Sunday, August 18, 2013

Parable 137 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Parable 137 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

   The wedding ceremony went well.  The couple though from different backgrounds had pledged their love to each other and promised to love, honor and cherish each other till death do them part.  The reception was a combination of two cultures coming together as much as they could in the Christian context.  As the couple left to go to their honeymoon, the Father of the bride went out to be by himself.  He thought to himself, "how is this going to work?.  They are from such different backgrounds."  Then he remember the words of the ceremony. "Whom God has put together let no man put asunder."  He remember that it was God who had put this couple together and they had pledge to let God be the center of their home.  God would help them to not only work together but succeed in their marriage.  Then the father of the bride had peace.  God was in control.

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