Saturday, May 16, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Gambia

To the Church and Nation of Gambia

     To the nation of Gambia, I have a strong rebuke for you.  You have been involved in three sins against me and mankind.  The first is that for centuries you were a gateway to the terrible practice of slavery.  I never sanctioned it or condoned it.  This is cruelty at the basic level.  To take away the freedom of someone I have created is the most indecent and horrific thing you can do.  Through your ports, millions were taken from their homes and put into slavery.   Next, you have oppressed your women and young ladies with the mutilation of the worst kind.  You performed senseless and needless harm to your female population.  The third thing I have against you is that you have as a nation embrace that desert robber religion that claims itself to be a religion of peace but robs people of the truth and gives them a lie.  You are a nation with little to offer in hope or peace.
    To my church, I know that you are small in number but I have not forgotten you.  I know that you have been persecuted and slandered.  I, however, look at you with great love and respect.  You have endured untold hardship.  Everywhere you go you are spurned and hated but I love you.  One day you will stand before me as one of my diamonds.  You will have jewels in your crown.   You have been strong and active.  You have prayed for those who have persecuted you and I am pleased with that.  I have three things I wish for you to remember.  First, you will have a crown of righteousness for those who look forward to my appearance.  Secondly, I will continue to give you signs, wonders, and miracles.  This will counteract the lies promoted by the false religions of your country.  Thirdly, I will give you a strong love for all those in your country.  You will love them in a supernatural way and you will win many by your love.  No one can dispute and fight against true love.  That is what you will have and this will show all that you are my disciples.

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