Monday, June 8, 2020

True Power

June 8 - True Power - Rev 11:6

Vs 6 – The two witnesses have the power to do three things.  First, they have the power to shut up heaven.  That means for three years there will be no rain falling on the earth.  This will be during the time they are prophesying.  This also indicates that one of these persons is most likely Elijah based on he did a similar thing in ancient Israel during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel.  Now of course of one strong indicators that one of the two witnesses is Moses is the power to turn water into blood.  Moses did this during the time of Pharaoh.  Thirdly, this last one is terrifying.  They have the power to smite the earth with all kinds of plagues as often as they wish.  They will be instruments of judgment.  They will speak of repentance and love.  Yet they will also exact judgment on cities, nations and anyone who stands in their way.  They will be a combination of righteousness and power.  Their message will remind people that God is behind everything that is going on.  No matter how hard the world will try to ignore them and refuse their message they reality of what is happening on the earth will be clear, concise and precise.  No one will be able to claim climate change, natural occurrences or some other weird thing.  These witnesses will remind them that God and God alone is judgment the earth and its inhabitants.

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