Thursday, December 20, 2012

Psalm 71 - Psalms of Steel By Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 71 -  Psalms of Steel

Man is a curious creature, He can sees all your creation.
And yet misses the most obvious truth.
There is a God who by a word created all.
Foolishly they say there is no God.
They deny the very witness of your existence.

They foolishly debate over whether we existed or began,
Billions of years ago or if we came from monkeys.
They arrogantly propose the lie of evolution as a fact
Instead of believing you spoke the word and it was done.
 They worship the creation instead of the creator to their own shame.

The folly of their thinking and pondering.
Is that in their hearts they know you exist,
Yet in ignorance they fail to see the obvious.
A person may deny you exist but they do at their peril.
True wisdom is in believing God exists, and He rewards those who seek Him.

The fool says in their hearts there is no God.
Open their eyes and their heart before it is too late.
Before death triumphs over them and there is no second chance.
In your love and mercy give them one more opportunity.
Show them your great and wonderful salvation.

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