Sunday, December 2, 2012

Making a Difference by Robert Dean Steel

   I love human interest stories about people who make a difference.  I believe that everyone of us have been placed here on this planet by the Lord to influence others in a positive way for God.  Recently I came across such a story in my reading and I wish to share it to inspire my readers to action.
   During the 1930`s and 40`s, a Russian immigrant came to North America to earn money and return to his family.  This man found a good job and later became a Christian in a small church in an eastern city.  It was during this time that the war in Europe engulfed his country and he could not return home to family and friends.  He chose not to despair but to touch others where he lived.  This decision is one that many in that church and city would never forget.
   The first thing he did was to start a bible class for young people.  He love for young people was well known in fact so much that he became a mentor an example to many  of the young people in his local church.  This class encouraged scripture memorization and prayer.  He taught manners and ethics to this class and they became model students and examples to their peers and parents. 
   To help the young people develop a love for music, he visited local pawn shops purchasing dozens of unclaimed, trombones, violins, guitars, trumpets and banjo`s  His plan was simple, each young person could claim an instrument but with these stipulations.  First, they had to memorize and recite certain passages of scripture.  Secondly, they had to agree to take lessons and play the instrument for two years.  Today many would consider these hard stipulations but success only comes from commitment, discipline and hard work.  Only the foolish believe they can get success without effort or cost.  
   Many of the young people of the church agreed and so this man arranged at his own expense a teacher to give lessons to the potential orchestra.  Many young people took piano lessons and became excellent musicians.  They were also learning many life lessons through this man`s example such as generosity, patience, unconditional love and true humility.
   The band was soon making a joyful noise using the instruments they were only learning to play.  The local church of course endure this attempt with kindness and gratitude because many could not afford this privilege without outside help.  Eventually the band became so good they were invited to local functions, community events and other churches to play.  It was a time of growth and development for each participant.  Their hard work and discipline bore fruit in ways they could never have imagined.  In a time of war, rations and personal sacrifice they learned true worth does not come from what we get but in what we give.   
   Eventually this mentor, role model, friend and example to the young people obtained a visa to return home to his family and friends.  It was a very sad time on that last day he was in church.  Many a young person testified about his kindness, generosity and love.  Many tears were shed that day.  His final words went like this. "I stand before you today a richer man in every sense then when I came.  Your love and kindness will stay with me as I leave for my home.  I came here an unbeliever, I leave as a genuine Christian.  The Jesus I found here I will take back to my home land and the little I have done here, more will I do when I go home.  Thank you for all you have done and mean to me.  God Bless."  He was never heard from again.  Yet the memory of his love and kindness was never forgotten by those whose lives he touched.
   My question for myself and you is, "are we touching people around us in a positive way?"  Will we be remembered fondly by those around us?  Lastly, will people be glad we were part of their lives or not?  My prayer is that we will all make a difference for good in our world's.  I trust that is your prayer as well.

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