Wednesday, May 20, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Georgia

To the Church and Nation of Georgia

   You are an ancient land and be the crossroads of many empires passing through you.  I was with you when Jephthah settled in you.  You were one of the first nations to develop after the flood.  You were aware of my judgment but later fell into darkness.  For that I allow you to be conquered by different empires.  You have always been important in my sight.  That is why I sent my apostle to you and you turned to me.  At first, my people were zealous and evangelistic but over time you relied on tradition and ceremony to become part of you.  I know that you have built me many great buildings but I do not dwell in the building but in the hearts of men.  I know in recent days a remnant has sprung up.  You are stirring society because you want the real and not the form.  You want to know me and not just about me.  I am pleased with this.
   To my remnant, I have four promises for you.  First, I will use you as a launching point to reach two continents.  You will reach Europe and Asia.  Next, I will use you as my mighty prayer force.  You will be given names, families and whole groups of people to pray for and they will come to me because of you.  You will be the intercessory prayer center of your region.  I have placed in you a mighty prayer desire.  Thirdly, I will make you strong in my spirit and might.  You will walk in faith, love compassion and mercy.  This will affect your countrymen and will make you a lighting your land.  Lastly, I will give you household salvation.  You are going to see may of your love ones come to know me.  So today be strong, courageous and fearless.  I will give you your world if you believe and receive it.

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