Thursday, May 14, 2020

The swarm

May 14 – The Swarm – Rev 9:3

Vs 3 -  When the Abyss was open immediate creatures that look like locusts came out.  They came down upon the earth.  They like locusts came t consume and destroy everything in their path.  Like locusts they are numerous.  So numerous that they overwhelm anything and everything in their path.  The largest swarm of locust.  In 1875, the largest locust swarm in history was recorded over the Midwest — 198,000 square miles. (For a size reference, California covers 163,696 square miles.) The 1875 swarm was estimated to contain several trillion locusts and probably weighed several million tons.  A giant version of locust is the   What is a Giant Weta, it's a gigantic cricket-like insect that's also the largest insect in the world. It's as heavy as three mice and even bigger than some birds. The wingspan of this insect is only 7 inches. 
     The creatures are given the power of scorpions on earth.  They will sting and paralyze their victim with poison.  The majority of scorpion stings only cause localized symptoms, such as warmth and pain at the site of the sting. Symptoms can be extremely intense, even if swelling or redness.  They have one agenda and that is to rob and inflict as much pain on their victims as they can.    I love the fact that God has His protection over you today.  Angels watching over us today.

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