Monday, June 8, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Iraq

To the Church and Nation of Iraq

    You are the cradle of all mankind.  You have been on my mind since the beginning.  You have been my glory and where all mankind lost its innocent.  I brought Abraham out of you because he could not stay there because of what you had become.  You are Babylon and all that has been good and bad about mankind.  In you, mankind made his claim to heaven and there I threw him down.  I sent you to be a judgment on my people for their sin but you exceeded your mandate.  In recent times I had to destroy you because of the pain you inflicted on yourself and others.  It was on your plains and temples that you lifted up yourself only to be thrown down.  Your kinds were given Daniel and the three Hebrew boys.  You have good and bad within you.
     In the last days, you will rise against me and be thrown down.  You will be destroyed and humiliated.  Yet out of you will also come to a last day revival.  Even now there are those within you that is being stirred for me.  They will be like Daniel of old.  They will know their God, be strong and so exploits for me.  I will use them to touch the middle east.  They will be able to reach groups of people because of where they come from and who they are.  This is will be an underground movement.  It will not be stopped because of the resourcefulness, creativity, and wisdom these believers will have.  They will through prayer, fasting and the word put the enemy to flight.  No plan, attack or plot will be able to succeed against my warriors.  I call them warriors because they will through the armor, weapons, and power will defeat all who come against them.  This will be their fame among the church in that land.  So rise my people and take your land.  Those who plot against you will be confounded and confused.

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