Friday, February 13, 2015

Calling all intercessors

Recently I had a conversation with a lady in our church.  She was feeling an overwhelming sense of foreboding and unsettling in her heart.  All she felt like doing whenever she came to her place of prayer was cry.  She did not know why she wanted to cry all the time.  It was then I explained about the season our church and the church in general is in right now.  God is calling His true intercessor to pray.  We have been losing battles left and right.  We have also seen many soldiers get wounded in the fight.  Intercessors are being wounded and broken over and over again.  It has even got to the point where many do not even want to pray any more.  The battle has not been as intense like this for decades.  There are two reasons.  First, evil recognizes that their time is short and they are moving to secure their position and secondly the Lord is moving His people into position for the last harvest.  This harvest will be primarily among the young because the older a person gets the less likely they are going to respond to the Lord because of life experience and the hardness of their heart.  This is not judging it is just the truth of the matter.

God is calling all His intercessors and prayer warriors into a deeper walk than ever before.  The stakes have never been higher.  Evil is confident and cocky right now because they have won some major battles and have swayed public perception.  That which is evil has become good and that which is good has become evil in the minds of the public.  Abortion, Homosexuality, suicide are now accepted norms.  Those who promote them are relentless in their attack on the church.  Everywhere church leaders are being pressured to compromise on essential biblical truths and they are.  Never has been the need for prayer and revival been greater.  That is why God is moving those who have the gift of prayer to pray.  We can still win the battle but we must seek God like we have never sought His face.  Some would say, why does not God just move and turn this world upside right.  That would mean a total destruction of this world as in the days of Noah and that is coming but before that happens He is giving us one more opportunity to push through His final awakening throughout the world.  That is why we must respond.  Millions of souls are hanging in the balance.  If we do not respond millions will be lost and we shall held responsible.  So let us not back off but press in and pray like there is no tomorrow because in reality there is not.  Answer that moaning and crying with your spirit.  As I told her, cry out to God until the peace comes.  We have been given power to change our world.  Whatever we bind on earth is bond in heaven and whatever we loose on the earth is loosed in heaven.  Press in someone eternity is hanging in the balance.  Feel the pressure, good.

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