Friday, February 13, 2015

Prophecy fulfilled

These are very exciting times to live in right before our eyes biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. We of course are seeing a great falling away.   It has been reported that 7 out of every 10 young people raised in the church will leave the church for a period of time.   Also as well more and more mature believers are either opting out of church and staying home or have left the faith.   This of course was prophesied in the Bible.   But the marvelous thing is that's also within the pages of the Bible is the promise of God pouring out His spirit upon all flesh.   The coming revival and moving of God is mainly going to be up on the young people.   They are going to be the new generals, majors, captains, lieutenants, and front line army people to be used for the glory of God.   They will be fearless.   They have had a taste of the world and see that it is hollow, meaningless and unfulfilling.   They have had all the technology, all the frills, and have seen the folly of this world.   This new generation of young leaders will be creative why and discerning.   They will be seeking God about strategy about His plans, and his anointing. They will not be distracted by the voices of the world because they have heard these voices before.   They followed their path. their ideas and to their misfortune they were hurt, broken and rendered useless.   But God in His grace, mercy and love reached out to them and pull them out of the pit, He set them on the right path and now they know what it's like to be in the world and what the world can do and they have refused its lured anymore.  The Lord is giving them a brand new mandate, power an anointing, they will go where others have not gone before.   They will attempt the impossible and will do the impossible.   God is going to give them the signs and wonders and miracles and they will see the glory of God.   Pray for them for they are being raised up right now.   Seek God's face on their behalf for this next generation need your prayer support now.

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