Tuesday, May 12, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Finland

To the Church and Nation of Finland

    You have both a dark and light history.  At one time you embraced the old deities and gods but then as the light of my word penetrated your heart you turn to me.  I am pleased with how you embraced my reformation and chose to follow me.  I am about to bring another reformation in your midst.  You have seen spiritual stagnation but that is about to change.  I am going to pour out my Spirit upon you and the light of revival is going to spread across your land.  Some have wondered when is God going to do something.  I am going to do it and I will get the glory.  Be excited, rejoice and be glad.  The greatest area of growth will actually household salvation.  Remember Acts 16:31, says that not only shall you be saved but your household as well.  This will be exciting for you as I do this for your loved ones.
     I will allow upheaval in your social and political situation to drive many back to myself.  This was the way I brought you to me in times pasta and I will do it again.  You can have a hard heart but my promise is that I will make it soft again through healing and compassion.  To truly be set free you must be willing to forgive.  I know that your neighbors have been harsh and cruel but when you forgive them you are being free.  Forgiveness is ket for any move of God.  There are three things I want to remind you of today.  First, draw close to me and I will draw close to you.  I want to have a close friendship with you.  I want to call you free.  Secondly, teach and preach the word of God.  There is a movement away from my word.  You need to keep it as the center of your life and work.  It is your rock of hope.  Lastly, do not lose hope.  I am going to bring about change and it will happen quickly.  Be watching and waiting because I am coming soon.

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