Friday, June 12, 2020


Vs 11-12 – Now the next part is amazing. After three and a half days being dead, the spirit of life returns to them. Life only comes from God. When man was created God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Life is in the hands of God alone. We may take our lives but when God wishes to raise someone up it will happen.
They stand to their feet and great fear fell upon all who saw this. For three days the world has been celebrating their death and then in front of the whole world in real time they stand up full of life. What is this, how can this be, who did this they asked themselves? This just proves that God alone is the resurrection and the giver of life.
Then a great voice from heaven tells them to come up hither. They then ascend into heaven in a great crowd and their enemies see this. What an amazing event. Now Jesus did the same thing. They are only following in the path of the one who this book is about. This voice who called them up is the same voice that three times testified in the life of Jesus that He was the beloved of the Father in whom he was well pleased. Can you feel the fear, tension, terror of the moment? Those who had terrorized the world and had been dead were alive, resurrected, and ascended.

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