Friday, February 17, 2012

We can learn from the animals.

In my devotions this morning I was reading about Balaam and his donkey.  What an amazing story.  You have this so called man of God asked by the enemies of God to curse the nation of Israel.  He at first refuses but the money is too much a lure for him.  His real heart is revealed and in the end he blesses Israel four times.  Through Balaam we learn the following lessons.  First, never allow your talents to be exploited for money.  Whitney Houston will be buried tomorrow in her home church in New Jersey.  She was a rare talent in the music world, a perfect voice.  Yet the lure of popularity, fame, fortune and glory destroyed her gift and talent.  Secondly, never chase after the riches and things of this world because your will lose like Balaam.  This world has nothing to offer accept eventual pain.  I have conducted to many funerals where after the loved oned was buried the family fought over the inheritance.  Leading to greater pain and sorrow.  Thirdly, Balaam counsel the Moabites to corrupt Israel through mixing the two people.  Mixing with the world is trouble with a capital T.  The world is total corruption, it destroys everything it touches.  The Bible says we are to come out from among them and be seprate.  We are to live in this world and not be of it.  Let us learn these and others lessons from the live of the people of the Bible.  These examples can save us a lot of heart ache and trouble.  With a capital T. 

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