Friday, February 13, 2015

Don`t be Anxious

Paul reminds us in Phil 4:6-7, that we do not have to be anxious for anything or about anything.  Then He gives the key for overcoming the anxious moments in our lives.  We are to pray about all the things we are facing.  There is a little song that says, “Talk to Jesus about everything.”  We are to with prayer, supplication and thanksgiving bring everything to the Lord.  Most of the time we think that either the need is to small or that God will not answer it at all.  The promise is that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.  Not some of our needs, but all our needs.  It is time that you bring everything to the Lord.  He does not want you to have to carry or be anxious about anything.  Paul also reminds us in these verses that when you bring all your requests to God that His peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  That is the promise.  So it is time you stand up in the Lord’s promises.  Refuse to stay where you are.  Be like David when He faced Goliath.  He knew His enemy was bigger and stronger that he was but He had the promise of God.  To David, Goliath was an enemy standing in the way of a promise.  He knew in God he could defeat the giant and win the victory.  Do you know that today?  The Lord reminded Zerubabel that any mountain in way could become a plain when he applied not might or power to it but relied on the Spirit of the Lord.  Rely on the Spirit of the Lord today to give you the victory.  You are not a victim but a victor.  You will not be overcome but will be an overcomer.  You will not be conquered but will be a conqueror.  It is time for the church to act like the church.  It is time for us to walk in the victory of Jesus Christ.  Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and now it is time to defeat the devil and our own personal devils.  So rise in the strength of the Lord your God and be victorious for His praise and glory.  

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