Sunday, August 18, 2013

Parable 139 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Parable 139 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

The crowd had been waiting for hours for the store to open.  They were there in anticipation of the arrival of the newest edition of that brand of smart phone.  Many talked about the thinness and compactness of the phone.  Others talked about the newest features it offered.  Some talked about the applications that came with the phone.  Then the doors opened and the crowd push forward and entered the store scooping up this phone and its accessories.  One young man after purchasing the phone stated, "I just don't know how I ever lived without this phone."  Funny thing that was the same thing he said a year ago when the last edition of the phone had come out.  The same phone he had used the day before but in the mind of the young man was now obsolete.  Chasing after the things of the world is like chasing after the wind with a fish net.  Foolish and impossible.

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