Friday, November 28, 2014

Difference Between men and women

Difference between men and women

Vs 6 -  Paul simply says that a woman should have her head covered for in his opinion it is a disgrace to have her hair cut off.  This is both cultural and practical.  A women`s real beauty is partly because of her hair.
Vs 7 – Paul relates a very important truth.  A man should not have his head covered because he is the image and glory of God.  Man was created in the moral, moral and spiritual image of God.  Woman is the glory of man.  She was taken out man and created.  She is our greatest expression of beauty.  
Vs 8 – Woman were created out of man and not man out of woman.  There is an order and spiritual truth here.  Man communicates best for God in turn woman communicate best on behalf of men.  Each has their place and role.   Paul is expressing his view of the role of man and women.  Difficult views today because of the shift in the way 21st century gender roles are now defined.   

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Amazing Grace

Man and woman are different

Difference between men and women

Vs 6 -  Paul simply says that a woman should have her head covered for in his opinion it is a disgrace to have her hair cut off.  This is both cultural and practical.  A women`s real beauty is partly because of her hair.
Vs 7 – Paul relates a very important truth.  A man should not have his head covered because he is the image and glory of God.  Man was created in the moral, moral and spiritual image of God.  Woman is the glory of man.  She was taken out man and created.  She is our greatest expression of beauty.  
Vs 8 – Woman were created out of man and not man out of woman.  There is an order and spiritual truth here.  Man communicates best for God in turn woman communicate best on behalf of men.  Each has their place and role.   Paul is expressing his view of the role of man and women.  Difficult views today because of the shift in the way 21st century gender roles are now defined.   

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Final Authority

Final Authority – 1 Cor 11”2-3

Vs 2 – Paul the talks about remembering the traditions he passed on to them.  There were certain things he wanted  to see in the church.  Most of these came from his Jewish traditions but there is reasons why he asked them of the Corinthians.

Vs 3 – Paul wants the Corinthians to recognize authority.  The free spirit Gnostics refused to recognize authority and were introducing rebellion into the church.  First, the Head of all is God, then Christ, then the man and finally the woman.   Authority keeps decision making clear.  There is no confusion when someone has the final authority.  The business world shows this reality very well.  The CEO of any company has the final authority to the direction and decisions a company makes.  If the CEO does not make decisions then the company finally breaks up or loses its profitability.  The home will suffer the same fate if someone does not have the final authority.  Rebellion leads to sin and separation from God.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Imitate Christ

Imitate Christ – 1 Cor 11:1

Vs 1 – Paul encourages the Corinthians to be imitators of him as he imitates Christ.  Let his example of faith and devotion be an example for them.  Paul had patterned his life after Christ.  Christ is our role model and mentor.  It is his lifestyle we should pattern our life after.  In the book “In His Steps,” Charles Sheldon challenges all Christian to ask the following question before we do anything, “What would Jesus do?”  When you are faced with temptation, “What would Jesus do?”  When someone offended you, “What would Jesus do?”  When someone asks you to do something contrary to your conscience, “What would Jesus do?”  Today make your decision but imitate Christ in all those decisions and you will never go wrong.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Do all things for the glory of God

Do all things for the glory of God – 1 Cor 10:31-33

Vs 31 – A very import ant point to our discussion is that whatever we do whether eating or drinking all should be done for the glory of God.  Our lifestyle should be one that exhibits the character, nature and essence of God.
Vs 32 – Do not knowingly cause anyone to stumble whether, Jew, Greek or the church of God.  Live your life so well that the town gossip will speak on your behalf.  Daniel lived so well that his enemies could not bring any charge against him.

Vs 33 – Paul said that he live in such a way that he tried to please everyone.  His motivation was he was not seeking his own but the good of many so they might be saved.  Paul was not a man pleaser but a God pleaser.  He knew by living a life worthy of God that he would be able to win many.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Stand behind you man

Stand behind you man

Everything is the Lord's

Everything is the Lord`s – 1 Cor 10:25-26

Vs 25 – So when a person goes to the market and buys meat do not ask questions.  Just take it home, cook it and eat it.  You do not have to walk around questioning everything for conscience sake.  This is useful exercise because you will always find something wrong.  We can major on the minors and forget what is really important like loving God and others.

