Saturday, December 29, 2012

Psalm 17 - Psalms of Steel - By Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 17 - Psalms of Steel

Man`s knowledge has increased, we understand the ways of even the smallest of life.
Man has and is still searching the heavens.
He now knows how creation operates and moves.
The ways of the earth are understood and are still being discovered.

Yet for all this learning, knowledge, education and science.
Men are still fools, ignorant and distant from God.
Men who say there is no God are fools.
Those who rely on idols, philosophies and traditions are ignorant.
Those who salvation, in traditions, works and genealogy are distant from God.

There is only one way to the Lord.
It is through His salvation and his own Son that man can be saved.
Jesus is the truth, the way and the life.
Jesus is the only way.  God`s way.  His salvation.

Jesus is the truth, the only truth that matters.
He is the only life.  All who do not come through Him are dead
Even though they breath and have life.
Come to Jesus and forsake all else.  Seek Him now.

Waiting could cost you everything.  Man`s way leads to death.
Jesus and His way leads to life evermore.
Ponder these thoughts.  Think them through.  Be thorough in your thinking.
Then make your decision and remember that this decision has eternal consequences.

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