Friday, December 25, 2015

Warning against the Anti-Christ's - May 27, 2007

Warning against the Anti-Christ's - May 27, 2007

Intro;  It is apparant we live in a wicked age.  Jesus said, that in the last days that men would do what their hearts desire and that is what has happened.  Today, John talks about what is the Spirit of the anti-christ and the difference between it and the church.  Today we will spend time talking about this.

1.  John reveals twice in vs 18, that the end of the age and its hour has come.  John believed as
     we do that we are living in the last days.  Climate change, war, terror, hatred for Israel, politics
     based on oil and resources.  All the attention focused on the middle east is all an indicator that
     we are living in the last days.  If you have not pick up my study on the last days, please do so it
     is available in the church foyer.

2.  John reveals to the church in Ephesus and to us that the anti-christ is here.  This morning
     we will examine this spirit from the three foremost biblical authorities on this spirit.  John,
     Jesus and Paul. Many believe the actual person who will become the antichrist is alive
     somewhere right now just waiting his time.  John reveals that the antichrist is not just a person
     but a spirit and It is shown in these ways and these are its charactertistics. 

a.  By people going out from among us.  vs 19,  People get saved and then for one reason or
    another they live and feel that they are no longer subject to the church, it leaders, teachings,
    organization and dotrinbe.  The spirit of the antichrist operates on pride.  Some feel they are
    to spiritual or superior in their outlook than the church.  Talk about two yong men at
    Sunnyside.  John says that individuals under this spirit do not remain true to the truth.  They are
    the ones looking for the last fad or spiritual high. 
b.  John reveals that the spirit of anti-christ lies and why not it is based upon satan the father of
     all lies.  vs 22
c.  Those under this influence deny that Jesus is the Christ.  Every religion in the world is under
     the iinfluence of the spirit of anti-christ.  vs 22
d.  They deny the relationship between the Father and the Son.  They discount and dismiss the
     trinity.  The J.W`S and Mormans both of which I have extensive experience deny Christ is
     part of the trinity.  Even people within the Pentecost umbrella deny the trinity.  vs 22
e.  John makes it clear that a person that does this is aligned with the antichrist.  vs 22
f.   John again reveals this spirit's characteristics in in 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 7, that it will deny 
     that Jesus came in the flesh.  To deny Jesus coming in the flesh denies his humanity and all
     He did on the cross.  The denial is at the core of redemption.  If Jesus did not come in the flesh
     there is no physical substitute sacrifice for sin.  There would be no broken body to deal with
     infirmities, iniquities, transgressions, sickness,  sorrows, lack of peace, and healing as
     Isaiah pictured it for us in Is 53:4-6.
g.  Without Jesus coming in the flesh.  His precious blood that was shed could not bring
     forgiveness, total removal of sin, victory over death, hell and the grave.  Eternal life would not
     be ours.  Because of the blood, we have success, access to the throne of God in prayer and
     so many other things that time does not permit me to further explain.  John had a more clearer
     picture of this spirit than any other New Testament writer.   John saw The Gnostic belief that
     attack the church in its early stages do this.  He called this spirit and its promoters deceivers.   

3.. Jesus revealed in Matt 24:9-15.  The characteristics of the world preceeding the antichrist.
     This again helps identify the spirit of anti-christ.

a.   It hates, persecute and kills those who belong to God.  vs 9
b.   It causes many to turn from the truth, betray and hate those in the faith.  vs 10 
c.   It causes people to believe in false prophets and false truth.  vs 11
d.  It causes an increase in wickedness because anything goes.  vs 12
e.  The love of many will grow cold.  vs 12  
f.   The spirit of the antichrist wants to profane & displace the worship of God with itself.  vs 15

4.  Paul saw the spirit of antichrist in the physical form in 2 Thess 2:1-12 where Paul talks his
    characteristics as follows.

a.  It is a spirit of rebellion and lawlessness.  vs 3
b.  It opposes, and exalts itself over anything of God.  It wants worship and even claims to be
     God. vs 4
c. It is the secret power behind lawlessness.  vs 7
d. It displays countfeit miracles, signs and wonders and every sort of evil to deceive those who
     are perishing. vs 9-10
e. It preys upon people that refuse to love the truth and be saved.  vs 10
f.  It is especially powerful with people who delight in wickedness.  vs 12
g.  In Rev 13 and 17, it is know as the beast.  Whose main objective is power, prestige, worship
    and domination.

5.  John then contrasts the spirit of the antichrist to what a true believers possesses.  True
     beleivers have.  

a.  An anointing from the Holy One.  You have been set aside dear friends for holy service with
    a calling, power, authority and enablement.  vs 20
b.  There is a sense of belonging, a desire to stay connected with God and the community of
     believers.  You know that the church is not perfect but you are willing to be part of the solution
     instead of an outside critic.  vs 19
c.  You know the truth and you know it has no lie.  You believe every word in the bible and
     promote it to others because you know it has set you free and it will do the same for others.
     vs 21
d.  You acknowledge the Son and you have the Father.  Jesus to you is both Saviour and Lord.
     You publicly testify of HIs Lordship by you words, deeds, thoughts and attitudes.
e.  You make a commitment to keep what you heard from the beginning.  You work to stay
     fresh, full of vision, strength and be committed.  vs 24
f.  This allows you to remain in Christ and possess eternal life.  You will always have the Father
    and the Son.

3.  Frank Thompson revealed in his Bible outline that this passage is talking about the rise of
     antichrist's with their apostacy and denial of Christ.  This is the sign of the last time period.

a.  This passage is an exhortation to remain in the truth with the assurance that divine anointing
     will give all the need instructions.
b.   I want to point out three things in closing.  First, Paul point out in 2 Thess 2:7, that the Holy
     Spirit is holding back this spirit and until He is removed this spirit cannot fully manifest itself. 
     Where does the Holy Spirit live.  In Us.  We hold back this spirit.  Secondly, Jesus will destroy
     this spirit with the breath of His mouth and with the splendor of His coming.  Jesus is coming
     back church.  Lastly, God has allowed people to be under this spirit`s influence.  I believe
     we need to pray for people to be set free from this.  Close with John confronting Cerinthus.


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