Monday, December 7, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Thailand

 To the Church and Nation of Thailand


    You have been called the nation of free people.  You say that the elephant is your national symbol.  You claim to be free but you are in bondage.  There is much sadness and hurt in your nation.  You are a nation of idols, demonic powers, a haven to eastern religions and perversion.  I see what occurs in your temples and your streets.  You have reaped the consequences of your choices by different natural disasters, civil war, dictatorship, censorship and loss of personal freedom.  You have drugs, crime, violence, and perversion happening in your cities and communities.  Your social fabric will tear if you keep going the way you are.  Yet there is an opportunity to repent before I come again to judge all nations and mankind.

     To my church, you have been working hard.  Your efforts of prayer, fasting, and intercession will reap results.  I am sending you help from the nations around you.  Your compassion for the hurt, the disenfranchised, the widow and orphan will touch many in the nation.  You will gain favor as you go into the streets and minister to the hurting.  You are to be my hand of love, acceptance and forgiveness in your land.  It is through acts of love that you will break the stronghold eastern religion has on this nation.  I will also give you an end-time revival.  There are many hurting in your nation.  This move will be great among young people.  Young women will come because of the many sorrows they have suffered.  In gratitude, they will become my greatest asset.  In their appreciation for the freedom, they have been given they, in turn, will go and offer this freedom to others.   I am raising up new and exciting people who will be strong, know their God and do exploits.  They will overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. 

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