Monday, December 24, 2012

Psalm 74 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 74 - Psalms of Steel

Turmoil, problems, trials and temptations,
One after another has come my way.
Is there any relief from this misery?
The enemy has defeated me on every front..

Friends I have known for many years,
Snear, smirk, mark and slander me.
They do not want to see my healing or health.
But my destruction, pain and sorrow.

Lord what have I done to bring about this misery?
What great sin or iniquity is in the way?
Do you not care that I am perishing?
This burden is to heavy to bear.

These thoughts and worrying keep me up,
They consume my every waking hour.
Where is the forgiveness I gave to others.
What has happen to all the mercy, I extended in your name.

As I worried, prayed, fasted and called,
You seem to be silent, you did not reply.
Long nights in worry, days of sorrow,
Were my constant companion.  God are you there?

Then in a moment, in a flash of time.
God's answer came.  It has wings, it sought me out.
The Lord showed His love, His mercy and grace.
I saw the salvation and healing of the Lord.

The Lord came and healed the brokenness of my heart.
He showed me how much He cared.
The time of waiting was to deepen my trust.
I would be wiser, stronger and experienced.

When we have times of testing,
We find out the depth of our commitment.
Whether you are a winner or a whiner.
If we trust and are trustworthy, then we have learned.

The Lord is looking for faithful followers.
He is searching for the powerful persuerers.
The Lord is perfecting His soaring saints.
The God of creation wants His people to know their God.

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