Wednesday, March 14, 2018

2 Masters

Matt 6:19-21 & 24
2 Masters 

     Jesus is giving us a key to true treasure which is in heaven and not here on this earth.  Jesus said, “do not lay up treasures on earth.” 

1.        Jesus is not condemning having our needs met or accumulating a little extra for a rainy day or even for retirement.  What He is saying is do not spend all your time trying to get money.  Putting your trust in material things keep you from God.  There was a man who said once that he would rather be poor in God than rich in the devil.
2.       We live in a world where people spend little and want to get much.  Jesus said, do not put your trust in riches or go after treasures here on this earth.  Jesus used a story that the Jews could relate too.  Things were very common then as we have today and great sources of wealth. 

a.        Clothes, they show wealth but a moth can destroy them.
b.      Corn, grain and other agricultural wealth but mice, rats and worms can destroy these.
c.       A house in Palestine was made either of mud or stone.   If a thief wanted to rob it all he had to do was dig through the wall.  A person may have a locked door but that will not stop a determined thief.

3.        Jesus said to not put your trust in possessions or pleasure.  Enjoying things becomes a drag after a time and to get a bigger thrill you have to do more extreme things.  So don’t get caught up in pleasure.

a.        Pleasure can be eaten or rust away.  As we become older pleasure loses its appeal because you are just plain tired. 
b.      Pleasure can be stolen away.  Never build your happiness on them.  People who lost all they had in 1929 and 2008 learned that lesson the hard way. 
c.       William Barclay wrote, “If any man is wise, he will build his happiness on things he cannot lose, things that are independent of the choices and chances of this life.
d.      We are doom to a life of disappointment if we put our trust in pleasure and possessions.  Jesus said to not lay up treasures in heaven that cannot rust, be stolen or eaten away.     To set your heart on things will be life of fear and disappointment.

4.       Jesus says that deeds of kindness and love are the real treasures.  One writer wrote, “What the church needs to remember is what we have will lose and what we spend on others we will gain.  Did you know that character is a treasure.  How you conduct yourself is so important.  You are to be Christ like in your character and conduct.
a.        R.V. Tasker writes, “A man will always follow his treasure because that is where his heart is.  He is in love what he feels will be for his highest good.”
b.      Jesus says that we should use our material goods for the glory of God.  We should be as generous as possible and never out our trust in the things we have.  The church is suffering because of this.  There are actually who put their possessions before God and their family. 
c.       Jesus gives a blunt statement.  He says we are to put our trust in God and not in things. 

In Vs 24, says that a man cannot serve 2 masters.  You cannot serve God and yourself.  You will love one and hate the other.  You will hold tight to one and despise the other.

a.       Going after things is so time wasting and sooner or later it enslaves you.  This will also lead to you hating God and loving yourself.  Jesus is saying that there can only be one Lord in our lives.  It must not be, what I wish to do but what God wishes us to do. 
b.      Jesus is telling us that being a Christian is a full time job.  Jesu is bringing us to a point of full time service.  Love God and hate materialism. 

Jesus is teaching three important things here:

1.        All things belong to God.  Ps 24:1 says the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
He has given the world to us and for us to use wisely.
2.       People are more important than things.  Never treat a person as a thing or possession.  This can happen in the church.
3.       Wealth is always a secondary thing.  God is always first, in fact wealth should be lower on the list of priorities.

There are two questions we need to ask ourselves?

1.        How did a man gain their fortune?  Was it honest and honorable?   Was someone hurt in getting it?
2.       How do they use their possessions?  Does God have access to them?     Are they used selfishly. Are they used for the happiness of others?

What leads people to materialism is greed and coveting what others have.  This is something rooted in the heart of people and only God can truly get it out.  Jesus said you cannot serve God and money. 

1.        Jesus is not against material goods but the selfish pursuit and getting of wealth not matter what the cost.  Also thinking they will help you be secure.
2.       When God gives your things He expects you to use them for the benefit of others.
3.       We need this kind of message from time to time to keep us on the right track.  If you have been in this trap ask the Lord to set you free and He will help you get out and stay out.

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