Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dealing with problems

In Heb 5:8, the writer of Hebrews talks about the last thing a person wishes to think about and that is suffering.  Peter spoke to the Hebrew Christians in his first letter about suffering.  Peter told those Christians that they shoud not think it strange that they are persecuted for their faith.  Our Lord Jesus Christ was persecuted to the point of death.  There are many reasons for suffering.  The writer of Hebrews points out that Christ learned obedience by what He suffered.  Suffering can teach us to trust God.  Suffering teaches spiritual discipline.  Paul states in Romans that tribulation works patience, endurance and faith.  One dear brother in the Lord in the country of Russia spent 14 years in prison camps.  He is so powerful for God that when he speaks the Spirit comes down in a cloud.  This man learned to trust God in the things that he suffered.  I am not saying that the church should go through a great persecution but I am saying that we can learn great lessons by what others have suffered through.  Paul says this things were written that we can learn.  Learn to walk with joy in the middle of persecution and suffering.  God will meet you in the troubled places.  Your promises are:  Isaiah 41:10, James 4:7, 1 John 4:7-8, Rev 12:11.  Your Insightful Sayings are:  The wise man is aware of the fact that you will always reap what you sow.  The fool believes that facts and rules do not apply to them.  The violent man sows violence and dies in violence.  The peaceful man sows peace and dies in a peaceful way.

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