 15:1-2

Vs 1 – Those who are strong should and want to bear up those who are weak.  This is a responsibility of the strong.  This should be a love and duty for the spiritually strong.  Jesus did this with us when we started.  There may also be a time when we may need some help and you reap what you sow.  It is not about pleasing ourselves but God and others.  Acts of kindness help defeat the trend towards selfishness.

Vs 2 – Paul then gives the exhortation that we should please our neighbor for their good in this way they are built up.  Jesus is our example the gospels tell us that He went everywhere doing good.  Godly living is about meeting the needs of others.    It is about doing our part to help those who are weak because one day we might find ourselves in that condition of we will be grateful for the help.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Make your Stand

Make you stand – Rom 14:23

Vs 24 – If a person has doubts about what they are doing than they are not walking in faith for anything that is not of faith is sin.  James says if we know what to do is right and we do not do it, it is sin.  Paul is saying if you have doubts about something pray, read God’s word, ask the Holy Spirit, seek counsel of wise leaders about it.  Then once you have your answer stand in it approved and pleasing to God.   God has no called us to walk in confusion but conviction.  Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty recently did an interview where he stated that the problem with modern society is that we have no standards and convictions.  One man wrote, “If you have no morals you have no place to fall from.”  God has given us His word has a guide and place for moral standards.  For the Christian the Bible is our final authority on faith and practice.  If you have no morals then you will never be attacked for having some.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Blessed are those who do not condemn

Blessed are those who do not condemn – Rom 14:22-23

Vs 22 – Paul says that we should not eat meat or drink or anything else if it will either cause another to stumble or their faith to be destroyed.  It is a balancing act but love walks in wisdom and love.

Vs 23 – Paul beautifully states whatever you believe about these things keep to yourself and God.  These are your convictions and yours alone.    Paul says blessed is the man who is not condemned by what he approves.  We are not called to be morality cops on each other.  If a person has a conviction based on what God has spoken to them and another disapproves.  It is not our job to correct but pray that the Holy Spirit will convince them otherwise.  Holiness is not a matter of rights, wrongs, do and don’ts.  It is doing what pleases God.  Each person comes to their convictions based on their interpretation of the Bible, life experience and upbringing.  For example one Christian has no problem with drinking where as another looks at it as sin.  Which one is right?  That is a choice and conviction.  

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Stumbling Block Principle

The stumbling block principle – Rom 14:15-16
Vs 15 -  Paul has been introducing what we call the stumbling block principle.  If a fellow Christian is distressed by something you are doing and you become aware of it.  The best course of action is in their presence not to do it.  Acting in love means that you respect their conviction and do not practice it in their presence.  Jesus died for both of you and you have been united through Him.  Wisdom, love and common sense are the order of the day.  You do not let them impose their convictions on you but you respect them by not either mocking or deliberately flaunting your opposition to this conviction by doing it in their presence.  

Vs 16 – Do not allow what you consider good to spoken as evil.  Defend your conviction especially if it is based on the Bible but do not judge or condemn another if they do not agree with you.  God has calls us to peace and unity and this is accomplished when we choose make an effort to keep it inspite of difference in personal convictions.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Never put up road blocks

Do not put up road blocks – Rom 14:13-14

Vs 13 -  Paul makes a straight forward statement about not passing judgment on each other.  Instead we are to make up our minds to not put either a stumbling block or obstacle in a fellow Christians way.  Many times knowingly or unknowingly we try to impose our values, convictions and personal bias on others.  We wrap it in Christian language, terms and spirituality but the reality it is how we see things and not God.  Paul says do not do this.  Instead make the effort to follow Christ and let Him deal with a weaker Christian.
Vs 14 – Paul says that as one who is in the Lord, he declares that all meat is clean.  Now if someone decides certain meat is not for them that is their decision.  Our reaction should be one of understanding and tolerance.  This is not an essential truth which needs to be defended.  Never die on the ground of personal conviction unless it is a truth of the word.   It is you conviction but not others.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Jesus is Lord

Jesus is Lord – Rom 14:11-12

Vs 11 – Paul then quotes, Isaiah 45:23 about how one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the Lord.  All creation will have to give an account.  I look forward to the day when satan will be brought before the Lord and will have to confess his obedience to the Lord.  He will say, “Jesus is Lord.”  We will be there to see it.  All rebels no matter who they are will give an account and be judged accordingly.  It is a terrible thing to fall in the hands of an angry and just God.  That is why we should be so grateful for the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from all sin.

Vs 12 – Each one of us will have to give an account of ourselves to God.  For the non believer it will have to do with sin.  For the believer we will be judged on love, faithfulness, obedience, faith, how we minister to others on His behalf, integrity, morality, motives and attitudes.  All will be judged but not all are going to the same place in eternity.  What we do with Jesus is the most important.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do not Judge

Do not judge others – Rom 14:9-10

Vs 9 – Jesus Christ died and returned to life.  He came to be the Lord of both the living and the dead.  Paul is instructing the Roman Christian to desist and resist judging one another.  This is a common practice because by nature mankind measure themselves to others and base their goodness and spirituality on this measurement.

Vs 10 – Paul then asks two questions.  Why do you judge your brother and why do you look down on your brother?  Pointed and direct questions.  This must have been a problem then as it is now.  Passing judgment on another shows immaturity and carnality on the part of the person who is doing the judging.  One day we will all have to stand before the judgment seat.  Jesus said that in the same way you judge others the Lord will judge us.  A good warning to heed and a good reason not to judge.

Monday, June 2, 2014

You are not alone

You are not alone  - Rom 14:7-8

Vs 7 – None of us live or die alone.  We belong to each other and we affect each other but that is not grounds for judgment, condemnation or criticism.

Vs 8 - If we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord.  The reality is that if we live or die we do this unto the Lord.  Spiritual life and thankfulness is for the Lord.  We do all things for Him and if others approve or do not, we still must live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.  We are not accountable to others when it comes to final judgment.  We are accountable to how we deal and react to others so it is important that we live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and in turn this will affect others for good for the glory of God.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Each Day Sacred

Each day sacred - Rom 14:5-6

Vs 5 – The issue of what day to worship has been a hot topic since the beginning of the church.  The Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday and usually those who favor form and substance can fall into this camp.  They favor law and regulations, outward signs of faith.  They like the old, verses the new.  We however live in a new covenant.  Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday and it has been the prefer day of worship for many since the church began.  Paul did both.  When he was trying to reach the Jews he would go to the Jewish meeting place and bring Jesus to the Jews.  One man considers one day sacred and another may consider all days sacred.  The issue to Paul is that each one be convinced in their own mind what they believe.  
Vs 6 – One man considers one day sacred to the Lord.  Another man eats meat and eats it to the Lord.  The one who abstains also does this practice unto the Lord.  Each is an act of worship and is a choice of personal conscience and responsibility if others approve or do not, we still must live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.  We are not accountable to others when it comes to final judgment.