Monday, January 2, 2012

Focus, Focus, Focus.

Focus is a easy word to say but a much harder word to do.  I have been described by some as a driven person. I try to do as much as I can in the minimum amount of time.  This of course comes my world view which is, that Jesus is coming back soon so I want to reach and impact as many people as I can while I can.  Another fact that I know about myself is that for many years I focused on many of the wrong things.  I spent far to much time on things that were time wasting.  I played video games, watch to much television, sat around doing little saying I needed this down time because of my busy schedule.  Truth be told, I just wasted to much time.  One day the Lord spoke to me and said He was pleased with how much time I dedicated to Him, my family and ministry but I was wasting to much of my life on the wrong things.  I then asked Him the dangerous question.  Where Lord am I wasting my time?  He showed me and I have tried to correct that.  I try to live a focused life now with the proper priorities.  Am I successful, not always but I am trying.  I could spend some time listing them but I did that already in another blog.  So my exhortation for you is to try and get focused in your life this year and touch as many as you can in your world.

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