Wednesday, December 2, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Switzerland

 To the Church and Nation of Switzerland


    You have been called the heart of the continent.  You have nations within your nation.  You have been a nation of stability and abundance since I came to you.  You kept your neutrality in the midst of war all around you.  You have been generous and helpful to all people.  You especially protected and help my people during one of the darkest periods of history.  It is because of that generosity that you are where you are today.  Now you stand on the edge of light and darkness.  Sorrow or joy.  You have all around you dark forces who want your alliance and help.  They know you cannot be easily swayed but they also are appealing to your economic, political and social conscience.  The question you face now is will you give in to the pressure and convincing statements they bring or chose as you have in the past remain neutral?  The truth is they will not allow you to be neutral.  The unholy trinity of the beast, dragon and false prophet will want total submission and domination.   You have a difficult choice to make.

     To my church, I have a warning and a promise.  The promise is to turn from your apathy, compromise, lethargy, and lukewarmness to me.  You are rich increased with goods lacking nothing but in reality you poor, blind, lame, pitiful and naked.  You have forgotten your first love and soon if you do not repent I will remove your influence and even your candlestick.  Repent and return this is my warning.  The promise is that there will be another reformation.  There are people who will come to you shortly that will renew and revive you.  They will encourage, strengthen and exhort you.  They will be strong in me and will have my fire within them.  They have had you on their heart for a long time and now are preparing to come.  Also within your ranks are those who desire for dramatic change and they are seeking me, praying, turning from their wicked ways.  They are concerned for their families, churches, canons, and country.  They will seize this moment of decision.  You must do the same.  The time of neutrality is over.  A spiritual war is coming.  They will be many who will fall but many others will rise.  Will you be one?  This is your decision.

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