Friday, February 13, 2015

Season of dreams

 I am in a season where God is speaking to me through dreams.  I have not had any visions but it is still an exciting time.  In my dream last night the Lord showed me the coming revival.  The main component of this revival will be the return of the young people to the church.  The current exodus from the church will turn back to a flood into the church.  Now some Christian leaders are been talking about the coming return of the young people to the church will make the Jesus revolution look like a small gospel blip.  We who came to the Lord during the Jesus people revolution knew what kind of impact it had on our church.  In my home town of Claresholm it changed the whole complexion of our local church.  This coming revival among the young people is going to change the church forever.  We will have to make room for the new leadership.  Us who have been doing things a certain way will be challenged by the new creative and innovative approach these young people will be bring.  They will bring with them new views and ways of expanding the churches influence.  They will lead us into the 21st century like we have never seen.  Their approaches to evangelism and gospel outreaches will change our thinking.  Many churches leaders at first will resist because their ideas and view will be so radical, but in time we will see their logic and approaches.  Those who embrace these young people will see incredible things.  You think the worship music changed during the Jesus revolution.  What is coming is going to be nothing but awesome.  These young people will have new and wonderful ways to lead people in worship and will write and perform music that will lead people in worship like they have never experienced before.  These new generals and soldiers for Christ will have a relationship with God that will amaze and humble many of us.  They will be an all or nothing generation.  They have grown up with everything and have seen just about everything.  The will renounce the world, the flesh and the devil and will give all to Jesus Christ.  I warn the church leaders now.  They will challenge you.  If you are not wise you will interpret what they are doing as rebellious when it is not.  You will try to channel their zeal for your own means and it will back fire.  These new zealots for Christ will need firm and loving leadership or they will turn from the faith or become radical isolationists.  We have before a wonderful opportunity.  God is going to bring to us the generation talked about in Joel 2:28.  Soon exciting and challenging times will be upon us.  Let us pray for wisdom, insight, understanding and guidance.    

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