Sunday, December 31, 2017


Thirty Five –  Access

The Lord today wants you to have complete access to Him.  He wants you to know that if you will draw near to Him that He will draw near to you.  You have this access through Jesus Christ.  It is through, His death, burial and resurrection that you have this access.  Jesus is the bridge between you and the Father.  The Lord looks at you with rose coloured glasses.  He sees you through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Stand firm in that victory today.
     The Lord loves you my child.  He loved you so much that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life,  The wonderful thing about this life is that it is eternal and abundant.  Remember the thief comes to kill, rob and destroy.  This is the motive of operation of your enemy.  He wishes for nothing but your total destruction.  But if you resist Him He will have to flee from you and you will overcome every fiery dart that he throws at you because greater is He that is in you than he that dwells in the world. 

     You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such you have all the power and glory of God inside waiting to be released.  This is your day of victory.  Do not fear for the Lord is with you.  You do not have be dismayed for He is God.  His promise is that He will strengthen you and help you.  He promises to uphold you with His righteous right hand.  Remember you weapon against you is going to prosper.  You have victory in the Lord.  He will never leave or forsake you.  So stand in the access that you have through Jesus Christ.  State you case to the Lord.  You will be heard today.

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