Saturday, June 13, 2020

Second Woe

June 13 - Second Woe - Rev 11:13-14

Vs 13-14 – In the same hour there was a great earthquake and a tenth of the city fell.  Now it has been said that there is an earthquake fault running under the Mount of Olives.  The city of Jerusalem sits on the Syrian African rift fault line.  The last earthquake was 1927 where 130 were killed and 500 injured.  In 33 AD. 10000, people were killed.  Scientists say the city is overdue.  Well it will happen right after the ascension of the two witnesses.  A tenth of the city will be flattened and 7000 people will be killed. 
     Now the amazing thing is that the remaining people because of what they have seen and experience will be afraid and for the first time will give glory to God.  They will see that it is a God thing that cannot be denied, explained away or ignored.  Can you see CNN, Fox News and media outlets all over the world saying this is supernatural thing.  They will acknowledge there is a God and He has done this.  This will be a direct confrontation to the power, dominion and authority of the beast. 
     Now this is end of the second woe.  The third is about to happen.  John and the Lord state that it will come quickly.  God judgment when it comes is swift, direct ad final.  There has been some but there is still more to come.  Woe is all who fall under and into the hands of an angry God.

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