Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought from James 2:18, where it says, But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. James says talk is cheap and action is required. When you say you love God it is shown by what you do,. Now faith is active and you should showed it by how you live. Today be active and show your love for God by how you love and encourage others.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lord with us.

The Lord has two things to remind you today. First, if you will draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. The Lord wants to have a close friendship with you. He has already done everything to get close to you. It is you that must get close to Him.
The second thing the Lord wants you to know that you are never alone. Even when you are in the darkest place the Lord will be with you. David said that even in the valley of the shadow of death the Lord will be with you. His promise is that his rod and staff will com comfort us. The promise is that you will never be alone. No matter what you face today you will always have divine help.
These two promises will sustain you when you feel alone, isolated and discouraged. So today hear the wonderful comfort of the Lord. Moment by moment, hour by hour throughout this day that God will keep you. He will in fact keep you in the center of his hand. Be blessed and walk in victory today.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought to ponder. In Psalm 23:4 
it says Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me. Now this is a great thought. You are never alone. The Lord will be with you. Moment by moment the Lord is with you. His presence will never leave you. So as you begin this day remember you have divine help with you.

Monday, July 29, 2019

MVI 6381

Monday Thought

It is Monday and here is your thought. In Psalm 28:7 it says, The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
and with my song I praise him. To know the Lord is all this and more is such a great comfort and help when troubled times come. So today in those moments stand on this promise and see His help. You are not alone and divine help is only a prayer away.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Cabo Verde

To the Church and Nation of Cabo Verde
     The Lord has seen your isolated conditions but he has not called you to stay that way.  I have seen the many years that you have serve me even though at times it has been harsh.  Some of you have taken on the traditions of man and the elements of paganism.  It breaks my heart when those who had the truth exchange for a lie or a mixing of the divine with evil.  This syncretism must stop or I will take you candlestick from you.
     To the  true church I will give you a greater measure of my Spirit.  A day of renewal is coming your way.   You will see my glory.  You will have among your midst, signs wonders and miracles.  The marvelous thing is that this move of God will not affect you but it shall go from you to the nations.  Your prayers and fighting in the realm of prayer is about to be answered.  You have fought long and hard in the secret places for others.  You have battled evil and have won.  You have not given into frustration.  You stayed the course in the middle of the greatest fight ever in prayer.  You will be rewarded.
     I want also to let you know that nothing will be able to stand against you.  You are warriors in the realm of the supernatural.  They have resisted the devil and he has fled from you.  You are strong and mighty in me.  You will lead others into this new move. 
     The young are going to lead this great touch of the Spirit.  You are a nation of young people.  These young people will leave you to bring my message to the world.  You will step on the world stage as a great nation of evangelists, prophets, teachers, apostles and pastors.  Your young people even though they will be young in years will be mature for me.  They will be wise beyond their years.  They will devise strategy that will confound and defeat the enemy.  This is your promise and future.  So rise and see your win and my salvation.

Three Qualities

The Lord has three things He wishes to impart to you today. In Roman 14:17, it states that the Kingdom of God has three components. The first is righteousness. This is being right with God and with others. This was the testimony of Jesus. He was right with God and man. When you are righteous the enemy does not have anything to accuse you off. When Jesus was in the wilderness and the devil tempted Him He had no area to operate because Jesus was righteous. When you are righteous your number one priority is to do the will of Father. Jesus did and you can as well
.. The next thing the Lord wishes you to have is peace. Now peace is the absence of internal conflict or warfare. You are walking with the Prince of Peace. Jesus made the promise that He would give peace. Peace that the world cannot give or take away. This is what the world wishes but only the Lord can give it. Peace is being forgiven and being right with God. Walk in that today. Make it part of your life moment by moment.
The last thing the Lord wishes to give to you today is His joy. Nehemiah states that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Isaiah stated that joy comes from the waters of salvation. This enables us to say every moment, "Praise the Lord." Joy is that deep seated contentment knowing that God has everything under control. Joy is knowing that you are never alone no matter what you are going through.
So today as each moment allow the kingdom of God to rule your heart and mind. Allow God to have His way today. You can have these qualities in your life. This is what the Kingdom of God is all about. Apply these into your life and live the abundant life God has always wanted to give you.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Thought

It is the weekend and the Lord promises in Psalm 71:1 that He will never allow our lives to go into confusion. In fact when you find yourself in that condition it is not the Lord. The Lord has given us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. So today trust the Lord with the little details of your life and each moment He promises to keep you heading the right way.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and in 1 John 5:15 we learn that when we pray the promise is that God will hear us. What a great and wonderful promise to know that every word we pray the Lord not only hears but He will give us the desires of our heart. God is good in fact every perfect and good gift comes from Him so today ask. James tells us that we have not because we ask not. So ask and receive.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and a day to reset, refocus and refresh. The Bible says the mercies of God are new every morning. God will be faithful to you today. You aim today is to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. or like the old hymn says, "To be like Jesus. This is a great day to just love the Lord and others.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Weekend Thought

