Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Ti the Church and Nation of Hungary

To the Church and Nation of Hungary

     You have had an up and down history.  You have been blessed and also been judged.  You are blessed with great rivers and natural hot springs and water resources.  I have given you beauty and great opportunities.  You ask why has all this happened why are we at times greatly blessed and other times cursed?  It is how you have responded to me.  You were one of the first countries in Europe to come to me.  You embrace my reformation and counter-reformation.  I am pleased with this.  You also, however, gave yourself for a time to that robber religion with the false prophet and that is why I took my blessing away from you.  You for a while proclaimed yourself as Athiest and I judged you for that.  I will now reveal to you your future.  You will become a nation and seat for evil in the last days.  You will embrace and follow the anti-christ because he will promise to bring you to your former glory.  You will be judged and dealt with because of this.  Yet also out of you will come to a great revival of those who will refuse his claims, promises, and hope.  They will see him as he is.
     To my people I have three things for you to do.  First, get rid of all forms of traditions, icons, idols, and forms.  You are currently lukewarm and need to become hot.  Secondly, I am calling you to revival.  I will pour my spirit on the hungry, thirsty and desperate.  Those that seek me will find me.  Those who knock the door will open unto you.  Thirdly, prepare for the final days.  I am coming soon, in fact, my coming is closer than you think.  So prepare, go into your world and bring my gospel.  My exhortation to all people has come and I will heal you.  Come and be revived.  Come and be restored, forgiven and be given new and abundant life.  This is your opportunity.  Take it and see my salvation and works.

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