Vs 26 – Remember everything on earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.  He is the creator and sustainer of all things.  Through Him and in Him everything has life and breath.  Getting caught up on diet or some external exercise to prove your spirituality may impress your friends or little group but it does not impress God.  He looks for a broken and contrite heart.  These He will never reject.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Not everything we do has benefit

Not everything we do has benefit – 1 Cor 10:23-24

Vs 23 – The believer has the right to do anything but not everything we do is right.  Not everything we do is beneficial.  We may have the right to do anything but not everything we do is constructive, encouraging or helpful to others.   
Vs 24 – The rule of thumb should be that we should not seek own ways and will but the good of others.  In this way we are showing the law of Christ.  The law of Christ is doing for others as we would have them do for us.  It is love acceptance and forgiveness in action.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Idol Worship is Wrong

Idol worship in any form is wrong – 1 Cor 10:

Vs 20 – The reality is however is that you are worshipping demons.  An pagan sacrifice is worship to demons.  These are not sacrifices to God but demons and we should never have anything to do with demons.  Paul makes it very clear what is wrong with idol worship in any form.
Vs 21 – You cannot drink the cup or have part of the Lord’s table and also participate in idol worship.  This is sheer insanity and hypocrisy.  This paragraph will be leading later to proper teaching about the Lord’s supper.  
Vs 22 – Paul says that being idol worshipper we are arousing the Lord’s jealousy and wrath.  Who do we think we are?  We will endure the Lord’s wrath.  Do we think we are stronger than Him.  God is not mocked.  What we sow we will reap.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Compliment your man


Unity – 1 Cor 10:17-18

Vs 17 – Paul then brings out the fact of unity.  Through one loaf though we are many are still one body for we all share the same loaf.  
Vs 18 – Paul continues with the thought of the last chapter when he encourages his reader to remember Israel.  When you eat the sacrifices from the altar you have also participated in what went on the altar.  You are willing participant.

Vs 19 – Paul asked the question, does the altar or sacrifice to an idol mean anything?  They do not.  Because idols in themselves are just stone and wood.  Meaning in the communion has to do with the fact that you are celebrating the Risen and living Lord.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Life Lessons

Common Sense

Common Sense – 1 Cor 10:15-16

Vs 15 – Paul addressed them as people with common sense.  They were will capable of judging for themselves if what Paul was saying was true.  Common sense tells you that a course of action will have certain results.  If you play with fire you will get burned.  
Vs 16 – Paul then uses the example of the communion.  We celebrate the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Through the load and cup we are celebrating what Jesus Christ has done for us.  Through His broken body we are healed.  Through the shed blood of Christ we are forgiven and have been given new life and a new covenant.   This is a celebration of thanksgiving.  Always approach the Lord`s Table with reverence and simplicity.

Friday, November 14, 2014

An Abuser has 2 sides to them Pt 5

Do not put the Lord to a foolish test

Do not put the Lord to a foolish test – 1 Cor 10:9-10

Vs 9 – Israel put the Lord to the test in the desert by complaining and so they were killed by snakes.  Paul encourages his readers to not put the Lord to the test by complaining and rebellion.  God is not mock what a person sows they will reap.  Satan tried to test Jesus in the wilderness but he refused and we must as well.

Vs 10 – Paul throughout this paragraph has been addressing some of the problems the Corinthians church was having through the example of Israel.  Do not grumble as Israel did because those who did were killed by the destroying angel.  Your rebellion can bring consequences you may not be able to bare.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Idolatry comes in many forms

Idolatry comes in many forms – 1 Cor 10:7-8

Vs 7 – Do not be idolaters as some of the people were.  They made a golden calf and then got involved in a drunken orgy.  Idolatry can come in many forms.  Money, possessions, fame, popularity and pride.  It leads always to the same place destruction and spiritual death.
Vs 8 –  Paul then draws an up to date truth for his readers.  Do not be like them and commit sexual immorality.  The Corinthians lived in a very immoral city and could very easily fall into sexual sin.  The result of the Israel’s sin was that 23,000 of them died that day in the desert.  Sexual sin always leads to spiritual and moral death.  Be like Joseph and run away when tempted.  No matter what you face put your trust in the Lord and see His victory when you put your trust in Him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Learn from the mistakes of others

Learn from the mistakes of others

Vs 5 – The Lord was not pleased with the Israelites because of their constant rebellion, murmuring and complaining.  They died in the desert and a new generation came from them to take the land.  Imagine you have the opportunity of taking your land and missing it because of foolish pride, complaining and rebellion.  

