Thursday, June 18, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Japan

To the Church and Nation of Japan

     You are called the land of the rising sun.  Yet you are truly a dark place.  You have for centuries been in bondage to idols, demons, ancestral spirits, and false religion.  You call yourself enlightened but you are really in darkness.  You are bound by the ancient ways and you are perverted and cruel.  You have been shown grace over and over which you do not deserve.  You have caused throughout your region millions of deaths and were driven by ambition and greed.  Even now you are still trying to conqueror the world through media and technology.  You have exported to the world darkness, sorcery, and the occult.  In your culture fear, demons and sorcery are prevalent.  I have seen your heart and it is wicked.  You persecuted and tried to destroy my church and almost succeeded.  Yet you are not without some good.  In recent times you had a revival and it struck at the heart of your nation.  I sent my word and for a while, it healed you.
     To my people I have seen how hard it has been for you.  You have in recent days had a little harvest but the best is yet to come.  I know that the work has been slow but as we enter into the final phrase and my coming draws close I will pour out my spirit on your land.  There are people right now being prepared for the harvest.  There are men and women being set apart for holy purposes.  They will be like the apostles.  They will preach Christ crucified.  Your land in this last day harvest will become the land of the Rising Son.  His name will be Jesus and he will come with healing in his wings.  His healing will heal the darkness of the land and bring hope, peace, love, and joy.    Your part is to fast, pray, seek my face and be strong.  I am building a people of power and praise among you right now.  At the right time they will rise and it will be wonderful to see what I will do through them.

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