Friday, February 13, 2015

Keep your eyes on the cross

The Lord tells his people to keep their eyes on the cross. It was the cross that gave them the victory. To take your eyes off the cross means that you will put it on something else. Usually it has something to do with man or man-made ideas or thoughts.   That is why I tell you to keep your eyes on the cross.   It was on the cross that your healing was secured.   It was on the cross that Jesus allowed His body to be broken His blood to be shed and allowed His life to expire. It was on the cross that Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him in paradise.   It was on the cross that Jesus said it is finished.   Nothing needs to be added or subtracted.   Everything has been secured on the cross.   On the cross Jesus allowed His blood to be shed.   Remember its through the blood of Jesus Christ that all forgiveness comes.   It is through the blood of Jesus Christ that we have access to the throne of God.   When we come to God's throne we will have grace, mercy and help in our time of need.   On the cross Jesus made His declaration into your hands father do I commend my spirit.   Today we can commend our lives to the Father and we can call Him father.   He is our Father which is in heaven His name is to be hallowed.   His kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy are ours.   The Lord gives us righteousness which is right standing with God and with each other.   He gives us joy which is deep-seated contentment knowing that God has all things under control.   We have that peace that passes all understanding , it will fill our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.   So today keep your eyes on the cross realize what God has done and never stray from it. As the old song says would you be free from your passion and pride there's power in the blood.   The devil hates the blood of Jesus and he hates any message about the blood.   Because the blood defeated him and destroyed his power.   Death.  Hell and the grave are defeated and Jesus Christ is Lord so keep your eyes on the cross and the victory that it brought.   Amen  

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