Thursday, May 14, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Gabon

To the Church and Nation of Gabon

     For most of your history, you had three things going on which I saw.  First, you followed the deities and ancient demons of the land.  You secondly, enslaved your fellow countrymen.  You divided up into families, tribes, and languages.  You fought among yourselves doing unspeakable things to each other.  Thirdly, your injustice and acts of cruelty to children rose up to heaven.  I have seen these and judged you accordingly.  I warn you now that all things are about to change.  You have relied on resources and things that will run out and this will bring you down in every level of life.  Those who have, are not helping those who have not, and so this will also bring my justice and judgment.
     To my church, I have seen your prayers and cries to me.  Your heart has been breaking over the many who at one time followed me and then fell into darkness.  You also are deeply concerned with those who combine the old ways into their faith.  A day of division is coming.  There will be a two-wave movement happen.  There will those who will come to me with their whole heart and there will be those who will embrace a form of godliness and deny the power thereof.  To those who follow me I promise four things.  First, you will see signs, wonders, and miracles.  Next, you will see your young people come to me in great numbers.  Thirdly, I will create a people of courage, power, anointing, and love.  Lastly, I will bring my missionaries and evangelists to you and you will see a great harvest.  So keep encouraged and close to me. 

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