Sunday, January 8, 2012

What is Cool about Sunday

I love Sunday's always have and always will.  Before I came to know Christ it was a day to sleep in and chill after I came to know Christ it is a day to set aside for worship and fellowship.  I love church and everything about it.  I love the worship, the friendships I have made, the word and its presentation.  I even don't mind it when I am preaching.  Even though my son Ryan has told me that from time to time I have grown stale in his ears.  Sunday is not for ourselves, it has never been.  It has always been a time set aside for God.  When Jesus rose from the dead, Sunday became for the church a day to celebrate His resurrection.  I think it is sad to see so many Christians mishandle this day.  They go to church if they feel like it but if something is more fun or important the House of the Lord becomes second.  I feel sad to think that one day everyone of us will have to stand before the Lord and give an account of how we viewed this day.  God has only required one day to be set aside for the purpose of worshipping Him in a corporate sense and we ignore it or only do it when something more important has not come up.  It is time to get our priorities straight and return to His house.  I can measure a person's commitment to Christ by their attendance to church.  Harsh you say.  No three decades of being a Christian and pastoring have shown me this.  Those who stay committed to church are the one's I see their relationship with God is strong.  Those who don't go to church on a regular basis are not. Common sense tells you this.  But then these days a lot of people do not have common sense or I and other pastors would see them in church.

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