It is the weekend and so much can happen. First make sure you spend time with family and friends. It is so important to connect and stay close to those that we love. Next make sure you get to church. This is so vital to spiritual life. Going to church helps us grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. If you do these two things you will become the Lord wants you to be.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Verse Today

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and this is listening day. Now James 4:7 states, my brothers and sisters, take note of this, be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. James says we should engage of eyes before speaking. This will us avoid being angry when face with an offense or situation that is not pleasant. Did you know that 80% of good communication is listening. So today make it your aim to listen before you speak. Also make it your aim to be an encouragement this day. When you choose the good instead of the bad you will find yourself less angry and more happy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Good word

The Lord has a good word for His people. Today as you go through this day allow me to be part of your world. I have promised that I will never leave or forsake you and this is what I will do. Make it your aim and goal today to minister my love to others. I have raised you up to be my blessing in your world. You have my power and strength to reach others. I have call you to be a conqueror, overcome and a victor. It must be your aim and goal to live above all circumstances and situation.
I have given you everything you need to live a victorious life. In fact I have called you to live my abundant life. I have told you that I will give you health and prosperity even as your souls prosper. Remember these things start from the inside out. Make sure you spend time in the word and prayer today. I have many great things I want to share with you and when you spend time with me I will show you my plans and purposes. Remember this is your day so seize the moment and walk in victory. You are my child remember that.

Wednesday Thought

It is the middle of the week and Psalm 46:1 remind us that the Lord is our refuge, strength and ever present help when we are in trouble. This is such a great promise because no matter what you face the Lord will be exactly what you need at the time. You are never alone. You will always have divine help and protection. Such each moment of this day remember that and walk in freedom and victory.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Prayer thought

It is the middle of the week and here is your thought. The Bible says that we should bring everything to the Lord in prayer. James 4:2 says we have not because we ask not. Today turn everything over to the Lord. When you pray you are inviting divine help. The Lord wants to touch your life and meet your needs. So today bring everything you face to the Lord and let Him show you what He can truly do.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

My Church

A warning to the Church. My heart is breaking for my church is allowing things that I have called sin to continue. You have not even made your voice known. The Church in Canada is the worst. In trying to be political correct you are an abomination in my sight. It is time for pastor, their leaders and churches to repent. In you cities you have stood by and let them pass bylaws that allow sin to continue. Yet I will give you one more opportunity to repent and turn your situation around. My judgment is going to come to those places where they call that which is wrong right and right wrong. I will also deal harshly with leaders who continue to promote sin in any form. My coming is at any moment and so my people must be ready to both go home but also be an influence where you are. Remember you are holders of light and the ones who hold back evil. You have failed in your job. So come back to me. Get the power you need from me and go and win back your world. It is not too late but time is running out.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Monday Muse

It is Monday and the beginning of a new week. This is a wonderful time to start again fresh with the thought of being a success in following the Lord. This means making the choice to live moment by moment for Him. Remember the Lord could come back at any moment. So that should be your motivation. Also make the decision today to love others. This way you serve and touch others.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Weekend Thought

It is Friday and here is your thought. When you have a moment to encourage a person do. A word fitly spoken the Bible says is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. So do that and you will be a blessing.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thursday Thought

It is Thursday and for our friends in the states it is Independence Day. A time where they became a country centered on freedom. The Bible says who the Son sets free is free indeed. As United States became a free country on this day so allow the Lord to set you free this day and remain free in His love and grace today. Also share this freedom of Christ with others today and they to could be free. It could be their independence day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Rescue the perishing

July 2 – Rescue the Perishing  - Psalm 82:3-4

     Asaph talks about how the Lord presides over a great assembly of angelic beings.  They have been given the task of defending the cause of the weak and defenseless.  To fight for the rights of the poor and oppressed.  To rescue the needy and the weak.  To deliver them from the hands of the wicked.  This is not only the mandate of the angels but God’s people.
     Jesus told of parable in Matt 25, about how one day people will be judged on how they visited the sick, clothed the needy, feed the hungry, and helped those in prison.  Social justice is the mandate of the church.  We will be judged on it.  Our zeal for evangelism must always be balanced with social justice.  Asaph reminds us of that today.  So go and do this in your world.  Be the voice for those who do not have a voice.

Tuesday Thought

It is Tuesday and here is your thought for today. In Isaiah 6:6 it says, Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: Here is you have the Lord cleansing the speech of the man of God. He can do the same for you. Ask Him to help you manage your speech and he will. You and God together can bring your speech to place where you encourage, help and love others. Together you and God can be awesome together today.