Saturday, May 25, 2019

To the Church and Nation of Brazil

     I have great plans for you today.  I know there has been a fight for the soul of your nation between myself and the enemies of the cross.  It feels at times they are winning but they will never win.  I have been doing great things among you.  My heart however has been broken over the divisions that have grown amongst you.  I am sorry on how you have divided on tradition, doctrine and denominations.  I say to my people repent and come together again.  I have also saw how many of my pastors are now beginning to believe their own press.  They have exalted themselves above me.  My people have also been responsible for this because they trust more in their leaders than in me.  I have also seen how my leaders have put heavy burdens on their people.  They made demands things I would never ask.  They made these in my name.  I tell them now to repent or I will bring them down even as they have exalted themselves.
     I am raising up new leaders now.  Leaders who are strong fearless and courageous.  I will be with them where ever they go.  They will be strong and do exploits.  They will go places that no one would go.  They will challenge status quo.  They will even take on the old leaders who have become corrupt and unrepentant.  The next revival is coming upon the young people of your land.  Their poverty and restlessness will be my tool to bring them to me.  To long has unemployment and laziness kept them down.  They are ready for something new.  They want change.  The socialist will try for their heart but their empty promises will fail.  The young will turn to me and receive the peace, joy, love and happiness they seek.  I am raising up an army of youth that will change the way you do church.  This is will exciting and frightening to you because you will resist it at first but in time you will accept it from me. 
     Listen to my voice.  Hear what I say to you today.  I will do a nee thing but also help you to make the transition.  You will see my glory and my power.  It is your time to be renewed and revived.  Great days are ahead if you choose to embrace them.  The old has passed and the new is coming. 

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