Vs 6 – The purpose of these examples is to keep the reader and us today from setting hearts and minds on the same things they did.  We do not have to make the same mistakes.  By their example we can learn valuable lessons.  The question is, will we learn from their example and be proned to repeat the same mistakes?  The clearest definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking that you will have a different outcome.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Spiritual Food

Spiritual Food – 1 Cor 10:3-4

Today is Remembrance Day where we remember all those who fell in war to give us freedom.  In the same manner reads and study God’s word and bring it into your remembrance.

Vs 3 – The Jews all ate the same spiritual food.  They had manna in the desert which has been called angels food.  This provision was for 40 years and only disappeared when they got into the promised land.  We all eat the same spiritual food.  Our food is the word of God.  Jesus said, man does live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Vs 4 – They all drink from the spiritual drink.  They drank from the same water supply which was a rock.  Moses was called to smite a rock and speak to a rock.  Paul reveals that the rock was Christ Himself.  Jesus was there with the children of Israel in the wilderness and He will be with us.  Jesus even told his disciples before they left in Matt 28:20, that He would never leave them or forsake them.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

To be a winner

To win you must have discipline – 1 Cor 9:25-26

Vs 25 – The secret of being a winner is that you exercise self -control and self- discipline.  An athlete exercises self control in all things and they do this for a perishable wreath or crown.  They do for recognition and fame.  We do for an imperishable crown.  We do it for those wonderful words, “Well done though good and faithful servant, enter into my rest.”  
Vs 26 – Paul does not run aimlessly.  He has a goal, plan and aim.  He does not box as a person beating the air.  He will waste his effort and we should either.  There must be a focus, goal and plan.  We must remember why we are doing this and for who.  There are rewards for the overcomer, conqueror and victor.  Jesus has done everything for us and now we must do our part.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Vintage Cars

Proverbs of Steel

The inside that counts

Run to win

Run to Win – 1 Cor 9:24

Vs 24 – Paul uses a familiar analogy to bring home his point on running the race of life.  All runners race but only one receives the prize.  So each must run so they obtain it.  You have to have winner’s mentality as a Christian.  You may be running your own race but you must run it with a goal and aim in mind and that to win.  Winners do all that they can to prepare for every race.  Mental preparation is key.  You must see yourself as a winner or you have already lost the race before you have started.  God has given you all the tools you need to win but you need to trust Him and yourself to win.  So win your race and receive your prize.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

For the sake of the gospel

For the Sake of the Gospel – 1 Cor 9:22-23

Vs 22 – To the weak Paul would become weak.  He became all things to all people that he might win a few.  Paul ‘s role model was Jesus Himself.  Jesus was at home with the prince and the pauper.  He could walk among prophets, priest and king with ease and friendship.  Jesus ministered in love to all who came to Him.   Paul tried to do the same thing.  
Vs 23 – Paul had two things in mind with this approach.  First, all he does is the sake of the gospel.  The gospel had given him a new lease on life.  When Jesus met him Paul saw the full grace and love of God.  He wanted to return the favor.  Secondly, He wanted all who he came across to share in the benefits that he had received.  Paul would state later in this book that what he had received he would pass unto them.  Paul wanted his readers to share in all the blessings he had received.  Walk today in the blessings of Christ and when ever you can be willing to share them with others.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Spent quality time with your children

Be all things

Be all things – 1 Cor 9:20-21

Vs 20 – When Paul worked among the Jews he would live a Jewish lifestyle.  He did this because that was the means to win them even though he was not obligated to love that way.

Vs 21 – Paul did the same when he worked among the gentiles.  He lived like them.  He did not violate his own personal convictions but in order to win them he would live a Christian life before them in righteousness and purity.  Paul would live according to the law of Christ.  To love God with all his being and then love his neighbor as Christ would love them.  Where ever we find ourselves we are to be the best example of love, grace and purity that we can.  This is the most effective way of winning people.  One of my favorite sayings is, “Live your life so well that the neighborhood gossip will vouch for you.”

Monday, November 3, 2014

Wild Times

Paul's Paradoxes

Paul`s Paradoxes – 1 Cor 9:19

Vs 19 – Paul then presents another of his paradoxes.  Though he is free in all things he has chosen to be a servant of all.  Jesus is following Jesus’ requirements for the kingdom.  If you want to be great in God’s kingdom you have to be the servant of all.  This was a concept that many of the Corinthians were struggling with.  In fact this a concept that many today in our self centered society cannot grasp.  The false teachers did not follow this concept at all.  They believed that the church served them and not them the church.  Paul’s motivation for this service was that he could win all.  Paul understood that if you were going to win people you had to give them love and service.