Monday, January 16, 2012

A new week a new start.

Monday has always an interesting concept to it.  For some it is the start of a new week to others it is the start to another time of drudgery.  I like Mondays for the most part.  I am not like the old song with states, "Rainy days and Mondays always gets me down."  Mondays are my second day of proclamation.  I have finished proclaming the gospel in the church setting and now I have to mental gear shift nd begin to proclaim the gospel in the marketplace on my daily radio show.  I have to trade in my pastor hat and put on the hat of radio personality.  Both vocations are a privilege but have different emphasis.  As a pastor I spend 20-30 minutes explaining the text and truth of a scripture.  When I don the hat of radio personality I have to do it in less than three minutes.  I have to say as much but in less time.  The beautiful thing is that God's word can penetrate a heart whether in the form of a sermon or sermonette.  God's word is true and practical in every situation.  Also the Holy Spirit can use it in whatever way it is presented.  So today let God's word penetrate your heart and you make the necessary changes to live life to the fullest.

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