Monday, December 24, 2012

Letter to the church!

s is only after careful consideration that I have now decided to bring an opinion on the New Town massacre in America. There have been many questions and debates about why it happened and what are the solutions. President Obama has said, "There needs to better gun control so he is leaning towards that direction. Which by the way has a hot topic in Canada. The NRA says they should have a cop with a gun in every school.
So what is the answer? Here are my thoughts. What is needed is Revival. Christians should be on their faces before God crying out for our children, young people, young adults, young families and families with teenagers. 2 Chron 7:14 is a key scripture. "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land." The responsibility for this generation and the next is in our hands. It has been said that 95% of Christians will never lead a soul to Christ. That the average Christian spends less than 3 minutes a day in prayer. It will take the average Christian 29 years to ask someone to church. This helps explains why the western church is so ineffective. Now before I say another word, this is not a diatribe on the condition or a public rebuke to the church. It is call to action. A call to the intercessors, those who have the gift and calling of prayer to return to their prayer closets and fight for our children. It is a call to the empty nesters and seniors who have the economic resources to instead of spending your money on yourself to invest your money in reaching the children and youth. Praying and standing with our youth pastors, children pastors, children workers and youth leaders. Giving them the resources and help that they need to reach the children and youth. Instead of complaining about the ills of society choosing to do something about it. It starts in prayer and then is followed by action. Pastors lead the way. You be the first person in the prayer room on Sunday morning, encourage, equip, exhort your people to fight in prayer for this next generation. Here is a truth when babies are born they all have the potential to become the next Billy Graham, D.L. Moody, Malla Moe, Deborah and Esther. No child I believe intends to become a monster who kills or exploits others. Somewhere along the way satan is able to get in there and corrupt that child. The church has the power to prevent this. But the reality is only 5% of the church gets this and the rest are either to selfish or self absorbed to see this. This little letter is a simple call to action. That those in my world would hear a clarion call that we can change our world's by first praying, then once hearing from God we obey Him and do what He says. The Lord is looking today for people of action. He is looking for Joseph's, Daniel's, Paul's, Esther's, Ruth's, Rahab's, Deborah's, Jacob's, Peter's and Barnabus'. Daniel 11:32 says, "That they who know they God shall be strong and do exploits." Further tragedies can be prevented if the church wakes up and gets busy doing the right things. There has been to much, it is all about me and not enough, it is all about others. When William Booth was asked to give a mission statement for the Salvation Army. He keep in short, succinct and simple. He said, "Others." We can turn this society around. It starts with prayer and then simple obedience. Youngi Cho was asked one time by W.A. Criswell how he ended up with the biggest church in the world. His answer was simple as well. "I pray and then I obey." So let us pray and obey. A generation both now and in the future are waiting.

Robert Dean Steel

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