Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Matthew – Beginning a New Era – Matt 13:44-46

Matthew – Beginning a New Era – Matt 13:44-46

Intro:  As we begin our time in the New Testament.  We have ended with one era and start a new one.  Our focus now is on Jesus.  In Matthew, Jesus is the giver and presenter of a new kingdom.  A kingdom which is spiritual and in the hearts of all believers. 

1.  Jesus uses two parables to emphasize the value of this Kingdom.  The word kingdom
     Appears in this book 50 times.  The phrase Kingdom of Heaven appears 30 times. 

a.  Matthew of Levi, was a writer that knew the power of what Jesus was talking about.
     One day he was sitting in his tax collector booth and Jesus walked by.  Jesus saw
     Something that no one else saw, his heart.  Man always looks at the exterior first.  God
     Always looks at the heart.  That became the focus of Matthew’s writing.
b.  Matthew saw the Kingdom of Heaven or God was a spiritual one in our hearts   He
     also pointed out that this Kingdom in the heart envelopes us because of the indwelling
     and transforming power of the Spirit. 
c.  Matthew believed that Jesus was the Messiah and His purpose was to bring the
     Kingdom of God to men.  Paul stated in Rom 14:17, that the Kingdom of God was not
     A matter of meat and drink or anything else, but of righteous, pace and joy in the Holy

1.  Righteousness, is right standing with God that translates in right living before men.
2.  Joy, is deep seated contentment, knowing that God is in control and has everything
     Under control so you can be happy, content and live a worry free life.
3.  Peace is living inwardly and outwardly without strife, war or conflict because the
     Prince of Peace is reigning and ruling in your heart and life. 

2.  Matthew wrote his book from a Jesus perspective, but he believed that the Message of
     The Messiah was not just for the Jews but all men.  These two parables talk about the
     Value of the Kingdom.

a.  Our first parable talks about how the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a
     field.  When a man finds it, he is filled with great joy and he sells all he has to buy the
     field.  Our three lessons from the parable are as follows.

1.  The Kingdom of God is hidden.  It has to be sought.  You have to want it, desire it &
     Need it.  The Holy Spirit draws you, convicts you and convinces you.  But you need
     To respond and see in your heart and want it. 
2 . The Kingdom of God brings joy.  Paul based his statement on this parable.  When you
      Realize the value of what has been done and been given it changes you life,
      Perspective and course of direction.  You have joy inside and it reflects on your
      Outlook and life.  You are a different person and those around you know it. 

3.  He sold everything he had o buy it.  Jesus makes it clear that everything must be
      Given up to attained eternal life.  The personal cost of following God is everything.
      Talk about the rich young ruler.  The cost is willing to give up family, friends and
      Everything.  If you are not willing, you are not worthy of the Kingdom.
b.  Matthew had experienced this transforming power.  He gave up all to follow Jesus
     from his perspective this thought was crucial.  Are you willing to give up all to follow
c.  Matthew from this book makes it clear that Jesus care cares about all and He wants to
     heal, set free and bring peace within.  Will we let Him?

3.  The second parable is called the “Pearl of great price.”  The merchant here was
     Seeking for the pearl and when he found it, he sold everything he had to buy it.  This
     Parable also has three lessons.

a.  The merchant was seeking the pearl.  This parable is about the person actively
      seeking the Kingdom of Heaven.  One who is tired of this life, its trappings and
      shallowness.  He is seen it for what it is.  He heard about the kingdom, he seen it
      in action and he wants it. 
b.  He knows its value.  The man knew the real from the fake.  He knows that the
     Kingdom is priceless. He knows nothing is like it.  No other pearl, no other gem or
     Bobble is like it. 
c.  He sells everything to possess it.  This merchant knew he what had to give up and sold
     everything to possess it.  This again speaks of knowing the cost and willing to do
     all and give up all to possess this pearl of great price. 

4.  This morning my last point is the most important.  Matthew knew that Jesus was
     The new disclosure & embodiment of the divine and the redemptive.  He showed
     How they were linked together.  Before Jesus could come in glory He first had to
     Come and die for the sins of men.  Matthew in his sixty references from the Old
      Testament makes this abundantly clear. 

a.  Jesus Christ came to do away with sin.  The Jew may have been expecting the
     Messiah to establish a kingdom such as David’s but what scripture made clear was
     that He first had to die to deal with sin and its consequences.  These two concepts
     were not fully understood until Jesus came and made them clear. 
b.  Sin is do destructive, it will take you where you never thought you would go, cause
     you to do things you never thought you would and hurt you in ways you never thought
     you could be hurt.  Jesus right now is offering all of us here peace within.  It is a
     treasure a pearl of great price.

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